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Decline In Fun Since Introduction Of Nova


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so what you're telling me is Warframe is not enjoyable if you don't get to hog all the kills?

Please don't speak for all of us when you say "fun factor". Different people will find different things fun, and frankly I'm quite offended that someone would assume the only way for me to have fun in Warframe is to boost my ego.

I'm sorry you don't feel like the 1 man carry machine anymore because someone else stole your shiny, but that's really not the community's problem, its yours.

what he said.

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I have all of the frames and use them all. Well, not Ash but eventually I will get around to that one.


Nova was one of the easiest I have played as far as getting leveled up, increasing damage output and so on. The ult is very effective. I have only reached level 26 though but I can see some weakness to her in the higher rated planets as she will rely on cover or team members to draw fire while she maneuvers on the enemy.


To be honest I think the ult could get a nerf but as long as it is done so that it isn't OP early on like now without risking it being completely useless later on. Power consumption will likely be the best way to get around that. Make it take up more energy so that at the lower levels it can't be spammed.

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if there's any doubt run Kappa / Xini missions with two novas and look where the kill count is. I just forma'd a nova and I love some of her power (especially worm hole) but honestly Why would i use volt or saryn or mag? I mean Overload is great against Corpus but Nova kills more and it works just as well against infested/grineer which you can't say about Volt. 

It's too powerful because it's all you see going off. It does take away from other players who want to use their powers. I have 12 of the frames and I obviously like some more than others. But I'd find myself playing Nova if i wanted to take easy street, especially defense or mobile defense. 

You can generally tell how OP something is by how many people use it. It's been out a couple weeks and even with farming it's the most common warframe I come across (Cough Kunai/Despair)

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Individual warframes ain't got S#&$ on the endgame in this game.


I guess there aren't many Nova's in the endgame that camp all the spawnpoints.


But Nova's ult is very much out of balance with the 90% of the game that is not endgame,

messing it up for the significant number of players who are not at the endgame.

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So much strategy in hiding behind a box.


Not to mention it's used wrong. You could've meant tactical you'd've been closer.


True, however, isn't concealment one of a ninja's trademarks? They are like, not there until it's to late?


Concealment can but doesn't have to be cover, but it definitely qualifies as "hiding" and it could very well be behind a box.

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Again, ultimates are NOT the way to do it after level 75 and shes the newer frame, which is why you see her often.

Her ultimate scales well against levels 110+ easily enough.  The other frames simply don't stand a chance.


Mag used to be my favorite frame.  I loved Crush.  However Mag is now a @(*()$ joke next to Nova.  So is Saryn.  Ember maintains some usefulness against Infested but Nova is the god of room clearing.  She needs to be nerfed or the other frames need some SERIOUS buffing.

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True, however, isn't concealment one of a ninja's trademarks? They are like, not there until it's to late?


Concealment can but doesn't have to be cover, but it definitely qualifies as "hiding" and it could very well be behind a box.

Way to miss the point.

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Well they shouldnt play a coop game if they are not a team player. People are always preventing others of participating by trying to steal kills from everyone.




Sums up the Nova is OP argument really

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i gotta agree with seracen here novas 4 is WAY to powerful (i say this even though i have a rank 30 nova with a reactor) anything that is not an ancient/heavy grineer is unable to survive her 4 it needs some kind of nerf like range reduction or even a cooldown if it does not get nerfed in any other way



and if you know how to maintain a safe distance and use cover her low armor is not a problem at all


Her 4 is only obscenely powerful in Defense and Mobile Defense missions because the enemies line up ideally for her. The ability truly shines when the game basically sets up the Ultimate Domino Track of Death. Other mission types, sure it's good in wiping out a squad, but it really doesn't bring out the full potential of it and a perfectly modded melee weapon or her 1 can do the same trick for little to no Energy usage.

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Nova's ultimate clears out small enemies up to level 180 or so. This is much higher level than the majority of players ever see (and the ones who do usually won't play to waves that high because it's much more efficient to just claim & exit to reset mob levels). For most players doing mobile defense and endless defense (usually not past wave 20 or so), Nova is a huge killjoy. Against infested, you can AFK and let the Nova blow everything up. Against Grineer or Corpus, you can go AFK and let the Frost use Snow Globe while the Nova blows everything up.


