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Tennobaum gifting center


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Merry Tennobaum to all.

My wishlist. I don't know really I don't have much so I guess Forma so I can try to setup a dojo to start trading research etc. I really am desparate for slots. I will be happy to receive anything really.

Edit: I can do with a Nekros Prime Neuroptics Blueprint for the syndicate progression.

Edited by BulletCak3
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If theres anything I want on Christmas it'd definitely be:

1. GAra GAra!

2. Loki knave deluxe skin bundle 

3. Weapon Holster Style Bundle

4. Forma and Catalysts or Exilus Adapters

5. Ship Decorations

6. Tennogen stuff!

Lastly wish you all a merry Christmas and may all your wishes come true!

Edited by Vademar306
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Dear Santa Clem,

Sometimes I forgot you're still a Grineer and what that Tyl Regor use to say about all Grineers except him.

So, read this


I don't know if you will understand this way, you're a very nice person(?) for a Grineer and well... we never met yet, but still I know Darvo and Steel Meridian, if that counts... oh and why I'm talking again so complicated with you, I feel a bit like Tyl Regor this way and that CAN'T be good.

And sorry if I am rude, maybe you don't need this, but just to be sure.

Happy Tennobaum (again)


StrayCat_Irregular on PC(why some keep calling our somatic link in this manner escapes me)


Out of Character: OK OK I'll stop that, I'm having more fun to write a real letter to an imaginary character that to anything else, I never expected that from being here. Happy Anything to everyone :D

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to the person that finds the kindness to read this post and the generosity to consider gifting me something i'd like:

a clem noggle


some warframe and/or weapons slots

and a prime weapon or warframe (apart from ash prime and saryn prime)

thank you for reading and happy tennobaum to you.


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Well I would like to say thank you to DE for giving us warframe!

I enjoy playing as a space ninja fighting metal men from Mars!

For my wishlist, I will keep It simple,

Color pallet: Orokin Color Pallet and the classic saturated.

And that's it... yeah not much XD

Thank you once again to DE and every other space ninjas out there!

Edited by General_Witherrrer
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Igaro Syandana/Kryptopero Syandana/Asa Syandana


Quaro Armor set

Riv-elite Foot guard

Brakk(Please?){ The only thing I probably really want}

Color palettes-

Infested and Twilight


Loki Knave skin/Rhino Palatine/Chroma dynasty/Ember Magesty


my final wish- 30 day boosters for anything <3




If none of these were possible I would really really really appreciate Slots. Yes warframe slots and weapon slots.

As always any gifts will be appreciated, be it forma or salvage. Those who give will be given back my me too :D

Merry christmas everyone

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First of all I wish you all a nice pre-Christmas time!
Soon a great year is coming to an end and we are all looking forward to the year ahead.

In this sense, for more beautiful hours in our game!
And Happy Tennobaum to all Tennos :)

- Any Syandana to stay warm in this cold time.
- Suitable for the season the Frost Harka Skin
Edited by Nakorim
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