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Calling out those who hate the operators!


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Because they're a good concept executed poorly.

DE wants to tell a rags to riches story and wants the operators to be vulnerable kids. But instead of building gameplay around THAT, they made them compete with Warframes in gameplay.

Calling out the tenno to fight should be a rage-mode-ability, like you have in games like God of War . You kill x enemies and you get to summon the operator to wreck faces.

This is what a tenno should be like (by DE's interpretation, no less, not mine).



P.S. The whole operator plot point shows (in my opinion) that DE never really trusted the average joe with their old way of storytelling

"Huuur, I can't play as this mute alien robot that doesn't even have a face or eyes. Why can't I play as a dude? Why don't I get a character I can identify with?"

"Huurgh. What's this?? I'm some sort of alien mercenary who's working both against the bad guys and FOR them? That doesn't seem right. Why can't I just be the hero?"

Guys, guys. Just stop grinding. Stop grinding amps, stop grinding operator arcanes, stop grinding focus. If you think this stuff is bogus, just don't play It'll encourage DE to look into this aspect, ooor just scrap it and move on to different things. Like those sweet sentient guns....

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18 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:

just of the top of my head from reading your post it would be cool to get a "ways of power" node or something like that, that denotes that your operator has the choice to either, control power or become power itself, the talent would read something like:

"transference becomes Fuse conscience, has a maximum duration of 5/6/7/8s and a cooldown of 15/13/12/10s. while in this mode the WF becomes overcharged with energy unable to cast abilities,avoiding enemy collision, but gaining 65/70/80/95% damage reduction, becoming impervious to status effects (or maybe 25/50/75/100% resistance?), and gaining 125/160/175/200% move speed (base only). if  "Fuse concience"  extends past its 3s duration, the move speed decays by 40% each second and increases additional effect damage by 100% for the remainder of the duration. while "Fuse coincence" is active your focus tree bonuses are greatly improved (passives) or changed (things that are activated with void dash/blast/etc.). if Fuse Conscience is deactivated within the first 3 seconds, its cooldown the reduced to 5s"

the ability would morph depending on your tree choices, but it would always be something that feels like the operator overcharged the warframe turning it into an unstopable wrecking machine, unspecced this ability could just be a used the way void dash is used, a tool to get out of situations.

 the cooldown reduction if the usage is short its to encourage a zooming around the battlefield type of game, kinda like protoss zealots do in starcraft 2.

however when you invest heavily in your focus tree every focus node gets either a boost or a diferent effect altogether (madurai fireball would aadd a ring of fire kinda like the one ember makes since you wouldnt have void dash, im not an ember player sorry.). so players that dont farm focus would still have an excelent operator related tool, while the players that invested heavily in their focus tree would have the choice "do i want to play my powerfull operator to hunt today, or do i want to be a wrecking ball of destruction?"

the node as all nodes are, would be toggleable (one inside every three, not linked to any node but the 1st one so that you can have multiple playstyle choices no matter if you want operator or WF playstyle. 

it would be an "special" kind of node, kinda like the ones that got introduced in PoE.

another example of a morphed ability would be, energizing dash, instead it would just be morphed into energy pulses.

the speed/damage tradeoff its obviously for the idea that you suggested, while using it as a 3 second dash, makes it weaker but faster.


I don't understand the fuse conscience line, as this idea you got seems to keep the Warframe being used in a different way, I guess like what Equinox does with her first ability switching day and night, to a basic Warframe that maybe say converts Void Energy to Warframe powers to a supercharged Void Conduit that uses Void energy directly on enemies.

This goes beyond what I'm suggesting, and if possible would be neat to see to have Focus evolve a little more. I just can't help seeing the image of going super saiyan though. Well, at this point maybe that's a good thing as the most recent frame is Gara-su afterall.

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You're right, I don't like playing as the operator. However, the first thing on my list of improvements would surely *not* be customization options. 

You think people don't like playing as the operator because we can't dress the little emo teens up? I could not care less. 

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8 minutes ago, Warhawg01 said:

You're right, I don't like playing as the operator. However, the first thing on my list of improvements would surely *not* be customization options. 

You think people don't like playing as the operator because we can't dress the little emo teens up? I could not care less. 

The problems with the operators are their gameplay and customization. Even if you fix the gameplay many people will simply be repelled by the lack of customization they have an their overall cringe inducing appearance and personality.

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11 hours ago, Futurehero said:


Because they're a good concept executed poorly.

DE wants to tell a rags to riches story and wants the operators to be vulnerable kids. But instead of building gameplay around THAT, they made them compete with Warframes in gameplay.

Calling out the tenno to fight should be a rage-mode-ability, like you have in games like God of War . You kill x enemies and you get to summon the operator to wreck faces.

This is what a tenno should be like (by DE's interpretation, no less, not mine).


I heavily agree with most of what you are saying here. The dramatic thing about the Tenno is that they are immensely powerful beings that put one in mind of some kind of demigod, they just happen to come in small vulnerable packages. It says in the lore (assuming they haven't retconned it yet) that while Tenno appear as, and in many respects are, frail children; they don't age, can't get sick, and wield volatile powers great enough to be a severe danger to themselves and anyone around them without extreme discipline and measures taken to channel and harness that power. What part of that makes having them pop out and do things up close and personal seem like a good idea?

