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Why is there a daily focus cap?


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This type of cap is common in games with progression.  It isn't really about burnout and more about delaying players from saying there is nothing to do and quitting.  Without a cap the players without school or jobs would finish everything added by PoE in about a month.

The better question is why we can't get anywhere close to the cap without a dedicated build for focus farming on a specific mission.

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5 minutes ago, Archistopheles said:

Exactly. If you don't have a cap, players will grind until their fingers bleed, then quit because the goal is ridiculous.

From my point of view, most of the community is choosing to outright ignore the system entirely because of that grind though. People already grind until their fingers bleed, at least I could get the whole thing over with within 300 hours instead of 2 years of my life dedicated to logging into the game, running stealth exterminate for a few hours and then getting to all the other farm that is more impactful to the game.  If you ask me, that just seems like even more of a grind just spread out to make sure I have another reason to chase the dragon a couple days.

Edited by Oni_Spartan4
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I don't mind it taking 523 days to complete all of focus, but players have to resort to some pretty crazy methods do hit the focus cap every day with any degree of time-efficiency. Namely abusing the x8 stealth multiplier. The cap should remain as-is, but focus gain should be increased dramatically such that hitting your daily focus cap should be as simple as hitting your daily syndicate rep cap.

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1 minute ago, Oni_Spartan4 said:

From my point of view, most of the community is choosing to outright ignore the system entirely because of that grind though. People already grind until their fingers bleed, at least I could get the whole thing over with within 300 hours instead of 2 years of my life dedicated to logging into the game, running stealth exterminate for a few hours and then getting to all the other farm that is more impactful to the game.  If you ask me, that just seems like even more of a grind just spread out to make sure I have another reason to chase the dragon a couple days.

Then stop focusing on it and level the skills you want to use most while passively leveling the ones you dont. The reason maxing all 5 schools takes so long is because you are most encouraged to level one to max for use, since you can only have one active at a time. The unbindable skills you can then level, leaving the rest to passively level. If you want everything then you will naturally need to wait and work for it.

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8 minutes ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

I don't mind it taking 523 days to complete all of focus, but players have to resort to some pretty crazy methods do hit the focus cap every day with any degree of time-efficiency. Namely abusing the x8 stealth multiplier. The cap should remain as-is, but focus gain should be increased dramatically such that hitting your daily focus cap should be as simple as hitting your daily syndicate rep cap.

This. This is the problem. Not that there’s a cap, or that it takes 1.5ish years to completely max out everything, but that it’s near impossible to hit that cap without resorting to a specific frame, mission, and weapon build. And this is coming from someone who uses that setup pretty effectively. Syndicates are a good design; I can make progress in those alongside playing the game as intended and having fun. There are many efficient options to ranking up syndicates. And they also have a cap, but it’s fine because there’s a lot of different ways to reach it. The biggest problem with the focus situation right now is the extreme restriction in play style if you want to make any sort of reasonable progress in the system. It’s not fun, and for a free2play game, the system needs to be fun in order to retain players (or else the benefit needs to be godly, but the focus nodes don’t result in godly powers. Upgrades, yes, but not god-tier)

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Just now, NeithanDiniem said:

Then stop focusing on it and level the skills you want to use most while passively leveling the ones you dont. The reason maxing all 5 schools takes so long is because you are most encouraged to level one to max for use, since you can only have one active at a time. The unbindable skills you can then level, leaving the rest to passively level. If you want everything then you will naturally need to wait and work for it.

As I mentioned, I'm aware that maxing every school is basically pointless, I'm simply using it as an example for those players who want to min max and determine what their favorite school is. With the way the system is limited, you're discouraged from finding out how each of the school's preform and what you prefer. Sure you can read about it, but if you see something that interests you and then grind it out only to find out that effectively it's not that useful (*cough cough uniaru) it's basically just a waste of your time. Alternatively, most players will just look up "what's the best" get it, and then be done with the whole thing because no one will want to experiment with the system given that kind of grind wall. 

As a bit of a tangent, one thing I have valued above all else in warframe is variety. Sure it's always the same tilesets, but the modular system allows me to shape the game in a way that I want to play it. I'm not saying operators should have mods (goodness no) but I miss the approchability to customizing/optimising that most all other aspects of this game have. Just like you said, it's more of "chose one and done" which is very different from the core gameplay in my opinion. 

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2 hours ago, Oni_Spartan4 said:

Why is there a daily docus cap?

Let's ask Steve.


27 minutes ago, Xaranoth said:

From two years ago? Yeah I think they gave up on that “more elegant solution”, seeing as focus 2.0 has been released and the cap is still there.

That's the point.
It was a placeholder but the system to replace it was never finished and so we'll have to settle with this flimsy system until there's not so much on the list postponed and in the works already. Like combo wielding, air charge attacks, nemesis system, playable stalker, Venus open world, shieldgating, vulture companions, MOA companions, grineer ghoul units, channeling rework, trinity rework, zephyr rework & so on. And as time passes, some of these things will be further postponed and perhaps even canceled as well.


Edited by Navarchus
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Daily caps exist so casual players have a reasonable chance at making meaningful progress by playing normally, without ceding the whole system to hardcore farmers who knock out the whole thing in two weeks and then have nothing to do.

Wait a minute...

"reasonable chance at making meaningful progress by playing normally"

Uh...Scott? Steve? You might want to look into that...


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What we need is a multiplier for focus that stacks up as we do different missions, and also stacks up during endless missions. The devs keep talking about how they want players to grind one thing less, and spread out and play for the sake of playing, but we need to actually be rewarded for running diverse missions. If you could do 10 different normal missions of reasonable difficulty, and take them a bit slower to get plenty of kills, and fill your cap that way, it'd be infinitely better than trying to figure out complex superfarm methods

I also feel like focus should be Soft Capped. A soft cap would mean you can get X amount very easily, but you get less and less incrementally, so you don't waste your extra efforts, but you can more easily get a good amount of focus.

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