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Idea: Warframe Plus- Pay $X/ month for auto-adding boosters


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The resources are mapped out quite well for the most part- with everything acquirable after a certain level of grind. Boosters can help alleviate the grind by a significant amount, but need to be constantly bought after running out; creating the problem that inhibit players from buying or using boosters-

  • keeping track when a booster has run out
  • thinking/ strategizing when you're going to play before buying another booster
  • Having to convert money to plat, and then plat to boosters


My idea is of having a subscription service like that automatically adds boosters for the duration of a month so that players don't need to need to buy boosters from the market. To incentivize this purchase- have the total cost of the boosters be around what it'd cost to otherwise buy them at 75% off. This would generate a steady/ predictable income for DE while having players use/ buy boosters they wouldn't have otherwise, while benefiting players by being more cost-effective than buying multiple 30 day boosters. To incentivize the purchase of these boosters- I also thought of perhaps including

  • A certain amount of platinum per month (100 platinum for instance, albeit at a price increase of $1 if added)
  • Exclusive decorations/ cosmetics

I propose a price of-

  • $6.50 a month for a pack containing all the boosters;
  • $2 a month for a single kind of booster

I calculated this using:


Cost of 1,000 platinum after 75% off- $12.25
Platinum per dollar = 1,000/12.25 = 81.6 P/$

Cost of all 30 day boosters = 4*200 = 800P
Price in dollars = 800P/81.6P/$ = $9.8 
Price per 30 day booster = 9.8/4 = $2.45

Closing Thoughts:
DE has a LOT of data about how many players buy platinum at what discounts if any, so this may not be a good idea if for instance a the 50% discount is very popular vs. the 75% off. This is just a suggestion/ idea that I think would be useful and something that I could see myself subscribing too.

Edited by CorerMaximus
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16 minutes ago, FraggerthaBoss said:

Absolutely positively no to this idea. The moment Warframe looses its true F2P style is the moment I truly stop playing it.

I can see understand how players would perceive such a system; however- the game is still going to be F2P; the only change is the way how boosters are acquired so this won't make Warframe not-F2P. If you're concern is about boosters giving players an unfair advantage- they already exist in the game and are purchasable from the market- my idea is changing how they're acquired in a way that makes them more accessible to players.


22 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Nope. The moment they start adding subs its gonna go downhill. Keep it as it is, its totally fine and its been working for years now.

 I'm curious as to why things would go downhill- can you elaborate on what you meant please?

Edited by CorerMaximus
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8 minutes ago, Katinka said:

Boosters and cosmetics?  Sounds like Prime Accessories.


4 minutes ago, (PS4)vamp6x6x6x said:

This is correct.

I'm hoping for a tier/ subscription that's cheaper than prime accessories- I didn't consider the overlap between the two, so please disregard my suggestion of including cosmetics, but having a system that auto-adds boosters would be welcome rather than having to keep buying this through PA or the market in general and is what I'm proposing.

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1 hour ago, CorerMaximus said:

I can see understand how players would perceive such a system; however- the game is still going to be F2P; the only change is the way how boosters are acquired so this won't make Warframe not-F2P. If you're concern is about boosters giving players an unfair advantage- they already exist in the game and are purchasable from the market- my idea is changing how they're acquired in a way that makes them more accessible to players.


 I'm curious as to why things would go downhill- can you elaborate on what you meant please?

More like, ppl will start complaining left and right and it will become something a sub shouldnt be. Mandatory. At least right now they arent and are totally optional. Now if you add that in, ppl are gonna like for example start to have a meta where only ppl with subs are invited blah blah. Does more harm than good.

Edited by Shichibukai88
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FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO. These systems inevitably lead to a few pay-to-win people utterly dominating in every aspect and as a result having much louder voices when the devs looks for ideas. There are no games that have this type of system that don't become purgatory levels of grinding for free players after a year or 2.

