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Not That I'm Against Multiplayer... (Solo Friendlier Levels)


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I've simply had some bad experiences with it. I'm saying that there are a lot of players who are great at Solo play. But the thing is, On the tougher planets, like Neptune, They get slaughtered too easily. I know, I know. That's what squads are for. But, have you ever wondered why the Soloists go solo? In my case, I've been flying solo since Minecraft was ver. 1.2.5, which has been a good while. You can thank the many greifers for that. Trolls, Scammers, Spammers, They

always ruin the fun. Reporting them is one way of getting rid of them, but they never leave you alone. The only truly effective way is go solo. That's why Soloists, like myself, Are just that, Soloists. But, courtesy of low resource drop-rates and impossibilty of completing vs. Raptor or Hyena mission alone, they are forced to expose themselves to those they despise, Thus, should they meet, ruining their fun. Everyone's been down this road every so often. This will give the soloists a chance on the harder worlds, and give the security they get in Solo mode.

Edited by AdeptJR
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You don't need to solo to avoid the undesirable individuals you mention; this is what private and invite only modes are for.


Hyena and Raptor are both easily defeated solo with rank appropriate frames and gear that even casual players should have by the time they reach these bosses. Same goes for almost any other boss.


Defense and some of the new rescue missions can be a pain solo, but again, inviting a buddy can solve this.

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Some people aren't too keen on clans. I'm not in a clan, might not ever be.


Doesn't mean I solo everything all the time.

And you are totally content with never being able to get 25% of the weapons in the game?

A good clan is a Family type unit, it means you never have to go far for help if you need it.  I know playstyles differ and all, im just not understanding why somebody wouldnt want to be in a clan.

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impossibilty of completing vs. Raptor or Hyena mission alone

And after that you claim that you're soloist? Oh my.


Also, OP, I'm always wonder, how people like you, with your phobia of being griefed/trolled/spammed/scammed, are using internet at all?

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Soloists usually have a hard time, and this thread is a perfect example.  Right away you have someone who simply "can't understand" why someone wouldn't want to be a part of an artificially constructed social group simply for the goal of getting better weapons in a videogame.


A second later, another person chimes in telling the OP that his preference is now a "phobia", an irrational fear bordering on mental illness instead of a personal choice.


Before another person jumps in and implies there's something wrong with you for wanting to play a game on your own time, let me put this out there:


Socialization is like sex. It can be very pleasant and an enjoyable way to spend one's time, with people you like.  Forced socialization is like forced sex: all of a sudden, something that might have been enjoyable under different circumstances, is very much the opposite.



There's really no reason that levels shouldn't scale with the number of players in them, from 1 to 4.  It would be the simplest balancing thing to do.  And if you so choose, if you wanted more of a challenge, you could set it so that the full number of enemies would spawn on your solo map.  Maybe that means you get a higher drop rate on items.  Great.


So what's the problem, exactly?  I'm asking because I've seen this topic brought up a few times already, and I'm always astonished that anyone is against it.  As though it somehow detracts from their enjoyment to let other people enjoy the game in their own, private time.

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I am largely a solo player.  When I run missions, I do so solo, and occasionally with close friends when they happen to pop online.  I have never found a sinle problem solo playing this game.


If a mission was too hard, it meant I had to get stronger: plain and simple.  Then, I did, and would redo the mission.  This behaviour was usually met with great success.


The only time I multiplay with randoms is when I run high level Endless Defense, or forget to put my settings back to solo/private.


I also understand that this is just my experience.  Others may have found their solo play to be a bit different.  When it comes to the random players I have met, I find that they are generally great people.  Defense is also ideal for meeting these people as the nature of defense requires teamwork.  Maybe this is how you can meet possible nice players to go on missions with. :)

Edited by Ithloniel
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I've simply had some bad experiences with it. I'm saying that there are a lot of players who are great at Solo play. But the thing is, On the tougher planets, like Neptune, They get slaughtered too easily. I know, I know. That's what squads are for. But, have you ever wondered why the Soloists go solo? In my case, I've been flying solo since Minecraft was ver. 1.2.5, which has been a good while. You can thank the many greifers for that. Trolls, Scammers, Spammers, They
always ruin the fun. Reporting them is one way of getting rid of them, but they never leave you alone. The only truly effective way is go solo. That's why Soloists, like myself, Are just that, Soloists. But, courtesy of low resource drop-rates and impossibilty of completing vs. Raptor or Hyena mission alone, they are forced to expose themselves to those they despise, Thus, should they meet, ruining their fun. Everyone's been down this road every so often. This will give the soloists a chance on the harder worlds, and give the security they get in Solo mode.




