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New Warframe - Recoil


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I have been hoping for a Warframe with skills heavily based on gun play but no joy so far, so here is my suggestion... Please give constructive criticism or support.

Recoil is an aggressive Warframe that utilizes replication technology to create duplicates of ammo and guns. Focusing on all out attack, Recoil lacks health but has just enough shields to quickly dispatch of his foes.

Health: 75 (225 at rank 30)

Shield: 150 (450 at rank 30)

Power: 100 (225 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed: 1.0

Polarities: 4 skill, 2 V

Aura Polarity: V

Skill 1: Recoil decreases or increases targets fire rate at will (Can be cast on team members for a fire rate increase of around 20% for 15 seconds and used on enemies to lower their fire rate for 20 seconds)

Skill 2: Recoil increases team accuracy. (Accuracy increase of around 20% at max level for 20 seconds)

Skill 3: Recoil replicates a dropped ammo pack to provide ammunition for team members. (Can be cast on any fallen ammo box to give unlimited ammunition of that type until the ability ends or the box is used. Warframes should be unable to move while collecting ammo, and it should take around 5 seconds. 1 box at first rank, 4 boxes at max)

Skill 4: Recoil replicates and dual wields his primary weapon. (Power duration should be around 20 seconds at max level. Replicated gun also consumes ammo)

Well there you go, a basic idea which unfortunately lacks artwork at the moment. I would hope this frame would promote more gun play rather than hitting the aoe ultimate skill button all day. The name is probably not going to be liked either but I came up with it off the top of my head.

Edited by DanPaul7
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Any better ideas?

That would be a SERIOUSLY Varying frame....i mean, Two Bratons would be fun, but could you imagine two Ogris? two Flux Rifles?

This is definitely a Min/Max idea. I really dont think it would do anything but fail terribly inside the game.

That being said....I do really like the idea quite a lot.

8/10  Would Buy With Plat

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I don't see what's wrong with Recoil personally, but what about Arsenal?  or Hail or Storm? (As in Hail / Storm of bullets/arrows)


Temper the 'unlimited' ammo aspect, seems a little too much if you can instantly use it to recharge the whole teams ammo supply, perhaps make it start with 1 box replicated, up to a maximum of 4 (+1 per rank).


my only issue is that aside from bonus ammo and a % damage increase.. what does the frame have from themselves? every frame has at least something..


how about modding the attack speed skill so that if you use it on an enemy instead, that it locks up an enemies weapon for a short time period?

Edited by Tselkie
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That would be a SERIOUSLY Varying frame....i mean, Two Bratons would be fun, but could you imagine two Ogris? two Flux Rifles?

This is definitely a Min/Max idea. I really dont think it would do anything but fail terribly inside the game.

That being said....I do really like the idea quite a lot.

8/10  Would Buy With Plat

Good point... I guess the dual wield time could be reduced slightly
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idk i just dont really like this idea. just my opinion though. sounds like a mix between like loki and gunzerker from borderlands 2. imho this probably wont happen mostly because the only ability tht directly affects weapons is saryns 3 i believe. the only thing i kinda like is the idea of a support warframe tht might be able to supply ammo idk.......

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Recoil is a good name. A warframe based around gun play would be a very welcomed edition to the warframe collection. The powers are a good idea as well, i'd tweak some of them to make him more focused on changing how the guns work, like adding a random elemental damage to weapons, or makeing bullets explode, ect.

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Temper the 'unlimited' ammo aspect, seems a little too much if you can instantly use it to recharge the whole teams ammo supply, perhaps make it start with 1 box replicated, up to a maximum of 4 (+1 per rank).


my only issue is that aside from bonus ammo and a % damage increase.. what does the frame have from themselves? every frame has at least something..


how about modding the attack speed skill so that if you use it on an enemy instead, that it locks up an enemies weapon for a short time period?

Thanks I edited the original post to include this
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I've personally been wanting a gun-related warframe as well.


Your ideas for the abilities are interesting. Probably shouldn't bother trying to figure out the stats for them though (duration, %s, etc)


But like you, I do want to see something along the lines of:

1. team weapon buffs, perhaps accuracy? not many people seem to pay much attention to accuracy, i feel like most people just want straight damage or fire rate stuff. i wanna see my boltor/gorgon with pinpoint accuracy :P

2. something ammo-related; team instant-reload? or "ammo regen"?


Another one i'd like is maybe a temporary heat-vision or x-ray to see the position of all enemies in cover, though i suppose there's an overlap with banshee.


Also, recoil is a decent name, especially for a working title, i don't get why the name gets scrutinised, out of all the things.

Good start to a potentially awesome idea. I'd like to see you keep thinking about it and refining your thoughts.

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It would be impossible to dual wield two bows.


So... maybe skill 4 would perhaps become a built in multishot of sorts, with the ability 'shots' matching the energy color of the warframe?

Or maybe Recoil replicates an energy clone that follows along with him and shoots exactly where the player is shooting.

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Yeah, I really like don't like the any of the skills. We already have something similar to the 2 which is even better ( Roar ). Nova's ult already slows down enemies in a  more efficient way so 1 is pointless. Ammo boxes totally replaces the 3. As for the 4 it's too gunzerker-ish... from BL2 like Reminiscence said.

Edited by 0Frank0
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Your ideas for the abilities are interesting. Probably shouldn't bother trying to figure out the stats for them though (duration, %s, etc)


But like you, I do want to see something along the lines of:

1. team weapon buffs, perhaps accuracy? not many people seem to pay much attention to accuracy, i feel like most people just want straight damage or fire rate stuff. i wanna see my boltor/gorgon with pinpoint accuracy :P

2. something ammo-related; team instant-reload? or "ammo regen"?

I really liked the accuracy idea so I edited the original post to include it instead of damage buff. Prevents damage bonus stacking also as another member mentioned.
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