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Why Do Rooms Get Nerfed Now?


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 Better yet, put in a secondary way through.  Make a new use for hack consoles.  In some rooms, if the wall runs are complicated, let someone go to the hack console, and hack it to extend walkways like the ones seen.  If they won't block wall runners, then they would be available to allow non-wallrunners a way through, it just isn't a shortcut anymore.



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That room was a terrible design. Good intentions but terrible design. Often would not be able to wall run the entire length, slipping, over jumping the doorway and getting stuck, jumping off the wall too soon resulted in an infinite loop of falling, just an overall buggy room. I do think they made it too simple though. Really they should have just made the room slightly bigger and fixed the getting stuck issue. Not make it so you don't even have to think about what you need to do.

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I had to go through this tile in an alert rescue mission.

I just left him behind and he didn't get killed.

Made it pretty much easy mode for the rest of the mission, since I didn't have to give a S#&$ about the hostage anymore.

Yeah, I've had my share of stuck prisoners under stairwells and what not too. I usually left them behind as well. But there was a time a team mate had trouble wall running one part of this room and a fresh mob spawned right next to the stuck prisoner, FAIL :(

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how can you nerf a room? i would rather use the word, change, tweaked. it was a pain that room for me not that i ever encountered that bug when you got stuck in a loop it was just that i always ended up were is was supposed to go XD well thats just me failing, but for me the hostage could actually jump up on the ledges and follow me.

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Sure hope this isn't going to be a trend whenever people complain they can't wall-climb or wall-run.  I understand it's somewhat difficult, but that's part of the game. This room just looks claustrophobic and ridiculous now.


hahaha I saw that yesterday and was like "laaaaaaaaame"


Granted most players are absolute rocks when it came to that part. I'd literally text chat and show them exactly what to do and they'd refuse to do it.

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Yes. It's a shame when we all have to go at the speed of the slowest. I would always stop and help out people who hadn't seen this room before. Once you've done it a couple of times you know the route. Why change it so there's zero challenge?

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Because it makes no sense to have parkour only rooms, when not only Space Ninjas would theoretically use it. There have to Grinner Technicians and others would have to traverse them.


So I really like the hack option, to extend a bridge or something, it makes a lot of sense.

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while i love parkouring .. .the room had issues - frames often jumped too far at the end of the wallrun and just fell off over and over again.

Instead of removing it completely.. adjust the rooms placement.

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For those of you who like to parcour: Just DO it and stop whining.

I, for once, cannot be bothered to break half my fingers trying to do that double wall run or whatever other moves you guys want to pull off to get ahead.

I'll just be plain old boring me and simply use the stairs. Or the elevator.

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the rooms from those pics are supposed to only be used when you are on a rescue mission so the prisoner can actually follow you through the map, instead of getting bugged and standing there and failing the mission for you when they get killed.


edit: love the comments from people who think the change is for those that either cannot wall run or cba to wall run, maybe use your brain a bit more and don't just have a knee jerk reaction, instead actually think of other possible reasons something was changed.


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I liked that room before the easy mode stairs and ramps were added. The only problem I had before was that there were a lot of spots in that room where you could could jump into and get stuck or fall out of the world. So either they couldn't fix those issues and added those stairs or people complained about it being too hard.

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Wow, really?

This happened?


Why not multiply all our dmg output by 10 because lvl 100+ enemies aren't going down like dominoes like they should.

Also, all the void missions should drop 5 different loots at the end because going on void runs can be tedious

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The grineer galleon rooms were really badly designed. Boy did I love leaping off a wall, and watching my frame not grab a ledge and instead go sliding off across the room at mach @(*()$ 50 and through a wall out into space.

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the rooms from those pics are supposed to only be used when you are on a rescue mission so the prisoner can actually follow you through the map, instead of getting bugged and standing there and failing the mission for you when they get killed.


edit: love the comments from people who think the change is for those that either cannot wall run or cba to wall run, maybe use your brain a bit more and don't just have a knee jerk reaction, instead actually think of other possible reasons something was changed.

That's true that it's there for the prisoner, but I have my reasons to my previous post regarding the "spoon-feeding generation"


I've seen a bunch of threads about this room, and a lot of them were people who said things like "I don't want to wallrun", "wallrunning is too hard", "Why should I have to wallrun"


Granted, "why should I have to wallrun" is a valid argument, but still, making every single room in a level completely consisting of walkways and stairs is extremely boring and uninteresting.

The idea of hacking consoles to extend walkways is an amazing idea, and makes sense for the Grineer. Intruder on board? get rid of the floor.


My last post was in poor taste, I admit, but after seeing where video games have been heading lately, it's hard to not be bitter about these kind of changes.

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Maybe we need a "Slippery wall" indicator somewhere, so that when we look at it, we will abolish all hopeful thoughts about wallrunning on it from the start, instead of arriving at the same conclusion after painful, repeated tries.

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The previously stated idea is probably the best way to go about it. Using the parkour system wouldn't necessary, but it would make things much faster.


But yeah, glad they patched up that room, half the time I couldn't even wallrun and the other half was an endless loop of falling. 

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Requesting Nightmare Mode tiles. 


All training wheels come off, the bumpers get removed and all pits are death traps.

Fall in pit = death? As long as they specify what a "pit" is. There's the one Grineer ship tile with the holo projection of some planets, and the little indentation where the projector is located is a "pit".

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