DE has specific weapons like the Despair and Hate/Gram/Dual Flame that fully support solo play. I unlocked the entire solar system solo for the most part, the only levels I needed help on were open plain ED levels.

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I solo play for a number of reasons...


1.  I enjoy playing at my own pace... I may decide to rush or explore on a whim, I don't want to feel like I am messing up someone elses game by deciding to spend 10 minutes wall-climbing a new tileset, or getting a sudden desire to parkour my way around every enemy instead of direct combat.


2.  I enjoy the challenge of only having myself to rely on.


3.  I'm not exactly interacting with other players in online play anyway... they are just super intellegent AI to me, and they tend to clear whole levels whether I help them or not.  As my role in the team is basically to help revive any of these demi-gods that happens to trip over their own personal nuke-throwing arsenal, I don't see this as a particularly social interaction and it certainly doesn't add to my "fun".


4.  Troll/griefer avoidance.  It's not a huge priority as I play Loki, but if I accidentally hit an elevator button on instinct and leave the data-mass guy behind, and he just logs out... well, no... I don't think that's going to be a very fun social interaction.


5.  If I feel like I've been carried through a map, then I don't feel like I earned the win.



All that having been said, I think the OP just needs more time in the game to get the good solo-friendly loadouts.  Certainly update 9 made solo play almost impossible for some frames, but in Update 8 I unlocked everything in the star map and killed every boss.  In fact, boss fights are easier than defense missions for me because invisiblity + kunai is pretty much all you need.


The game doesn't need solo friendly maps/tiles... it needs solo friendly mechanics.  Stealth is still not a viable play style, there's no default stealth weapon set, and rewards for stealth play are greatly diminished vs. simply hack-n-slash style.  (fewer kills = fewer mats/mods, slower runs = fewer mission complete bonus xp and such)

Edited by Troublechutor
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I'm amazed by the amount of negativity directed at the OP. You realise that every negative remark only proves his point about unfriendly people online, right?


Aside from why someone plays solo, DE, if you allow me to select Solo as a gameplay mode on any given mission, I think you should make sure I have a chance of completing that mission solo. I've put 200+ hours into this game, but can not for the life of me solo half of the stuff on, for example Neptune or Eris, because the amount of enemies and their level is not in line with what a solo player is capable of handling, unless he/she has a fully decked out frame, fully decked out weapons and max ranked mods. And I think it's wrong to model the difficulty level of solo mode around being that decked out.

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Im not saying that Solo play is bad. I have nothing against it, never have, and never will. But what i do have a problem with is when people demand the game tailor itself to the solo player, when its whole base idea is social gaming. Thats like going into a basketball team with the notion that you can just play against the other team by yourself and be just fine. 


If you decide to play Warframe totally solo, that's your choice, and I respect that. But you also have to realize that you are going to have to be very good to solo everything. You are going to have to be more dedicated to learning the skills you need to even think of trying it. I take great pride in the fact that I can solo anything i want, but i've been playing for over 500 hours to get that good. I think the scaling is perfectly fine for solo play, its just that people are going to have to work harder to get there, Thats part of the fun.


When I suggested a clan, I didnt mean jumping into a disgustingly huge clan like Asuro or BroFrame...Just you and one or two other people would be fine. If you dont know anyone else personally who plays Warframe, then the next time you come on somebody pretty helpful in a game, Ask if you can join them. Your problems with other people can be totally solved that way. Either way, you are going to have to either Join a clan, or put a lot more work into not just leveling up things, but learning all the finer tricks of the game. To be clear, im NOT calling you Unskilled, im just saying, from experience, that it is totally possible to solo everything in this game, Outside of a T3 Defense. That would be possible too, if Ammo were more available...thats the only thing that stops me.

