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So about the Zaw refund...


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From what I understand, it only affects a single Zaw that was purchased just before reset yesterday after the patch, as the stats for it were way, way, way off.

That's why plat is mentioned in the post, because it was the daily zaw you can purchase from HoK, not one that was crafted.

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It applies to the Zaw that has " Finisher " damage stat. It was only available for platinum , they will remove it and refund forma and platinum spent on it.

Other Zaws will stay untouched , don't worry fellow Tenno. :)

Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.6.1

Tenno, it seems Pedlek messed up some Zaw orders and built them with incorrect stats... Your Platinum and Forma will be refunded early next week and the Zaw removed along with any MR gains from it. You’ll receive an inbox messages from Hok with his deepest apologies when it is removed. Sorry for any inconvenience!

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