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Tennobaum gifting center


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All gifts will be PC based.

This is exciting to see players giving gifts together to help a greater cause.  I will be selecting one player each day until the 22nd and giving them a gift off of their wishlist. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday full of love, family, and friends. 

My Wishlist

  1. Oberon Feyarch Collection @Aeruhat Thanks buddy appreciate it!
  2. Nekros Irkalla Collection
  3. Ember Vermillion Collection
  4. Operator Suit Collection
  5. Nova Asura Collection
  6. Banshee Soprana Collection
  7. Dendra Armor Set
  8. Edo Armor Bundle
  9. Riv Elite-Guards
  10. Volt Proto Skin Collection

Special Thanks Section

@Aeruhat Thanks buddy for the Oberon Feyarch Collection


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Hi all my wishlist (on PC game)

Relic Pack


Riven mod slots

Any Noggle

Argon Pegmatite (Déco) Thanks to @Setakat 

Alloy Drum (Déco)

Circuitry Lockbox (Déco)

Morphics Stabilizer (Déco)

Neural Sensor Array (Déco)

Orokin Cell Array (Déco)

Rubedo Formation (Déco)

Warframe Slots

Weapons Slots

Thx at all for générosity


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Hi all,

happy tennobaum!

on my wishlist are:

the arca bundle

arklut gene masking kit

madurai lens

warframe slots


and finally, to be given prime sets or plat so I can do some gifting too :)

Thank you all for you time :)

(Im on PC)

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This is interesting. First December spent playing warframe -- I had no idea people actually gave gifts with their own money. I'm planning to buy a few Tenno surprises, but if anyone would be kind enough to return the favor, I'll gladly accept anything. I also have a wishlist in-game if you're willing to gift but not sure what to get.


Thank you Dradonhunter11! I was very confused at first because there was no image, but I got it after clicking accept.

Thanks for the Catalyst Setakat!

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Wishlist. I suppose I should have make a proper one.

Ash Koga Skin/Collection, don't care much for the collection but this is definitely my top on my wishlist. 

Syrinx Armor Bundle.

1. Orokin Reactor. Thank you @Tearsofsun79

1. Orokin Catalyst 

That's about it. Merry solstice everybody, I'll be on the lookout to see if I can send some of you some stuff on your wish list as well.

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Merry Christmas Tennos. I've been away from the game for awhile and just returned about a week and a half ago. I feel like i'm diving back into the pacific ocean! lol.

It would be nice to get a little head start on some of the new cool stuff that's been added.

My Wishlist:





--------- Crazy stuff

Chroma Dynasty Collection :V

Mag Pneuma Collection :V

Thanks in advance to anyone that puts the merry in my christmas. :V

==Also if i'm lucky i may have no need for the plat i had leftover from when i used to play regularly, so i'll definitely be either giving a few decorations or maybe pick about 2 random people and give them something relatively nice. CLEM CLEM CLEM MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

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Hehehe, I'm back again to play the trickster again, this I got a mirage that you won't see coming (ok, I stop with mirage pun). As again, it's the final round of victim slection for the day, if you have no idea of what I'm talking about then maybe you should consider read my post on page 1 ^^ Anyway, pc got defragmented, so it's fine now and so the 2 happy victim are gonna be :D Maybe they'll get an illusion while opening the gift?


See ya in 16 hour (yeah, school :P)

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1 minute ago, Dradonhunter11 said:

Hehehe, I'm back again to play the trickster again, this I got a mirage that you won't see coming (ok, I stop with mirage pun). As again, it's the final round of victim slection for the day, if you have no idea of what I'm talking about then maybe you should consider read my post on page 1 ^^ Anyway, pc got defragmented, so it's fine now and so the 2 happy victim are gonna be :D Maybe they'll get an illusion while opening the gift?


See ya in 16 hour (yeah, school :P)

Glad to hear ya'got your PC up and goin' again.

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6 hours ago, dimbazlo said:

Getting back to the game after a long (almost 1 and half year) break and seeing all this stuff happening.

Wish I had a plat to do some gifting. And payday is not soon to get some.

If there is anyone kind enough to gift me something, then my wishlist is: literally anything would do. I'd be thankful to you till the end of my life! Even if it will be something cheap.

Thank you everyone! Really appreciate it! :)

Happy Tennobaum everyone!

Your welcome ^_^

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3 minutes ago, Dradonhunter11 said:

I'll might leave ya something :P Since I feel good and did the 2 victim, proabably gonna leave a message in the same style I did with the other :D

You don't have to, but I won't stop you since I've done the same to others. :awkward:

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IGN: IchBinButter

Platform: PC

my wishlist:

Chroma dynasty bundle

Can i pls has mesa, grinded for so long.

Warframe and weapon slots

blue and yellow potatoes

any other presents welcome! (yes, even zephyr and mag)

Enjoy tennobaum, and may the lotus bless us all.

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Well i only have 15pl for now i will seek somebody to purchase him at least a sugatra or something until i buy more plat.

If u are interested in give me a gift you can see my wishlist in game-profile it have things like toggle, armor bundles, syandanas etc. it will make me very happy.

Lotus bless you and happy holidays to everyone!

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Merry Tennomas           or Clem..mas                      also Tennobaum


Tis all I would like and would much appreciate.  Any decorations are cool, the ones on wishlist are just the must haves.

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