The image of the Tenno looking and feeling almost sacred was one that they established really well and served to explain what Tenno really were and how they related to Warframes. Your Tenno is pracitcally enshrined in a room within the orbiter. The word for divine sacred or heavenly is right there in the name "Tenno."

I am not against them being employed as part of a gameplay mechanic in some capacity, just against them feeling so mundane and redundant when they are supposed to be the mysterious and powerful force behind the Warframes.. I've gone into depth in another thread, so I'll stop for now and link it.  It is mostly about this very issue.


Glad I am not the only one.

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Walking into the Quills room, to be surrounded by 10 things that range in look from 5 to 15, with multi coloured hair and bad paint schemes that make them all look like toddlers is really not what I desire to see in WARFRAME.

It's creepy. They are creepy. I have a child, I don't desire to play as one, especially when Ive spent nearly two thousand hours getting my Warframes exactly how I like them.

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4 hours ago, Zanchak said:

Walking into the Quills room, to be surrounded by 10 things that range in look from 5 to 15, with multi coloured hair and bad paint schemes that make them all look like toddlers is really not what I desire to see in WARFRAME.

It's creepy. They are creepy. I have a child, I don't desire to play as one, especially when Ive spent nearly two thousand hours getting my Warframes exactly how I like them.


I mean, come on: This is a game about cold blooded, mercenary MURDERERS. Our characters literally KILL PEOPLE FOR MONEY. From the point of view of social awareness...how do you think it looks, in this day and age...when those cold blooding killers for hire that wrecklessly assassinate whoever they are told to kill, whenever they are told to kill them...turn out TO BE TEEN/PRETEEN KIDS WITH BARELY ANY AWARENESS OF THE UNIVERSE AROUND THEM?

Doesnt anyone think this is more than a little inappropriate/unsettling at this point in time in our shared human history? Is no one at all bothered by this turn of events?

Frankly, I would love to see DE take a huge step forward and acknowledge - finally, mercifully acknowledge - a design mistake. Namely, the Operator. They tried something new. They deserve kudos for that. But it didnt work. And now, the WORST thing you can do, is to keep pushing a bad position by moving forward with something that is obviously loathed by your player base.

Admit it didnt work. Retcon it. Or at least roll back to the previous focus powers, where Operators were not GAME PLAY. And then refocus your efforts on WARFRAME.

NOT Lunaro, the Rocket League knockoff.

NOT Archwing, that poor attempt to emulate Zone of Enders that's been two and a half years in development and still doesnt have a working control scheme that doesnt make people sick.

NOT Conclave, that misguided attempt at PVP in an ARPG that looks like a shooter and that almost no one actually enjoys and for which there arent even dedicated servers.

NOT Raids and your attempt to emulate to every other MMO ever. We ALL know how THAT turned out.

Just. Focus. On. WARFRAME. Landscapes. Hallways. I dont care. Get back to the basics of what made your game unique, because frankly, you've lost sight of that completely and your desperate, flailing attempts to emulate everything else and cram it into Warframe (badly, I might add) are really NOT flattering to behold, and they dont do your talent justice.

Stop chasing trends and focus on YOUR game. 

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Frankly, I would love to see DE take a huge step forward and acknowledge - finally, mercifully acknowledge - a design mistake. Namely, the Operator. They tried something new. They deserve kudos for that. But it didnt work. And now, the WORST thing you can do, is to keep pushing a bad position by moving forward with something that is obviously loathed by your player base.

They can still fix it if the go and do the operators as Void Demons just as the lore says. You know the dangerous demigods what murder everything in sight but are fragile and cant keep up the pure void form too long.

For example here is 2 of my suggestions:

On 2017. 11. 01. at 9:40 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

1) Void assasins, these are the demons of the void. INdoctrinated into genocidal maniacs and now under the hands of the Lotus, the fragile kids have grown up and became assasins. They can wall run (old wall run animation), jump higher (void jump with the height of a tripple jump), move faster (normal speed increased, sprint speed is atleast double) and use the traditional tenno gear with more efficiency ( general stat buff atleast +20% on all traditional ninja weapons including nikanas, thrown knifes and such). The void assasins possess increased survivability (base hp increased to 500), gained warframe specific armor (ember armor grants +30% fire damage, rhino grants +300 armor, ivara grants stealth field and so on) and the vast power of the void. Whenever a warframe would take lethal damage the safety systems of the transference mode would activate and eject out the operator to deal with the problems for the duration of the pre bleedout state (30 sec as an operator where you can revive yourself and 30 sec in bleedout if you failed that).

2) Fusion mode, when the need arises and the enemies are too much for you to take you can activate the operator fusion. When activated your frame loses 50% of its current health as a cost for great power. You gain +50% damage buff and +5% flat crit + status chance to all your weapons, while your warframe gains +100% power stat pre-set in the way you want (controlable in the arsenal you get a +100 points in the form of a slider slider where you can give this bonus to any of your stats). When in fusion mode your operator appears while wearing a shadow variant of the warframe you wear while having the same stats as you frame had when you activated the fusion mode. This mode is active for 1 minute total and It also has a cooldown system which prevents activating it more then every 2 minutes.

These would fit the lore and move us away from the cripple kid simulator.


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