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Petition To Keep Raid Missions In The Game (With A Poll!)


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just a suggestion:

just in case people miss the fact that there is a vote, can OP edit the title to put something that involves the word "vote" so that by looking at the title, people will know that there is a vote somewhere and may actively keep an eye out for the link ?


EDIT: thought might as well replicate the link here too..


Done. Hopefully it will get people to vote on the poll more.

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Honestly refering more to the implied lore than actual lore.  The game always had the implied lore if you chose to see it.

Recover orokin artifacts - Raid

Kill a boss thats using orokin artifacts - Assassination

Hold out and protect that artifact/warframe(pod) in enemy territory - defence

Rescue the hostage before they can give out information - Rescue

Gather information about what the factions are up too - deception/capture

Prevent enemy expansions and increasing in power - assassination/sabotage/spy


Think about the purpose of the mission for the character, setting and its reprecussions from an ingame perspective.  All that is the implied game lore by the types of missions themselves.

I mean you could do events saying "yay, I want the loots to get more loots", or you can go in saying "im gona try stop the grineer/corpus".

At the end of the day which makes for the better experience?


I honestly do find it hard though to see how raid is less played than sabotage missions on average, sabotage doesnt give you the guarenteed mod at the end and the void doesn't even have them or capture missions, yet.  So void towers will end up with less mission types.


Really I am thinking the best options for those of us that want to keep the raid mission is play heaps of them.  Show DE by numbers we do like them.




You're making up lore as a reason for keeping something not really that great in the game though, which is goofy. You can claim any game has implied lore.



Also the whole playing Raid missions things wouldn't really be that worth it, you're just trying to fake numbers there because you know the outcome. And even if you do make Raid more played, the fourth is just going to go down to three and then that'll be removed.


If raid really were to stick around, I'd rather it not exist on the map and be an alert mission that provides a good reward.

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Im still wondering why people are up in arms over this.




You break into the ship and steal something



You break into a ship and kidnap someone.


From a gaming standpoint its literally the same thing. Artifacts dont even have models. They're just a bunch of lines.

Edited by Oizen
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Gameplay > a lore that doesn't really exist.


Warframe doesn't have some deep story, it really didn't even have one until the trailer and the recent patch (said the devs themselves before you fanboy me). So being like "OH BUT WE GOTA GET ALL THOSE LOST OROKIN TECH WE CAN'T JUST LET THEM HAVE IT BY REMOVING THE GAME TYPE" doesn't work, it's not going to suddenly become cannon that because the game type was removed everyone has Orokin tech sitting around.

Though I agree with you to a degree, one note.

The dev's removed the snipetron for "lore" reasons ('cause corpus weapons don't shoot bullets but lasers. yet just adding a laser animation is too much or something). Yet they're removing one of the most lore friendly game types (Take away orokin tech from the enemy) from the game permanently . I'm calling shenanigans.

Edited by SonicDoragon
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Truthfully, with the enormous issues this game has with repetition, they should pretty much never be removing anything right now. Additions will always be welcomed but, as it stands, I really don't feel they have the in-game variety to justify removing anything.

New game modes are great, but you shouldn't remove existing modes to fit them in. We desperately need more maps, missions and variety in the game, because as it stands right now, when it gets stale it doesn't stop.


As someone replied to you(or was it your idea) they should just merge the two, which would add little fresh feeling to it. I'd like missions with more unpredictability than occasional shield-halving-


Great! How about we remove those melee weapons too, then? Too similar, no point having all of them. The Skana is now the only longsword, the Scindo is the only heavy, Furax is the only gauntled, Glaive is the only thrown and the Bo is the only polearm.


Or you know, if something is broken, you fix it, not throw it away (or keep adding melee weapons that no one cares about >.>). That's what you'd expect from decent developers.


I actually had silly idea considering this problem yesterday: since the helmet skins(which should be plat only imo, as every f2p should have pay4swag/convinience+grind4free[without limited inventory <.<]) have small stat tweaks and are acquirable in-game without plat, why not do the same with melee weapons (because like i said there's no real difference between some of them). Just a silly idea which would surely require tweaking and rethinking but it is one potential fix.

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You're making up lore as a reason for keeping something not really that great in the game though, which is goofy. You can claim any game has implied lore.



Actually I'm not making up lore at all (and yes all games with a setting have implied lore to them).  I'm looking at what the missions get players to do with their Tenno and looking at the implied lore using logic to see the reasoning within the game setting for those actions.  Obviously you just see the game just as a third person shooter in space with fancy moves if you cant see the implied lore that is there. 

Lore doesn't have to be just about what is written.  The artwork, sounds and asthetic style say heaps about the implied lore of the game as well, just as much as the types of missions available to you to play tell you about the implied lore.  You simply just have to look.


Making up the lore would be something like saying that Tenno are just squid in a suit, with no basis or logical conclusion about anything related in the game to back that theory up.


Yet its not 'goofy' to have 30 endless defence missions or 37 sabotage ones that they could easily reduce to make space for the new missions and it wouldnt change anything but give more mission types.

Edited by Loswaith
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Though I agree with you to a degree, one note.

The dev's removed the snipetron for "lore" reasons ('cause corpus weapons don't shoot bullets but lasers. yet just adding a laser animation is too much or something). Yet they're removing one of the most lore friendly game types (Take away orokin tech from the enemy) from the game permanently . I'm calling shenanigans.

The real reason they removed it is so they could replace it with the Lanka.

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Why would they remove Raid anyway? Couldn't they have just added a few more nodes on some planets for the survival mode? I mean, why would they REMOVE content from the game that isn't game-breaking and/or despised when the game clearly needs MORE content?

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Why would they remove Raid anyway? Couldn't they have just added a few more nodes on some planets for the survival mode? I mean, why would they REMOVE content from the game that isn't game-breaking and/or despised when the game clearly needs MORE content?


Capture is like Raid, although i think DE is removing Raid because Capture is more "lore friendly"

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Capture is like Raid, although i think DE is removing Raid because Capture is more "lore friendly"

Capture is like Raid, although i think DE is removing Raid because Capture is more "lore friendly"

Raid seems so much more enjoyable though, probably because you don't have to beat down some defenseless guy.

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I like raids personally so i did sign for us to keep raid, also I agree they really need to rework some other things, add new content. if they want this survival one add new mission nodes on plants. also the hostage one.....gd I get so pisse doff when hostage does not want to follow and people rush leaving him or her behind the hostage becomes vulnerable to attack.

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Talk about massive support. 265 upvotes as I'm writing this, and more than 350 votes on the poll. So far it seems that 75~85% of the community want to keep Raid missions, and about 1/3 of those that want to keep it vote that it should be reworked.


I hope DE's gotten the message: mission statistics do not wholly reflect how the community feels about certain mission types.


edit: Except Grineer Defense missions. Those statistics do reflect how the community feels about those missions.

Edited by Letter13
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if they add a actual storage room with the objective to break stuff and loot then yes keep so we can farm for material

cause i dont like running around looking at every corner for a container to break and hope RNG give my the material i want

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Raid isn't really content though - its the exact same mission as capture.  They should rework it into something more unique and fun then reintroduce it because you know, more content. 

If raid isnt content and capture is the exact same misison doesnt that also make capture not content?  What about sabotage, thats much the same too?


Raid has far less inconsistencies than capture does too.

I mean you beat the guy up with weapons that can slice heavily armoured grineer in half in a single blow and cant accidentially kill him?

Even if you let him run off, he can never truely get away from you no matter how long you let him run for.

He is always Corpus, even in a grineer ship and hasnt come to harm in an infested ship.

Edited by Loswaith
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