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Tennobaum gifting center


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My Tennobaum wishlist is nothing special if it even gets noticed. 


All I want for Tennobaum is 


My two front teeth...


All jokes aside, I would like :


Any Decorative Item. I want to replace my Ayatan Sculptures with actual decorations

Blue Potatoes

Formas (Preferably Bundle but single will be perfectly fine :) (I'm working on making some of my favorite weapons more useful))

Maybe some Weapon slots

This is a decorative thing, but I would actually love to have some more of the display frames. I bought some of the Argyle from Baro and they were fun to play with



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This is my first Tennobaun and i am really excited. My wishlist is short but (sadly) really expensive all i want for christmas is hunhow's gift and chroma. I know , i know it's so much but i am dreaming about it from the begining. i will be very thankful.

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may I wish for something if I was naughty? :stalker: (Pc Player)

hehe.. well, my wishlist for the tennobaum would be big, so I appreciate every lil' thing ! ♥ even if it's cheap ^-^ 

I wish ya all a nice holiday season :heart: keep this spirit !

Edited by AriiLein
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2 hours ago, Longeres said:

@derZonk Thank you man! You`re only one, who answered me (Lotus noggle is funny :) )

@Anthraxicus Thank you for colors! Its really suit my Mesa :P

@CephalonShy Oh, it was really great, thank you for 30days buster! Its really helpful! 

@Dumbmaster Wow... Hunhows gift... I added this to my wishlist just for fun, but, it was REALLY shocking. Thank you, it was very expensive!

@Viperine Thank you for Mesa noggle! She will stay with Lotus now :3

Thanks to all tenno, who supported me this tennobaum. I spent almost 300 platinum, but received much more! Happy holidays guys, i wish you all be happy :)

You're very welcome! :satisfied: And happy holidays to you as well~

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Happy Tennobaum To All !!! :inlove:

My wishtlist for Tennobaum :

Color Palettes (Tenno) 

avia armor set

Naru syandana

Townsun Skin collection

Saryn delux skin

Nemesis Skin

Prisma Excalibur Bundle

Focus lenses ( Zenurik or any school)

Forma bundle

or any gift is welcome :)

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Well, I went on a large prime-parts selling spree last night -- Managed over 360P, so it's time to pass out some more gifts! Once I get home (just finished my Chemistry final, no more left for the semester!) I'll find and pick some folks who've been generous and give them a little extra in return for their kindness. Thank you folks out there giving to others! Your kindness gets noticed.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Dhizi:

Well, I went on a large prime-parts selling spree last night -- Managed over 360P, so it's time to pass out some more gifts! Once I get home (just finished my Chemistry final, no more left for the semester!) I'll find and pick some folks who've been generous and give them a little extra in return for their kindness. Thank you folks out there giving to others! Your kindness gets noticed.

I hope everything went well and you pass!

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Hello there dear tenno

my tannobaum wishlist is greater lenses of any school (except zenurik) and forma bundles and blue potatos! 

my new year resolution is 'focusing' on farming focus and getting my schools to a good place, currently working on zenurik. also I've been away from warframe for the majority of 2017 so I'm very low on formas and blue potatos, especially since I want to get all weapons possible so I have as many weapon choices as possible, since I easily burn out on WF : / 

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Ayy, Merry Christmas everyone and happy Tennobaum!

Unfortantely I wont be able to afford giving out gifts to my friends on PS4, but i hope everyone gets something they want, enjoy the event! :D

My Wishlist: Any warframe or weapons slots (most important thing in this game XD), Repala syandana, Pyra syandana, Saryn Integra skin, Any kavat armour, Lotus colour palette and finally Titania (Deleated my titania a year ago, unrecoverable ;-;)

Merry christmas and a happy new year Tennos!

Edited by (PS4)dubeol
Just to be a bit nicer of course xD
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