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Zephyr rework ideas


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We know Zephyr prime isn't next. Even though she should be, but moving on.

Her abilities, aside from her 3rd are lacking and of course, need to be reworked. But what could be done to her 1,2 and 4?

Proposed changes:

1st ability should play into her wind element and give us the feel of flight. While she shouldn't fly around like titania, she should still give us a sense of being airborne.

What if her first ability summoned a mini tornado that would form under her and lift her up into the air? Maybe have it cover her lower half of her body so that all you see from the waste down is a tornado? For a better visual idea of this, google image "red tornado" and youll see what im trying to say. You could then use the archwing controls (in ps4s case, L1 to descend and X to climb) to altar your distance from the ground, but with a limitation to how high you can go based on power range. It would function like a channeling ability, similar to nezhas first skill. Offering increased mobility speed boosts as well as doing slash damage to any enemy caught in its path?

Could probably do more, maybe, but this is just brain storming atm.

2nd ability could be replaced with a skill that shoots a single tornado in a straight line. Sucking up everything in range, and once triggered again, or duration has expired, explode and disperse all enemies that were caught in its wake?

4th ability should be like a mix between vaubans vortex and Inaros sandstorm.

She could summon one giant tornado that will remain in a single spot for its duration, or if activated again, Zephyr would anchor herself to the ground and move the tornado around? Have it so that it functions like a channeling ability when moving around. So x amount of energy to cast and be done, or x amount to cast and then x amount per second to move around. Activating again while channeling will leave the tornado in its new fixed position for its duration.

Enemies caught in the twister will take damage over time and have the twister capable of absorbing both friendly and enemy damage. Like mags magnetize, but perhaps without the boom at the end.


Just random thoughts, but wanted to post them. What do you all think?

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Congratulations! You're the 600th rework thread I've read!

Now, I'm not going to say much, but there are some standard disclaimers you might want to know from me being around a lot. A. Lot. of Zephyr rework threads.

For a start, at an interview earlier in the year, DE made the statement (not sure how iron-clad it is) that no frames are getting new or replacement abilities in reworks to come, which is why we didn't get any for Oberon and Hydroid. So as interestingly familiar as your new first ability is... it's likely not going to happen, same with your second... doubly familiar for the second...

The second thing you should know is that there have been threads running for months now, debated and fully fleshed out, that you would really benefit from reading, look for the ones with high reply numbers in the 50s to 100s, there aren't many, but the ones you'll find up the top of the forum pages are currently the front-runners of what a lot of the community have come together to create over time.

And the third thing? Welcome! Join us on those other threads, debate and have fun!

Okay, so a quick rundown of your brainstorm.

The reason I say that the first ability is familiar is that it was in the concept for Zephyr. She was created right here on the forums and DE accepted the fan concept into the game, the hovering-around-in-a-tornado movement was discarded, however, along with other ideas such as metal-feather strikes (like shurikens) and kicking up waves of air as shockwaves. As it stands, though I feel your idea would actually limit the movement possibilities for Zephyr. Possibilities, that is, because there are many ways that Tailwind could be 'unlocked' to make casting it more intuitive and fluid in the game. Some people suggest things like 'hold to extend further' others suggest things like 'make it a non-animated cast' to allow it to behave more like movement (reloads, cancelling movement, re-casting in motion, parkour, that sort of thing).

Your second ability is really, really familiar, because I came up with a CC cast exactly like it, but with the opposite end result for an earlier thread of mine (that I had to abandon thanks to Disclaimer 1 up there), called Dervish. The idea being that it sucked enemies towards the mini-nado cast and pushed them all back in a line so they would end up grouped at the end of the cast for attacking at range. Good way to clear corridors or to push back charger units while you reload.

And the Tornado change... The reason there isn't an ability that's a mix of Vortex and Sandstorm is because that would be majorly over-powered as a cast. The reason that Vortex doesn't move, and deals virtually no damage, while Sandstorm moves really slowly, has relatively low damage and is an animation cast that leaves Inaros semi-vulnerable during it. Abilities have to be fair, even if they're powerful, and if a massive CC ability exists for the frame, it will have to walk that balance between how much damage it can do versus how much freedom the user is allowed during it.

But still, thanks for joining the discussion and why not drop in on a few of the other threads... shameless plug for my current one...

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Only the 600th??? Geez lol

I should of searched, you are right. I just had these random ideas and wanted to post them. Spur of the moment I guess.

Was unaware that de said they wouldn't replace abilities since they did for excalibur and limbo. Shame if that's true because her first 2 skills are quite bad..

And ya, the 4th ability sounds op as hell, but it sounded cool :people

Guess here's to hoping they do something good with her because she's a fun frame... just lacking in the skills.

Edited by (PS4)Zelisius
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