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What Are 3 Things You Would Change About Warframe?


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3 changes :



Less QQ on the forum about how you dont like the challenges theyve added. and dont say 'its not about not liking challenges' cuz if that was the case, youd shut up, do them, and ask for more variety of challenges, and the removal of none. (this does not include streamlining ideas)



a slightly deeper melee system. they could use vindictus as a model. simple, and wouldnt take much alteration of the current dynamic to implement a similar structure to combos.



i would expand the modding system. allowing custom mod creation within a set dynamic (example could be, you can add one feature to a blank mod for every two mastery levels). that example alone would allow for : more difficult levels, more depth to the game, a reason to keep playing beyond ranking frames and weapons. it would also give us plenty of reason to buy/craft forma, to polarize slots to handle our theoretical quadmods. do i hear t4-5?

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A better more unique and impactful end game mod upgrading. The polarization system is just awful, putting so much time in leveling weapons and warframes to get nothing back but a small amount of reduction in setting mods. This is no end game for an MMO, it a stupid prestige system that really has no place in this game.


Having more diverse enemy types, that have much better AI than what is available now. There really should be no reason why there can't be more than 3 different factions in this game.


Having a better solo gameplay experience.   

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1. Dedicated servers.

1.a.) bigger games since dedicated servers allow 2-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx players.


2. better AI because anyway and because see above (also better AI would be cooler than more HP on enemies but it would kill most hosts game even more thus again... dedicated).


3. UI rework, fix the UI (they on it I know) make mods stack?! like have a number on them like materials use or something or just speed the mod system up (have you seen how long it takes to load 9k mods on a high end machine?). Just fix all of the darn UI xD make it better (including mod presets and all that has been mentioned). Let me choose my mods even if I have 5000000 pages of mods.

Edited by scavenge
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1. Matchmaking - The matchmaking and ability to join/invite friends or clan members into lobbies is simply atrocious. The amount of times I or someone else has had to re-log or simply give up on trying to join a friend because they appear "offline" in the friends list, despite being very much "online" and therefore rendering them unable to play with..... This needs a SERIOUS LOOK AT before release on the PS4. If the game gets released with this issue on console, many console players will simply give up on the free game as they can't join a match, especially if there are the added issues that come with cross-platform connections.


2. Nightmare - Remove or change how "no map" works. Either make it a challenge with markers to help you (arrows on the walls?) or remove it entirely. Would also be nice to have a proper challenge, you can still comfortably rush through every nightmare mission apart from the no map ones.


3. Longevity of updates - I love the game, I love the regular updates and hotfixes. I do feel however that the updates released up to this point have not had much longevity, ie their "fun factor" has a limited lifespan. You can see this in that the last few updates have added warframes, or mods to collect, or rooms to build in a dojo. Once these things are done, that is it for the update, there is no reason to motivate you to continue playing other than, "maybe I will forma that gun again...". I would like to see some updates in future that are more than just things to collect or farm, I don't have a solution to this, but i feel that this is the reason why warframe suffers from spikes in popularity. Every update the concurrent players rises, but falls rapidly within the following weeks. I feel DE need to develop a way to keep players playing, and increase the chances of players buying platinum. As many people have mentioned, an end game is needed.

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1. Rolling with Toggle Sprint. Yes, I want to roll off of every platform whenever I drop down. This is a amazingly helpful in rooms with platforming involved.


2. Better Waypoint System. It was bad when I first started and it's somehow even worse now. Might as well add a full map for both the levels and the dojo.


3. Team loadout screen (Pub). Since DE wants to finally add endgame content, we would need a more intutive loadout/ready screen. It's not enough to just see what weapons/frames are being used, and especially so when playing pub games, since you probably won't even get enough time to change your loadout before the mission starts.

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1. would appreciate an option where u can automaticlly turn off the sequences from bosses and at the start of a mission.

2. i think there should be more specific lore about the warframes

3.the droprates of some materials are totally annoying like plastides and stuff since there are missions im killing everything but dont recieve a single one

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Three changes?

1. Power system and power design.

Tbh, I think a system which relies on RNG to give player 'mana' without buyable consumable is a bad idea. It makes players feel insecure and collect energy only to cast the most powerful spell.

Using a more consistent system, along with a big overhaul in power design will keep the game fast and give birth to pure caster builds. Create powers that

A. Scale well in late game without compromising early/mid game. Currently, damage powers are good in early/mid game but abysmally bad in late game.

B. Spammable for damage, sacrificing weapon or melee damage in the process. Wizard with greatsword and full-plated armor looks ridiculous.

C. More utility-oriented powers to avoid scaling problem.

D. Each upgrade of power should allow player to customize how power reacts instead of fixed numerical upgrade.

2. Armor scaling.

Get rid of it. It creates fake difficulty, drives players toward armor-ignoring/AP weapon, and turns AI into bullet sponges. It's about time to create better system that relies on skill-based more than gear-based gameplay.

3. More customization.

Warframe suffers from the fact that there is little content compared to other loot-based ARPG like Diable, Torchlight, or Path of Exile. Instead of releasing fully made weapon, release parts of them instead and let players make their own weapon!

- Release barrel, receiver, and energy source and let player make their own gun.

- Release handle, blade and allow player to add one special component into it. Make your own melee weapon.

- More body customization for Warframe.

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1: Better stealth play.