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 But what i do have a problem with is when people demand the game tailor itself to the solo player, when its whole base idea is social gaming.


The base idea is making money.  F2P games require HUGE player bases to make them profitable.  The Co-Op nature of this game doesn't lend itself to growing the player base unless its players who bring in their friends to play with them... the co-op mode with random strangers isn't community enhancing in the slightest (at least not to me).


No one expects co-op mode to be less challenging so I can solo to my hearts content, we demand that solo be viable... you can 4 man lol your way though the game all you want, I just want the challenge in solo to be fair.  I emphasise fair because I don't want it to be easy either, but the amount of BS you put up with in solo play to accommodate the potential that the same level can be snoozed through by 4x Rhinos does get pretty ridiculous. 


So, lets just dispense with the notion that solo players want a kiddie-pool to wade through and force co-op's to play in there too... we want the pool to be big enough for everyone to play in and have some fun.


Why does everything in the universe have to be zero sum?  Sheesh.

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The base idea is making money.  F2P games require HUGE player bases to make them profitable.  The Co-Op nature of this game doesn't lend itself to growing the player base unless its players who bring in their friends to play with them... the co-op mode with random strangers isn't community enhancing in the slightest (at least not to me).


No one expects co-op mode to be less challenging so I can solo to my hearts content, we demand that solo be viable... you can 4 man lol your way though the game all you want, I just want the challenge in solo to be fair.  I emphasise fair because I don't want it to be easy either, but the amount of BS you put up with in solo play to accommodate the potential that the same level can be snoozed through by 4x Rhinos does get pretty ridiculous. 


So, lets just dispense with the notion that solo players want a kiddie-pool to wade through and force co-op's to play in there too... we want the pool to be big enough for everyone to play in and have some fun.


Why does everything in the universe have to be zero sum?  Sheesh.

Where have you been this whole conversation? I can, and Do solo very frequently, and i have no problem doing so. If you can't, thats your problem, not mine. I never asked for it to be easier, im pretty happy with the way it is, Solo or Group. They are putting in a difficulty system pretty soon, so maybe that will solve your problem.

What exact BS do you put up with in solo? I mean, is there vast areas of this game that i havn't unlocked yet? Ones with super powered mobs and infinitely spawning rollers? I figure unlocking every stage on every planet and numerous runs into the void was it....but maybe im missing something.

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Take Loki, play Stephano.


Or any 40+ rescue mission.


Or any 50+ nightmare greneer mission


If its not OHK's from heavies, its aim-bots bursting off 1/3 of my shields/health every .7 seconds.  Team-revives work well enough for this kind of BS, but solo you just hit the forefit (and lose all your drops) because respawning next to a Heavy isn't such a good idea.


There you go.

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And you are totally content with never being able to get 25% of the weapons in the game?

A good clan is a Family type unit, it means you never have to go far for help if you need it.  I know playstyles differ and all, im just not understanding why somebody wouldnt want to be in a clan.

No, I'm not. The resources I need for said 25% simply can't be found. 200+ missions on Europa AND Neptune, not 1 control module

A.nd after that you claim that you're soloist? Oh my.


Also, OP, I'm always wonder, how people like you, with your phobia of being griefed/trolled/spammed/scammed, are using internet at all?

The phrase: 'Never get a second chance to make a good impression' comes to mind.

You don't need to solo to avoid the undesirable individuals you mention; this is what private and invite only modes are for.


Hyena and Raptor are both easily defeated solo with rank appropriate frames and gear that even casual players should have by the time they reach these bosses. Same goes for almost any other boss.


Defense and some of the new rescue missions can be a pain solo, but again, inviting a buddy can solve this.

Now that you've said that, I'm beginning to question if some soloists stay solo out of paranoia.

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And you are totally content with never being able to get 25% of the weapons in the game?


I am fairly content with having access to about 80 weapons, yes.


