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I love this frame soo much now but I'm not really understanding on how it heals team mates. I understand the raping an enemy for my own health but how do I play my support role healing people. Maybe its related to Scarab armor since I don't really get that part. Charging up to 100% scarab armor then press 4 again to heal teammates? How does Dissication heals?

Thanks for your time

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6 answers to this question

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Sacarab Armor's swarms will heal allies at 100% range 15 meters away (affected by range mods) which heals allies for the damage done to the enemy(ies) of 200 at 100% strength (affected by strength mods) for 15 seconds (affected by duration mods). afaik that is the only heal for allies, though Devour also has a single target heal for inaros and allies who 'use' the enemy trapped.


Edited by Kalvorax
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Inaros can mark enemies with Devour, which can be interacted by teammates to heal them. He cannot provide any other healing than that, and nobody notices (they just kill the marked guy without checking their hp if they have low hp).

In these spoilers are my opinion and understanding of Inaros' abilities.



This does not cover his passive, but does cover the other unmentioned passive he has.

1: Inaros' Dessicate blinds enemies that look at him, deals damage over time to them and heals Inaros in tiny chunks. Finishing them off gives Inaros a big chunk of his health back - which is even bigger if you stick on a maxed Vitality, Primed Vigor, and Gladiator Resolve (which are in my build for my Inaros which results in 6.8k hp - which last's as long as an unmodded Excalibur in any missions outside ones below level 10, in Sorties). Don't forget Rage on health-only frames like Inaros can make them endless.

2) Inaros' Devour stops enemies from doing anything for a duration and exposes them to being drained by interacting with them for health. Essentially they become health fountains until they're killed, devoured by Inaros, or the duration ends. This power has three, maybe four, purposes: A: stop deadly enemies like Bursas from doing anything. B: Health fountains for allies. C: Sand-Shadows if Sandstormed or Devoured by Inaros. D: Crowd devour-marked enemies around objectives and observe how enemies refuse to open fire.

3: Inaros' Sandstorm flings enemies around and slowly kills them. Slowly. If they're marked for Devour, if they die during its duration while in Sandstorm they come out as Sand-Shadows, and Inaros is healed all the while - making spamming the 2nd ability then Sandstorming into them a great way to handle crowds.

4: Inaros' Scarab Swarm has three ways of use: 1: Alternative damage output, with healing. 2: Extra armour (which, with an augment, becomes like Iron Skin - preventing status effects from Grineer scanners and so on at the cost of its own percentage). 3: Emergency health if you get overwhelmed by Nullifiers.



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So the heal is from pressing 4 after charging the scarab armor to max or more than 25%? Depends on the damage that skill does? I was holding 4 charging thinking thats how it heals :sad: Didn't knew theres a database for warframes.. Was looking at the forums for a tutorial section. 

Thanks for the clarification.

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@kambinks, Scarab Swarm drains your hp for armour up to 100%. Each 25% used damages enemies and begins giving back health if you're in range, I've forgotten how it synergizes with crowded enemies and Dessicate but I know there's some sort of synergy there. It gives back health in a lifesteal form upon use, but if you fall off a cliff with any % on you, it gets refunded into health (but there's no 'overhealth' or conversion to shields - so if you had max health when that happened, you lost your Scarab armor and have to refuel it).

And all Warframes have a section of UI devoted to explaining the abilities.

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8 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

Inaros can mark enemies with Devour, which can be interacted by teammates to heal them. He cannot provide any other healing than that, and nobody notices (they just kill the marked guy without checking their hp if they have low hp).

In these spoilers are my opinion and understanding of Inaros' abilities.

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This does not cover his passive, but does cover the other unmentioned passive he has.

1: Inaros' Dessicate blinds enemies that look at him, deals damage over time to them and heals Inaros in tiny chunks. Finishing them off gives Inaros a big chunk of his health back - which is even bigger if you stick on a maxed Vitality, Primed Vigor, and Gladiator Resolve (which are in my build for my Inaros which results in 6.8k hp - which last's as long as an unmodded Excalibur in any missions outside ones below level 10, in Sorties). Don't forget Rage on health-only frames like Inaros can make them endless.

2) Inaros' Devour stops enemies from doing anything for a duration and exposes them to being drained by interacting with them for health. Essentially they become health fountains until they're killed, devoured by Inaros, or the duration ends. This power has three, maybe four, purposes: A: stop deadly enemies like Bursas from doing anything. B: Health fountains for allies. C: Sand-Shadows if Sandstormed or Devoured by Inaros. D: Crowd devour-marked enemies around objectives and observe how enemies refuse to open fire.

3: Inaros' Sandstorm flings enemies around and slowly kills them. Slowly. If they're marked for Devour, if they die during its duration while in Sandstorm they come out as Sand-Shadows, and Inaros is healed all the while - making spamming the 2nd ability then Sandstorming into them a great way to handle crowds.

4: Inaros' Scarab Swarm has three ways of use: 1: Alternative damage output, with healing. 2: Extra armour (which, with an augment, becomes like Iron Skin - preventing status effects from Grineer scanners and so on at the cost of its own percentage). 3: Emergency health if you get overwhelmed by Nullifiers.



I learnt that just now basically pinning a prosecutor but didn't know other players can join in and heal during that. I usually go for Devour when my HP is somehow too low or close to dying since he's kinda invincible during devour.

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