Boosters already stack, and honestly if you just play for fun most materials drop relatively often. What full time boosters would reduce the time needed to gather so much that the devs would be forced to up the crafting requirements an insane amount just to convince people that loot is actually meaningful.

Yes, sometimes it is nice to only grind for a day or 2 and get enough to build whatever it is you are looking for, that is why boosters exist at all. They even stack duration (if you get 2 of the same the sum of their duration is what you receive) and you can have as many as you want at a time. 

This is not a system that works, ever. And i would quit immediately if DE started using it.

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1 hour ago, Shichibukai88 said:

More like, ppl will start complaining left and right and it will become something a sub shouldnt be. Mandatory. At least right now they arent and are totally optional. Now if you add that in, ppl are gonna like for example start to have a meta where only ppl with subs are invited blah blah. Does more harm than good.

The only booster that actually affects the group as a whole is the resource chance booster, which also doesn't stack, so having more than one person with that won't have an impact on looting. Based on that, I doubt that there will be Warframe Plus squads only as it doesn't make sense; was that your concern?

11 minutes ago, Taratekt said:

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO. These systems inevitably lead to a few pay-to-win people utterly dominating in every aspect and as a result having much louder voices when the devs looks for ideas. There are no games that have this type of system that don't become purgatory levels of grinding for free players after a year or 2.

How so? Historically- people who have paid from Prime Access or even Platinum have had the same voice in regards to what devs talk about, with the exception of the Design Council; how will having another payment method change the game that dramatically? I would be interested in seeing evidence where Digital Extremes have listened to Prime Access or Platinum buyers over the free-to-play players; should you have any, please do share it.

On the note of it becoming more grindy- boosters already exist and have done so for a long time- by the present existence of this system- your argument should already be valid, so no- grind will probably not be affected. This system wouldn't be anything new- but just changes the way players interact with purchasing boosters so introducing such a system wouldn't start of an apocalypse. 

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I have to say I am with most of everyone else on this thread. What I really don't understand is $2 for a single booster a total of three different boosters which would total $6 for all three boosters. So how does it come out to $6.50 for all three boosters. There is no incentive there generally speaking when you bundle things together you get them for a little cheaper than buying them alone so I don't understand the economics there.

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8 hours ago, CorerMaximus said:


The resources are mapped out quite well for the most part- with everything acquirable after a certain level of grind. Boosters can help alleviate the grind by a significant amount, but need to be constantly bought after running out; creating the problem that inhibit players from buying or using boosters-

  • keeping track when a booster has run out
  • thinking/ strategizing when you're going to play before buying another booster
  • Having to convert money to plat, and then plat to boosters


My idea is of having a subscription service like that automatically adds boosters for the duration of a month so that players don't need to need to buy boosters from the market. To incentivize this purchase- have the total cost of the boosters be around what it'd cost to otherwise buy them at 75% off. This would generate a steady/ predictable income for DE while having players use/ buy boosters they wouldn't have otherwise, while benefiting players by being more cost-effective than buying multiple 30 day boosters. To incentivize the purchase of these boosters- I also thought of perhaps including

  • A certain amount of platinum per month (100 platinum for instance, albeit at a price increase of $1 if added)
  • Exclusive decorations/ cosmetics

I propose a price of-

  • $6.50 a month for a pack containing all the boosters;
  • $2 a month for a single kind of booster

I calculated this using:

Closing Thoughts:
DE has a LOT of data about how many players buy platinum at what discounts if any, so this may not be a good idea if for instance a the 50% discount is very popular vs. the 75% off. This is just a suggestion/ idea that I think would be useful and something that I could see myself subscribing too.

There’s no point. If you’re not playing the game and buying boosters in the game, What’s the point of getting a booster? Sounds like a trap for stupid people. Subscriptions are a trap. The benefits aren’t worth it and I would rather buy in game boosters that only take about a second than to be locked in for a year. Plus, Prime Access gives you a booster for 90 days and makes you buy another for another 90 days.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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Wow... (almost) everyone single one of you have pretty much shot this idea down to hell... Welp, I guess there goes an idea to save players some plat each month and make their lives a bit more convenient. 

