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Mag rework. Replace Crush & add synergy/scaling


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This is just my idea is to make Mag a general support Warframe, and a viable options for new players wanting to fill a support role. The new general roles for Mag being that she: provides some survivability to allies, provides some energy for allies, debuffs enemies in a way that scales to late game and affects all factions, & still does the shield regen with Polarize for a soft heal.


Crush takes too long to cast, and if any cc safe enemies are nearby there is a strong chance that they will kill you while your are casting it. Mag is also generally fragile while not protected by her Magnetize field so perhaps replace Crush with damage reduction for her shields only. All values below are just place holders, and would need to be balanced to make sure that Mag doesn't become the OP map wiper that she used to be.


--------------------------4th Induction Shield-------------------------

Mag energizes her & allies shields granting them a level of damage resistance, and draws in shards to further increase this abilities effect


-Toggle ability (2.5 energy/second?)
-Affects all allies in Affinity Range
-Adds (20% / 25% / 30% / 35%) Damage reduction to shields only (scales with power strength).
     (75% “ish” Damage reduction cap)
     (Toxic damage, Slash procs, & any health drain effect still bypass shields and are unaffected by this damage reduction)
-Polarize Shards will attach to Mag’s Induction Shield with a cap of ten attached shards. Each shard will add 3% additional Damage reduction to the ability giving a maximum of 30% added damage reduction.
-The 3% damage reduction per shard is unaffected by powers strength.
-Universal vacuum, and Mag’s passive will all draw in shards thus making Mag’s Passive more useful.
     (Sentinel vacuum mod should not work on shards forcing you to work a little to build up the bonus)
-Taking damage will destroy one shard removing its associated damage reduction, and start a 4 seconds cool down during which additional shards are protected from destruction. New shards can be absorbed during that cool down to top off the cap of 10 shards, and restore the associated damage reduction.


I’m not sure what to do for the augment so this is just a filler idea.

-Replace the damage reduction with the added magnetic damage, or simply add magnetic damage at the cost of shards & added energy drain.
-Adds (5% / 10% / 15% / 20%) Magnetic damage to all weapons/specters/allies weapons.
-Weapon Fire will launch/remove a shard from Induction Shield every 4 seconds to add an additional (5% / 10% / 15% / 20%) Magnetic damage to all weapons. This bonus is unaffected by powers strength.
-Launched shards can be absorbed by Magnetize fields.

---Other thoughts---

-Possible press and hold toggles between damage/protection/a little of both.
-Melee attacks might instantly destroy a shard regardless of the 4 second cool down between destroyed shards.
-Perhaps have the one of the effects (affect all allies, or absorb shards) as the augment instead.


-----------------------------3rd Polarize-----------------------------

-Remains the same but adds a debuff to any enemy hit by the wave that last for twice(?) the waves duration.
-Debuff cuts enemy shields total by 40% (scales with power strength) & Enemy shields can’t recharge while debuff is active.
-Nullify that are not protected by their energy shield, and that are hit by Polarize are unable to regenerate their energy shield for the duration of the debuff.
-Debuff reduces the damage resistance of armored enemies by 30% (scales with power strength) while the debuff is active. [Example 50% damage resistance reduced to 35% resistance, & 80% damage resistance reduced to 56% resistance.]
-Debuff cancels (weakens?) auras generated by: Eximus units, Ancients, & MOA Swarms.
-Bosses: immune to debuff, reduced duration, or diminishing duration time on reapply.
-Debuff will only remove the swarm from enemies preventing it from spreading, and will affect the armor granted by the swarm in the same way as other armored unites.
-Ancient Disruptors reduce the duration of the Polarize debuff both on themselves and on all allies in range. (as normal)

---Other thoughts---

-Possibly weaken auras by simply reducing there range so they affect fewer enemies.
-Polarize should have some effect on the Infested otherwise she would only be good vs the other factions.
-Also Polarize should generate shards off of some infested unites just so that there is some way to get shards from the infested without having to have a Swarm MOA around.


-----------------------------2nd Magnetize-----------------------------

-Already a good ability, but 4th power could pull shards out of the Magnetize field when Mag walks into it.


-----------------------------1st Pull-----------------------------

-Remains the same except that enemies under the effect of a Magnetic damage proc, and the Polarize debuff also have a small (6%?) chance to produce energy orbs, but if an orb is produced the proc/debuff will be removed.
-Pulling energy orbs out of targets under the effect of an active magnetic proc would synergize with the added magnetic damage of the Induction Shield augment & magnetic damage in general.


-Greedy Pull will also pull shards to Mag, but if the shard hits a Magnetic field they will be added to the Magnetic field instead.

---Other thoughts---

-Maybe add a minimum range to the energy orb effect so mag can’t just use this ability like the old Greedy Pull augment to create energy orbs at Mesa’s feet.
-Possibly allow pull to generate shards as well.

Edited by CountingCoup
clean up to fix wall of text
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Induction Shield - DE has already stated they wont be doing full on reworks, just tweaks, from now on.  Neat ability though., I wouldn't mind playing with that!

Crush - I think the best option at the moment would be to make Fracturing Crush the base ability, making duration effected by mods.

Polarize - yes, please.  I'd like to add removing the wave and putting instant cast back on it.  If Crush became Fracturing rush, then I'd advocate for a removal of the armor strip aspect of this ability and suggest having something along the lines of overshields/armor for everyone on the team to replace it. 

Magnetize - I'd like to see at least a damage counter for this ability.  Rather annoying to plug away at a bubble and not know for sure what you're doing damage wise.

Pull - My only addition to this would be my push/hold suggestion.  Push 1 to get the current Hungry Hungry Hippo type chaos, or, Hold 1 to have enemies pulled towards Mag in a controlled manner.


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5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Induction Shield - DE has already stated they wont be doing full on reworks, just tweaks, from now on.  Neat ability though., I wouldn't mind playing with that!

Crush - I think the best option at the moment would be to make Fracturing Crush the base ability, making duration effected by mods.

Polarize - yes, please.  I'd like to add removing the wave and putting instant cast back on it.  If Crush became Fracturing rush, then I'd advocate for a removal of the armor strip aspect of this ability and suggest having something along the lines of overshields/armor for everyone on the team to replace it. 

Magnetize - I'd like to see at least a damage counter for this ability.  Rather annoying to plug away at a bubble and not know for sure what you're doing damage wise.

Pull - My only addition to this would be my push/hold suggestion.  Push 1 to get the current Hungry Hungry Hippo type chaos, or, Hold 1 to have enemies pulled towards Mag in a controlled manner.


Me and you, As a mag Main. I think i should agree with you too. As long mag is fun to play even after the reworks, I can test it out using many different kinds of build i had in mind.

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The pull can work as a push too just as how MagPrime suggested.

Polarize could strip armor or work something like it was in the past.

Magnetize could work on no direct target too then you can use it as a deflector too so you can avoid incoming damage. This is pretty much a Volt shield but with 360 degree spheree. (this was suggested by me and by others long ago in that time when the ability was called bullet attractor).

Crush - faster and with a better animation set. It could strip armor and stun the survived enemies but make them weaker against damage.

Edited by Sziklamester
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