I say this as a Nova player. I love the concept of Nova, and I think she's really fun to play. Her super-squishy, high-mobility, high-damage play style matches mine perfectly, making her my favorite frame by far. Despite this, it's obvious that she's game-breakingly overpowered right now. Without too much effort, Antimatter Drop can do as much damage as the game will allow -- around 239,000 damage for 50 energy. I regularly hit for 15,000-50,000 on the fly with Antimatter Drop, just using a few arrows or a clip of ammo. Molecular Prime is also overpowered; as the OP said it kills the fun for other players. Futhermore, Molecular Prime is simply too strong right now -- 800 damage per explosion with no target limit, base range of 25 meters, a 50% slow, a debuff that makes all targets take double damage, and a 60 second duration to cap it all off.



Your exegesis is full of holes. First off to get that kind of scaling you need to have a team screening EVERYTHING. Literally everything. Second she does not still one shot everything at L170, not even close, and we haven't covered the logistical and in-game cost of slinging the drop around in cricles while you prime it, much less how hard it is to chain without AP+ weapons that aren't despair on anything at that point.


By all means, show me a solo video of Nova on Xini with level 170 enemies.

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Yup, Seracen is correct.  Nova is not just op low-mid level but on Pluto, Paulus.  The hardest infestation defense(barring void).  Nova vaporized everything time and time again getting hundreds of kills.  There really wasn't any need for me to try.  On the other hand her portal ability makes the game more fun..

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Please do not fill this thread with useless whining

Oh this irony. You tell others not to whine but your "feedback" relies on the fact that she is killing more stuff than you. If thats not whining, I dont know.... xD This is comedy gold.... You havent even played her and ask for a nerf? If you would have played her, you would see that she is a glass cannon and very vulnerable. But hey. Better ask for a nerf for something you havent even played yourself....

Edited by Venarge
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Her ultimate scales well against levels 110+ easily enough.  The other frames simply don't stand a chance.


Mag used to be my favorite frame.  I loved Crush.  However Mag is now a @(*()$ joke next to Nova.  So is Saryn.  Ember maintains some usefulness against Infested but Nova is the god of room clearing.  She needs to be nerfed or the other frames need some SERIOUS buffing.


I ran with one vs level 120 mobs. Palus.

Vauban, Loki (me with torid), Excal and Nova.


She was only a debuffer.

She did not contribute significantly in the last 10 waves (we did up till wave 25).

Just her slow (not needed since Bastille) and double damage helps amp up the power of Torid and Ogris.

Edited by fatpig84
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I ran with one vs level 120 mobs. Palus.

Vauban, Loki (me with torid), Excal and Nova.


She was only a debuffer.

She did not contribute significantly in the last 10 waves (we did up till wave 25).

Just her slow (not needed since Bastille) and double damage helps amp up the power of Torid and Ogris.


Nova (molecular prime), Vauban (bastille), Frost (snow globe), Saryn (miasma)(me)

Level 120s, Outer Terminus, wave 25, Nova killed everything with MP.

Personally, I don't mind MP being spammed though. I just use Miasma to trigger the explosions (never figured out how to use venom effectively). 

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She was only a debuffer.

She did not contribute significantly in the last 10 waves (we did up till wave 25).

Just her slow (not needed since Bastille) and double damage helps amp up the power of Torid and Ogris.


That nova was doing it wrong then... use MP to wipe out all the minor guys and then drop a 50k or higher antimatter drop to wipe out the mobs with decent HP.


Honestly they just need to give everyone's 4 a decent cooldown to discourage spamming it.  If they just nerfed MP and the rest it would be a shame to lose such a strong and fun tool.  Sure, a lot of the 4s don't do much to level 120+ defense mission mobs, but they will murder everything on pretty much any other mission type in the game.

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That nova was doing it wrong then... use MP to wipe out all the minor guys and then drop a 50k or higher antimatter drop to wipe out the mobs with decent HP.

You say that last part as though Nova will just be able to make the enemies pretend she's not there while she spends the time keeping antimatter drop in the air so her and the rest of the squad can shoot at it.

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tbh I prefer to play with Nova's then with Vaubans.  Nova's just kill stuff, Vauban's are the irritating ones.  If you don't do exactly what they say and let everything run into the Bastille they go banana's in chat.  I don't care, I'm not doing a wave 60 defense run, I am going to use my lesser powers and have fun killing stuff - perhaps I like using my snow globe on one of the defense lanes to make a little melee arena so I can have fun slice and dicing the infested.  Perhaps it won't work vs wave 60 infested but tbh I don't give a s**t.


