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Why Do Rooms Get Nerfed Now?


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I'm glad they made the change. When these rooms were introduced, half the people got stuck. Keep in mind that these rooms showed up to the brand new players (as they are part of the Grineer tileset). I had to lead a couple of groups through (speaking another language mind you) to help them.


I think the difference is that while you CAN wall run, it should be optional up until a certain difficulty level. Currently wallrunning allows access to more lockers, secrets, or is much faster. But ultimately, still optional. There are a couple of tilesets that still make it mandatory (a corpus outdoor with the fallen tree, the Grinner asteroid ship, etc.). But even those are very simple straight shots across.


That is, until you get to the Void. But these are special high level missions that assume you know what you're doing.


As it is, I still see people going the slow way on many maps. Or even if it's the same speed, it's still cooler.

Edited by PlebbyMilliner
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Seems to be a poor impression made by some individuals with regards to such changes. I certainly wasn't fond of that particular room because it wasn't well laid out and the objective waypoint did not point to the proper direction at any point in time inside of it. However, rooms should be look at in different ways: For the speed demons, there will always be shortcuts and more fun ways to get around. THAT is what is fun about all the wallrunning that can be had, especially in these larger Grineer tiles. To me, the fun is figuring out these alternate routes and special areas, not trying to figure out what the intended direction is without a working waypoint.

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Thanks DE, now can u reduce the haking system to 2 hexes, as that sysetm is teh hards also!

On one side of the coin I can understand why they did  it.

On the other its a negative move against the acrobatic abilities that players are armed with.

Never personally had any issues with these rooms that required more acrobatic skill, but I have observed people that did/do.


I hope these changes are only for low level areas.

Edited by Disodium
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Well i understand that this room was bad for new players, but then why not just add the room to only higher level missions.

I was once in the room for 15min and helped some new players figure it out. That was so much fun we had there.

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I posted a bug report for this. On a rescue mission, the prisoner cannot follow you to extraction when you have to go through this room. They will run in circles until killed thus failing the mission. How would you like it when the mission involved an alert reward? Think about it before calling this a nerf.


So give the prisoner AI the ability to wall run since they are locus operatives?

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I think that the higher level the planet the more likely these kind of rooms (pre nerf) are prominant. Having rooms like this on mercury or venus may just be a bit too much for new players, and this may cut down on the complaining as well.

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I like the changes honestly. It didn't architecturally make any sense to have a random pillar in the middle of the room with walkways completely unconnected to the rest of the room. Grineer don't wallrun or jump so the architecture of the tileset should be based around how they would navigate it.


Additionally that room was previously very buggy, sliding off of walls, falling through floors, shooting off of ledges suddenly, falling forever etc. All happened commonly for me on that tile

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I think all the fun wall run rooms were changed to be "easy" Infact the room in the first picture that was changed was by far the easiest of them all... who on earth couldn't figure it out... The moment I entered I had it all figured out and could do it in a few jumps... run to one side, wall run across go in room wall run up backflip off, go through, jump down to middle platform, move to exit, leap to exit, and go on your way... done, done, and done... it was so simple and easy I bet an ape well trained enough could play warframe and get past that point...

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Its a grineer ship and grineer cant wall run (and it looks so stupid when they jump like they all have the super jump power), why would they make it only accessable by wall running.


Why the hell do we need rooms that dont make sence for the owner just because the player can do something the owners cant?


Short cuts, secrets, and similar I'm fine with being for the parkor


Now if it was a tenno ship and you had this issue I'd be on your side.

Edited by Loswaith
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I liked the wall run rooms, I got annoyed at first but that's the point it should be a challenge. I say instead of fixxing the room with bridges, fix the mechanics of the wallrun so you don't glitch out, and end up in the endless free fall or that you can get around it.

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Instead of "softening" rooms like this, they should just restrict such tiles to only higher level planets. I can completely understand someone having trouble with parkour heavy rooms when they are still in Venus or Earth, but by the time they get to Sedna or Europa they should know how to wallrun pretty well.

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I don't mind the change.  With the parkour system being as unpolished as it is and rather clumsy to use at times, getting this room would often make me groan, especially if I had a timer going or was on a Nightmare mission with Vampire.  I'm not going to miss all the times I shot off into space, slid off into a pit, or missed that final jump because the system decided to move me one way when I wanted to go the other.  Fix the parkour and make it more responsive and I would agree with you all, but as it is now, I dislike mandatory parkour-heavy areas because the system is clunky and rather hard to use even if you're used to it.

Edited by Trylobyte
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Simply try playing such rooms when lag is a very real issue.

Good luck to you, Tenno. You will fail. Repeatedly.

An alternate route, be it stairs, a ramp or even just a simple, straight wallrun is always a good thing to have.

All the acrobatic and fancy stuff should be left for secret places and such that are *intended* to be hard to get to. But regular gameplay should never be hindered by these things. It must flow. So the rushers can rush and the explorers can be left behind :p

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look at all these "hardcore gamers" coming out in defense of those crappy, glitchy rooms.


Guys, the wall running UI and functionality was poor. Those rooms had infinite death loops that could catch players if they lagged or fell off.

Whether you liked it or not, any room that can randomly snag a player in an infinite fall loop is a bad room. Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a vampire nightmare run and someone glitched into the pit and got stuck? Everyone would die and fail the run when you ran out of enemies because the one dude bouncing around the pit like a ping pong ball couldn't get to extraction. Then you'd just be back here complaining about something else.

The wall running was clumsy, the room design was poor, and the whole thing  was one glitchy deathtrap, we complained and they fixed it, and now you come back and complain when they install a safety ladder because its not "hardcore" anymore.


Well kids, I've got news for you.


You're not hardcore.

If you didn't grow up blowing on cartridges, you're not hardcore.


If the first game you ever played had save points, you're not hardcore.


If you cried when some dumb chick died in FF7, and you were bummed out because Sephiroth killed your healer, you're not hardcore.


League of Legends isn't hardcore. World of Warcraft isn't hardcore, whatever you're playing, its not hardcore. If you don't have to blow on it to start it, its not hardcore. Your generation will never be hardcore.


You want to be hardcore? go into the attic and dust of your older brother's NES, or go find his install discs for original Prince of Persia.


Try beating Battletoads.



Because all of us 80s babies, the kids that grew up with jumping puzzles, the kids that had to dodge shredder machines in ninja turtles and play metroid without a map, we were hardcore, and we don't want to be hardcore anymore. Being hardcore sucked. We just want games to work. If you ran out of continues the game was actually over, not hit F5 and go back to your last quick save over.

You kids don't know what hardcore really means, you kids don't know what difficulty actually is, and you kids think leaving glitchy deathtrap rooms in the game is a good idea.

When someone falls into the deathtrap and ping pong balls, that's not them getting punished for being a bad player, that's you getting punished for no reason. That's your teammate that fell into the hole and didn't make it to extraction. That's your difficulty getting bumped up for no reason for being down a teammate because the devs screwed up and built a glitchy room. That's just another minute you have to wait to keep playing the game while the extraction timer counts down. Another minute you get punished for nothing.

Stop pretending to be hardcore and stop whining that the devs put a bandaid on content that was buggy and broken. You wanna be hardcore? Delete your account every time you die, then we'll talk.

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as much as any of you liked the rooms

 you have the remember










Have you ever seen the Grineer/Corpus jump?


They're better ninjas than we are

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