My idea behind this was for players who can and already do pay for a monthly booster like creds or resources- have a way to incentivize them to perhaps pay a little more while doing so at a lesser cost than what they would've had to anyways to get a set of boosters. It'd be a win-win- people who can afford to pay boosters are paying a little more to get more types of boosters they wouldn't have got otherwise- and DE is getting additional income they wouldn't have otherwise got as players would've never paid more than what they were without the bundle. While WF is a free to play, I'm sure there are others besides me who already buy a 30month resource booster, and would gladly pay $6.5 for a 4 pack. 

I wasn't looking to scam anyone- just have people like me to pay for boosters we traditionally wouldn't have by incentivizing through a lower than what would've cost individually bundle. It would save the players some time and money in the long run, while generating a steadyish income for DE.

I guess everyone's a quick to jump to the conclusion that "OH, DE IS SCAMMING US" or "THIS IS THE DEATH OF WARFRAME" but COMEON- boosters already exist! It'd change nothing, but you guys have just shown that this little QoL improvement would be impossible without massive community backlash if this thread is anything to go by, so yaay- I guess we will never see this...


3 hours ago, sightjacker said:

No. :thumbdown:

I'm interested in knowing why you disagree with my suggestion. If you can, I'd really appreciate some expansion on your reasoning/ opinions on this!

Edited by CorerMaximus
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no, sorry mate but this idea is pointless

like you said there are boosters in the store if they really want a booster then just buy one. then there is the whole idea that this is a f2p game if by some reason there is a sub option f2p players are gonna flip, even if the sub is pointless like this(no offense, I've noticed I've used pointless a bit much).


F2p players complain like entitled munchkins this would only add to the fire.

Edited by (PS4)LordZezrel
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It was intended more of a way for users to get platinum without having to pay actual platinum or wait for a 75% off. I get it though based on this thread- the community will burn DE and Warframe on the stakes at the slightest hint of a subscription service; so we will never get this.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/4/2017 at 9:06 PM, CorerMaximus said:

How so? Historically- people who have paid from Prime Access or even Platinum have had the same voice in regards to what devs talk about, with the exception of the Design Council; how will having another payment method change the game that dramatically? I would be interested in seeing evidence where Digital Extremes have listened to Prime Access or Platinum buyers over the free-to-play players; should you have any, please do share it.

I have no Problems with Platinum or Prime Access, neither of those is ongoing. I will refer you to Star Conflict, a game made by the people behind War Thunder that started about like Warframe did. But it crashed and burned HARD under subscription premium accounts that handed out more powerful equipment easier to subscribers. Now the only way to play without paying out the nose is to get as much as you can in the open world before a Premium player who is more powerful than the Guards decides they want your stuff, 1 hit kills you then wipes the floor with the supposedly helpful peacekeeping NPCs. PVE game types are built for premium players and basically impossible for less than MLG free players with planned formations, and free players in PVP are little more than the Grunts in Halo.

It started with Premium accounts, then daily item allowances, then loot boxes, then the final nail was the iridium faction with ships only available for real money loot box item drops, and were each effectively player controlled bosses with not even a hint of balance.


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They've avoided ripping off customers. I don't see how instituting a cheap booster driven subscription would devolve into pay to win crap where people are able to do thing non subs can't. They already have these things in the game. It would just be cheaper this way along with making it easier for people who want it.

The only obstacle are the tenno who would insta quit because their feelings are hurt for no real reason. 

Honestlyif I got a little plat with it I would absolutely do it. Prime access is too expensive and I always wait til I get 75 off to buy plat. Maybe give a forma, or potatoe instead of plat if they want to avoid that.

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