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Petition To Keep Raid Missions In The Game (With A Poll!)


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I hope its a really bad joke  -___-,


Least played missions: Raid ? Are you facking serious !?


Must be the missions EVERYONE loves for farming quick ressources...


Maybe Raid needs rework but don't remove Raid come on the one you should try to remove or rework greatly is certainly Rescue and Spy...

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Raid is my most played mission type due to continuous enemy spawns. I get that Capture is sort of the same but hadn't really seen a Grineer variant by the time they switched all Grineer over to their newer tilesets. The continuous enemy spawns make for simple leveling of crappy weapons while solo, since Spy and that other type required carrying datamasses which didn't make for good use of a primary weapon. Sabotage seemed to have a timer mechanic off and on over the course of this game which was never all that fun or interesting (because it definitely didn't feel like the ship was exploding or anything). Exterminate has a locked number of enemies which is sort of boring. Defense only works if you're using a frame that can handle hordes of a particular enemy or requiring a group.


What really needs to be done is a revamp of Raid and Capture game types with the silly red glowy aura your frame gets after acquiring the 'artifact' or capturing the prisoner. Capture at least has a little animation and a dude screaming bloody murder (which got toned way way down), as well as neat particle effects if you have PhysX on. Raid needs some sort of animation of removing the artifact from the containment unit in some fashion, perhaps also absorbing it via whatever method Capture uses (dematerialization or something). Even slung over your back in a smaller container would be infinitely cooler, since I don't think it could be in a container as small as a datamass.

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If there were such a thing as down votes, you'd be seeing them. A LOT of them. You're grinding against the majority. 

The majority is not you apparently. Take a look at the upvotes and the posts

Doubtful, many would have appeared talking about how Raid should be taken out. Not to mention the poll: http://strawpoll.me/294183/r

This is proof.


You read my mind.

Edited by Letter13
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Capture and Raid are functionally identical and only consisted of running to the objective and hitting X. The Capture target has never been tough/fast/cagey enough to evade capture in any match I've ever played, so having to hit X twice for Raid and having to shoot the Capture target before sucking him into my hand I have trouble with classifying as meaningfully distinct for game play. Not sure why you feel they are distinct constructs? I see no structural difference in terms of how we play them.

As for Survival versus Defense? I honestly have no idea. As I said, we're in supposition land because we don't know anything about Survival other than it's called 'Survival'. For all we know it's a time trial from start to finish, like nightmare, evading significantly dangerous enemies that are following us as we move through the ship, as opposed to holding a position. Maybe holding position is especially fatal. Maybe you cannot be revived so it's about the last man standing? It's a timed mission where we survive. Literally, all we know for the parameters. :)

Without more to go on here, impossible to know where they are the same or different, but the name sure implies similarity, granted.

You are trying to keep the life support going. It is like MD with enemies not interested in the consoles..... Just you.

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DE removing raid missions would be a terrible idea. If anything removing spy missions would be better. Nothing is more annoying when playing solo when the mission forces you to use your secondary weapon so much. Its called a sidearm for a reason, the weapon you use when your primary is unavailable.


Either way, they shouldn't remove it.



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Actually, I feel that raid/escort whatever mission type may still have a place in story-based campaign missions.

Basically, instead of each mission node being just one "simple" mission in which there is no story (we cannot deny it. its a grindfest. That's why people avoid "low-yield" missions like raid), there could be a small mission chain made up of several fixed/randomized/procedural missions (of different type) chained together to tell a short story/episode.  From what I can guess, sneaking/blasting into enemy base/ship and retrieving an important object should be quite usable in stories of a bunch of crazy commandos waging war on a cybernetic army.


i.e. should improve the mission nodes (chain) by adding a little story where Raid will be more meaningful, instead of ditching Raid totally.

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