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Fallen Vanguard Recruitment Thread 3.0 - [Recruiting] [Casual] [Discord]


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IGN: Memau

Mastery Rank: 7
About me: I am quite new to Warframe, this is my first month. I don't have a huge amount of free time but I'd like to find a group of people to play with when I can.
What can I bring to the clan?: I'm hoping to get involved and help where I can and as I get a bit more experience in game

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IGN: jjs105

Rank: 5

About Me: Applying as this guild has accepted online friends I play with. Fairly new to shooter games, have a history in MMOs and RPGs. Playing Warframe fairly casually as I work full time. I don't mind grinding!

What I Bring: I'm fairly introverted and like soloing/small groups however I've done the large guild thing in other games and happy to get involved/help out if and when I can.

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IGN: FirstofEden

MR: 14

About me: Started playing about the time the game went open beta with breaks here and there. I don't rush things and I don't worry about endgame, I'm just here to play.

What can I offer: I'm an average player who doesn't mind helping out when others need a hand learning the game.

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IGN - Slowfuse
Mastery Rank: 7
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time/PST
About me: New(ish) to the game and looking for a good group to hunt through progression with. 
What can I bring to the clan?: I'm good at the whole teamwork thing and ready to do whatever is needed. 

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IGN: Strayarcticfox
Mastery Rank: 10
Timezone: EST
About me: A returning player, I prefer to play more utility classes in games so slowly collecting frames to fill this role.
What can I bring to the clan?: Someone who will join events and help others if needed, looking to run events and other farming runs / just having relaxed gaming session with others for fun. 

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Mastery Rank: 14
Timezone: GMT+1
About me: Returning to the game after a couple of years off, looking to catch up with missed content.
What can I bring to the clan?: Decent amount of experience with the game. Hoping to meet some people and group up for the new high level content.

IGN: relic_6

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IGN / Mastery Rank:Saber_Mist /14
Timezone: GMT +8
About me: I've been on and off Warframe for awhile now, and I'd just like somewhere that isn't people being rude to each other, or a toxic atmosphere. Also helps to have the shared interests of course. I am a big anime fan and I am hoping to have people to speak about it with! I also enjoy discord chats.
What can I bring to the clan? Ahh...im pretty fun I guess. I have been alone for quite long but I hope to contribute and be active in the clan as much as I can. Whenever there is raid or event, ill be there!



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IGN / Mastery Rank: Morgrit / 8
Timezone: GMT +1
About me: I'm always here to help and answer questions (that I can answer), I can play everyday and I'm kinda new so I'm trying to improve myself
What can I bring to the clan? I can help for missions, I love farming so I can help if someone is needed and I'd love to contribute to a clan and play with others people!

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Mastery Rank: 4
Timezone: Eastern (EST)
About me: I'm an IT professional that has a love of games, science fiction and anime. Been playing Warframe for just under a month. Why didn't I start this game sooner?
What can I bring to the clan?: I'm a social gamer, but I also enjoy a mix of solo and group play. I enjoy contributing to the success of teams and projects.

Edited by Toanstation
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IGN : Siixon

Mastery Rank : 8

About me : I'm 18, I played few months on Warframe (3 or 4), I have some knowledges about Warframe but still a beginer

What I can bring to the clan : Well I love to play with people, to help people when I can, I like to share things with people like missions, farming warframes, weapons, mods etc.

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IGN: pupii9

Mastery Rank: 9
About me: Psychology student, from Puerto Rico, chill, down to earth person who likes to have fun. Not much to say. I was in a clan before but due to Huricane Maria inactivity, they kicked me out. 
What can I bring to the clan?: Deep question man, dont know, im just here to have fun but if theres anything I can help, il sure be there. 

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IGN: Robdozer
Mastery Rank: 4 (will be 5 tomorrow)
Timezone: EST
About me: I'm 27 and a grad student in engineering. I am enjoying learning warframe so far and looking to learn more and get deep into it with a clan.
What can I bring to the clan?: I really enjoy playing in groups and chilling with people in discord. I am happy to jump in on missions with people and I enjoy playing support roles.

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IGN : zenabiz

Mastery Rank : 8

About me : physiotherapist and total geek. gaming since the spectrum and I suck at self descriptions. 

What I can bring to the clan : nekros prime despoil build, and a lot of energy for helping when people need. 

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IGN/Mastery Rank:  Mightmoo / 14

Timezone: England / GMT

About me: Took a break for over a year, returning and still getting to grips with things but mostly sorted now-ish :D Generally keep my head down and get to business, happy to group up if needed/ available.

What can I bring to the clan? ummm.... relics from when I used to play, maybe?! A colleague for mindless/ endless grinds

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Mastery Rank: 8

Time Zone: Central Standard Time

About Me: I'm still in college. I'm fond of anime, and I play Warframe in fits and spurts. Sometimes I just to the daily stuff, and others I spend hours on the game.

What can I bring to the clan: I'm not really looking to any major involvement, just some people to talk to, and maybe get game advice from. I've been playing solo for a while now, and feel like I'm getting to the end of what I can figure out by myself.

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IGN: Rahlgrim

Mastery Rank: 5

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time/EST

About me: I am coming into Warframe as one of the many Destiny 2 exiles these days, and I am hooked. I am a working man who is also a night owl, trying to squeeze in some murder and mayhem whenever I can. When I started this game, I perused the forums for Clans... when I saw how well put together this recruitment thread was.. I bookmarked it and hauled ! to rank 5. I like your style here.

What can I bring to the clan?: I have years of group play experience in both MMOs and tactical games. Destiny 1 and 2, WoW, Final Fantasy 11 and 14, to name a few. Ive been a leader and a follower in these groups and understand both sides. I am always trying to make a run/raid more fun while also staying on point. I like to make my group bust a gut laughing while hopefully staying on our game. While I can't promise to be the most hardcore player these days, I am down to ride with you guys.

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