I own saryn, who could be considered nova light, and I can see how it is irritating.  Just played mobile defense with a lvl 0 dread (so not doing a lot) I still end up with 80% of the kills because any time we look like we are in trouble I just hit 4 and everything dies.  It doesn't take a lot of skill.  Press 4 to kill everything ults don't really make for a fun game, but equally nerfing them so pressing 4 doesn't seem to do anything but drain your power is no fun either.  Things like sonar make the game more fun because then you actually have some work to do.

Edited by DeathByDribbling
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Once again all people are concerned about, when it comes to defense missions, is kills and XP when in actuality the mission is for the Pod to survive. I've read many posts now about Nova being OP and stealing kills etc, but guys it's all about using the best weapon for the job or mission at hand to get it done, you don't use a sword to kill a tank, you use a anti-tank missile. 

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I agree with the OP. Everyone says it is all about kill steals, and that if there weren't any kill charts than people wouldn't be whining. That isn't true. The problem is that Nova kills everything before you can do anything. You don't feel like you are contributing. The whole point of this game and what makes it fun is to kill enemies. But when Nova kills 40+ people with M-Prime, than you aren't having any fun at all. They need to do something about Nova. 

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Rather then spending balancing effort removing fun from a frame, I'd rather DE put balancing effort into put fun into other frames. Only the Grineer/Corpus/Infested should be yelling about how OP we are.

Side note the only time I'd call for a real nerf on a warframe is if a warframe had an ability were they killed literally everything on the map, prevented new things from respawning, teleported itself to extraction, and caused the mission to finish even if the other 3 of us weren't there.

Just my two cents...


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Low level warframe play is incredibly easy to solo with even a low level frame so long as you stick a decent weapon and an aura on it.


25 and under should have no problem with a decent setup of weapons with a low level frame with aura.

25-50 should have no problem with a leveled setup of weapon and frame.

50-80 is the fun range of play.

80+ is annoying in that exploitable abilities coupled with long duration to kill single heavy enemies 


Nova's bread winner is ability 4.  Her ult seems normalized against 50-80 enemies; The chain reaction doesn't always kill them unless you have max mods to supplement it.


Let's look at abilities 1 through 3.

Ability 1 does NOTHING at levels 30ish+.  It's 'fire rate' is too slow for requiring 2 or 3 hits to kill a single weak enemy.

Ability 2 is great but leaves the caster wide open and can be unreliable and is very slow.  It's nice against the really strong enemies but not so good against many high level weak enemies.

Ability 3 is purely utility and only defensive at very situational times.


If you took away Nova's 4 ability, she would be incredibly useless at anything but low level play.

Even at high level play, the debuff is useful for weakening enemies a bit faster when all it takes is a couple second of focus fire on Nova to die.  Low Level, every AoE Explode ult destroys all enemies in the vicinity; It's no more OP than Nova's ult.

High Level, non CC or non Defense abilities are useless.


Ember's overheat is the only really useful ability high level unless you are swarmed with infested.

For Vauban, Bastille is the only useful ability, bounce is very situational, grenades are useless except for their stun on corpus, and his ult is outclassed in CC by bastille.

Loki and Ash have stealth and teleport; both defensive. Loki also has decoy.

Rhino and Trinity are nigh invincible when played correctly and very useful.

Nova has her Ult and Teleport for high level play, Second ability is situational.

Volt has a speed buff and a shield.

Frost has snowglobe and stunning abilities.


If anyone should be nerfed for being OP on high level non Defense matches it should be Trinity. Permanent Energy, Permanent Invincibility, Global Heal, Team Energy Vamp. Even on defense maps having a trinity guarantees infinite energy for the team as well as an invincible sponge who can divert a large portion of enemies.


All warframes have various utilities and shine in different scenarios.  It's not all about damage because at one point damage is secondary to survival.


The problem isn't Nova's ult is OP; Almost all Ult's are OP in their own regards. Even Ash gains invulnerability for a long duration during his at the cost of DPS.  The problem is that people try and play on Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Earth and other low level planets and get buttfrustrated because 'they' aren't getting as many kills.


I own every warframe except for Saryn so I cannot speak for her.  Nova shines on Defense however Frost shines even MORE. Loki is fantastic.  Vauban is excellent and Trinity is awesome.  

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