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26Th - 29Th July Event Ending Shorty Thread Merger


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I have no real idea how much effort it would take to implement this, and if it would take too much I'm prepared to drop it.

Now, I know we have been a little divided on whether or not we like the event. Granted, there are more that like it (myself included) than don't. This got me thinking of a way to extend the even that would also make sense in the lore.

Here is my proposal: When an event like this occurs it will continue for a least a week. The goals could be set much higher, and the event itself could have stages. Each stage would have it's own mini goal, with an overall goal set for the entire event. Again, this would only happen in events structured like this one. If an event had a main boss that would need to be repeatedly run, then this wouldn't work obviously.

The only other part I'd add is to have the resources be halved for as long as a ship is in a planet's orbit. This would give players a decent incentive to defeat the ship as quickly as possible. Then there would be a short time of double resources (possibly to show that a stockpile in the ship had been released or pilfered) or there could simply be a resource reward to those that participated.

Thoughts, comments, bagels?

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I hope someone gets the joke ._.

But really, calm down. You'll still get 3 mods and the mods aren't even that useful! Unless your using a sniper ammo is abundant as is and you can buy ammo boxes. I personally wouldn't waste my slots on the mod. Also it's not like you won't get it ever again. It'll drop from enemies.

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I hope someone gets the joke ._.

But really, calm down. You'll still get 3 mods and the mods aren't even that useful! Unless your using a sniper ammo is abundant as is and you can buy ammo boxes. I personally wouldn't waste my slots on the mod. Also it's not like you won't get it ever again. It'll drop from enemies.

Eh, it's good for ammo hogs like the Flux, Spectra, Afuris, Akviper, etc.
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