By the time I get bored with them, I'll likely have the resources needed to build my own labs and research them all myself.


A good clan is a Family type unit, it means you never have to go far for help if you need it.  I know playstyles differ and all, im just not understanding why somebody wouldnt want to be in a clan.


I'm not sure I want a family type unit, nor does a clan seem necessary to get anything done outside of clan tech weapons.

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And you are totally content with never being able to get 25% of the weapons in the game?

A good clan is a Family type unit, it means you never have to go far for help if you need it.  I know playstyles differ and all, im just not understanding why somebody wouldnt want to be in a clan.


Not like he needs those weapons. All the weapons in this game are somewhat balanced for the majority of gameplay if not endgame.


And the clan weapons aren't really endgame as of now anyways, besides a select few. Most are just for vanity to be honest.

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Sry but thats like saying you should be able to solo raids and such stuff like other games have. And you clearly cant solo every mission in other

games so I dont think it needs to be easier. You already have lower leveled enemies than you would encounter with a squad. So nope.

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I'd like to point out that, one, this IS a phobia as described, and two, Warframe is a co-op by default game--it's VERY hard to grief people, so it's relatively rare, unlike, say, minecraft, where everyone is in permanent competition for resources on some level, even if they try to work together.


There's no way at all to scam someone in this game at all. Trolling is virtually non-existent, as it would be difficult to execute anything that constitutes it. It's not like you got fed up with other people on *this* game, you got fed up with people on another game(with a massively different playerbase), and are pretending all games are identical.


Secondly, if you beat a mission in stealth mode(MUCH easier in solo play), you will have virtually no enemy spawns to deal with. Every time anyone whines about solo play, that's my first  thought--if they actually want to solo, doing so in stealth mode means they'll face a VERY reasonable number of opponents.


I had a full group do a raptor mission in total stealth--we fought less than a dozen total opponents, including the raptor herself. There's NOTHING difficult about beating a dozen opponents by yourself. So, I have to suppose you're not that good at being stealthy.


So, both parts of the coin are invalid. If you can't kill 12 people per mission, you're not cut out for solo work, and there aren't griefers and trollers galore--there isn't much they could actually do to you, by design.

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I'm not sure about the assertion that trolling is virtually non-existent. I've either done or been the victim of all the following:


* Break the windows and Pull your teammates away from the console until they die

* Kill enemies near the spawns to prevent teammates from earning experience points

* Destroy fans in the air ducts near extraction so your teammates fall into the room below

* Pull Toxic Ancients onto the cryopod

* Put a Snow Globe over the cryopod on Infested defense so nobody can shoot the Infested threatening it

* Put a Vortex on top of a downed player so nobody can revive him

* Put a Vortex on the ceiling so the loot from a boss kill can't be collected

* Switch Teleport everyone above the skybox

* Switch Teleport a teammate out of the elevator, then hit the button

Edited by JollierThanThou
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@Llyssa Warframe is not by default just a Co-op game it's both a default Solo/and Co-op game. Hence the reason for the selectable Solo game mode, it has been there since before U7, so please get facts right. The truth of the matter is this game has become very Solo-unfriendly, when your making a game it MUST reach all types of players be it casual, hardcore, and multiplayer, otherwise it will not succeed. The vast majority of players are casual(Solo), and the truth is that since U9 it has become much harder to solo, and that aspect alone is what so many people are frustrated about, and why there are so many posts regarding it. We can adapt to a game adding elements to make the game harder(Nightmare Mode, etc.) but never change the game in a way that every type of player can't play it.

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I think if you select solo, some aspects should change.  There are definitely too many enemies, and you end up just sprinting to the finish on some missions.  At least in my small amount of experience.


I was able to complete the mission (Mercury, Capture Mission), but it cost me ample revives. Mixing in roughly 10 grunts with cleaver guys and the tougher teleport-switch guys made it extremely difficult.


The *other* big factor in solo difficulty is that enemies will spawn behind you where you've cleared.  This eliminates tactical retreats.


Maybe I just need more experience, but I can already feel the ever increasing difficulty playing solo.

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