Maybe I just suck at stealth, but it feels like even if you are trying to be stealthy you still have to be a one-man army and mow down every enemy in front of you.


2: Make the testing you have to do to reach the next level have three/four attempts instead of one before locking for 24 hours.

Maybe I'm just mad about failing the test, but I don't feel like being able to only attempt it once and either being successful or having to take it the next day is a good idea. I'd rather have the choice of you getting multiple tries each day (not too many tries however) instead of just the one try.


Also I'm impatient.


3: Better A.I. for the Moas.


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1. Trading


2. More mission modes. Don't just replace them but add them. We need more variety.


3. Make everything available via drop. I know the drop rate is tough but i don't hate it that much, there are worst games. But i would love if orokin reactor/catalyst/forma would have a drop rate of 0,001% from bosses or thinks like that. Between the resources and the actual blueprint it wouldn't change the market mechanics so much and it would add up and extra goal to look forward.

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1st: Armor scaling: When I first saw it I was just "WTF?! is this S#&$? Oh god the head ache!" best resistance scaling what I have seen is League of Legend's resistance scaling. When I compare it to Warframe's own I want to barf how awful it is.


2nd: Drop rate: THIS MOTHER @(*()$ THING HAS PISSED ME OFF A LOT. Let me tell why. Nova raptor I killed that thing about under 10 or more and I got about 3 helmets 2 chasis and 1 system good thing in one day though but that is just damn odd to get things what you already have. Seer I hunted those parts about 4 MOTHER @(*()$ DAYS when I finally decided I got damn enough DUN DUN DUN DUN! I killed Vor once and I got the last piece of Seer I said to my friends on TS 3 server "I have some much anger about one damn thing now. I had hunted one damn piece for few days now and after I had sold that S#&$ I got the last part. I am so mad right now"


3rd: The difficulty increase: It is K but on pluto and Tower 3 I said "F*** THAT S#&$!" soloing those requires way too much time and I don't want to waste my time to do one mission. Also I don't want to bother anybody.

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1) The enemy AI (improved)

2)The bosses (challenging and FUN)

3) The maps (some maps just should be unique or give a good cohesive feeling like a good ol console shooter, better, more structured encounters, that kind of thing.)

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1- Melee combat. Make it better somehow, not an after thought/ for fun.

2- Rare mats being so goddamn rare. Game needs a credit shop asap. I'd pay rather buy void key pacs for platinum, to get money, to buy mats than pay for mats in the market.

3- Rewards on par with what you are doing. Nightmare mode is a step in the right direction. Stealth runs need to award something similar. Or any other form of playthru.

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1. Keep Sentinels but improve them, give players more customizable AI. Make them more interactive and unique to the player (MUST FEED MY SENTINEL ALL THE DISCS - PSO players will get this)


2.Improve the look and feel of the game from performance to its mechanics I think need a polishing. Wall and running the pakour is cool but it feels clunky even once you gotten use to it and relatively adept at it. It's no Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia but if Warframe's movement could be more tactile and precise that would make the game that more enjoyable. 


3.Dedicated Server Option - Improving the connectivity issues, enables the technical resources for exciting larger sized multiplayer opportunites. Special Events with more than just 4 tenno?

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  • 3 weeks later...

first off i know that details are hard 2 realize and put even a harder restraint on the money the makers have.

Being said that: i want more details.

It is not about the graphics.

But after playing it 4 a while i must say the biggest two problems of WF is the repetition of gameplay is a bit of a turnoff. Different maps would be not only nice but essential. Phobos was a good step into the right direction. But still the same missions. No real team missions, no team vs team, no arena, no clanbase(ships or hideouts - in the system not that key...) no seeing who or what those clans are (up2), and so on. You want the people to customize their tennos, so let them show them to others. Maybe in a way i described it earlier, maybe in the stats you can summon.

That brings me to the second point that is bothering me. The chat-client. Maybe it's just me and everybody uses skype, but it would be nice if it would be more comfortable. Like having a double chat window so u can track your group and the region/recru chat at the same time. Clickable names in the chat-view would be helpful. very.

Viewable and more different status symbols would be nice too. so people dont wonder of lack of response while you are in the arsenal or simply away. I know they want it console-suitable but 4 pc-users like me it is a real drag.

The level design really needs to beef up in variations AND goals. Good examples are (some may suggest others) Borderlands (NPCs), Portal (creativity) or Counterstrike. Ok the last one isn't about the points i mentioned, but have that in mind, because it lasted some time, didn't it, and still do i guess.

Some issues with the level design are easier to solve than others, i know. Example: most wall running is needed in the tenno exams. There are a lot of those smaller flaws. Changing that shouldn't be that hard.

P.s.: i know you want to earn money with that, so why don't you introduce a blackmarket in the outer rims, where you can buy rare stuff and to make it more challenging it's not always available... some stuff has to be cheaper, some more expensive. I know, p2w comes to mind but then again the balancing would be your job, not mine.

I could go into further details but even this long text will not be read very often or maybe at all :D.

And gone with the wind.

Edited by kazenioware
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Since armour is already being worked on...


1)Improve AI: more teamwork (suppressive fire covering stormtroopers, more enemies with unique equipment, more authentic reactions, increased coordination with level progress)


2)Flesh out melee system: more control over individual strikes (if I stab or slash my foe from the right or left should be my choice).

Doesn't have to be brawler style but Jedi Knight level would be good. More animations.


3)Dedicated servers. Nuff said.

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