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Titania Skywing Controls


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Alright DE, it's been a bit, and you said that if interest was high you'd consider it.

I'm very interested in Titania's Razorwing getting the Skywing controls.

It'd be way more consistent (and safer) than the glitchy ground-slide afterburner she has currently, and may even make slide melee actually possible with the Diwata out (rather than just as quick-melee).


Who's with me?

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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13 minutes ago, Mavor said:

I just wish she wouldnt get stuck so easily on doorways and some flooring. Zooming along, then coming to a complete or near complete halt because you got too close to a doorjamb is annoying.

The loss of speed is hardly the worst thing about it.... I've died more to walls than anything else as Titania- and I heard it was much worse at release.



5 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

I actually like Razorwing's controls better than Skywing's. The former feels more helicoptery, so I have an easier time with precision movement; this is good to be able to do if I'm bringing her to something a little more cramped than PoE.

The Skywing controls are helicoptery though if you don't hold sprint... You just also get jet controls if you hold sprint, as well as afterburners.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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15 minutes ago, Nyaa314 said:

Plz no. I like to get where I intended to fly, with minimal amount of fuss, not to spin around like I'm tusk antifun missile.

What? How do you go in an unintended direction when you literally either fly in straight directionals without sprint, or straight at your reticle with sprint?

Also, you only spin if you hit left/right while holding sprint- and you right yourself when you release sprint.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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7 minutes ago, Raskolnikow said:

Would be glad to just see her "sprint speed" in razorback mode increased like maybe 2-3 times

Without making it easier to do tight maneuver at those speeds (like with jet controls), deadly walls will become even more deadly. Plus I'd really much rather have that be tied to some form of afterburners so I'm not forced to go insanely fast inside, say, a ventilation shaft.

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