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Operators... Focus 2.0... screw you, both


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1 hour ago, LykanBlood said:

enjoy never being able to kill a eidolon and being dubbed a leach when attempting to find a party to kill it for you, or dont you remember you HAVE to use your operator to beable to take down an eidolon


I can live with that. Makes up for hundred of leeches I had along and never minded. Blood regenerates.

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20 minutes ago, Toran said:

I can live with that. Makes up for hundred of leeches I had along and never minded. Blood regenerates.

So it means we must put up with it because you did?

Toran, you are amusing. Such a precious child.

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29 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

So it means we must put up with it because you did?

Toran, you are amusing. Such a precious child.

You're confusing child with childish.

So, what did we learn today? Not much, as usual. Some love Operators, some hate em, some don't care.

Actually, there might be a solution for all:
Different focus schools that reflect your affection for your Operator. A school for the lovers, emphasizing the Operator's powers. A school for the haters, where the Operator's focusing on his Warframe, channeling his power directly through the Warframe - not as strong as in Operator form, in return without the hated mechanics. The indifferent pick what they like or nothing at all.

But most likely we won't see anything like that. Someone is having a vision and doesn't consult his doc about it.

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