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Your favorite frame to play?


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Hydroid, without a doubt is my number 1 favorite to play. Speed, projectable persistent CC powers, infinitely scaling damage, easy access to melee sneak attack multipliers, ground finishers, armor stripping, the ability to quickly gather up enemies for AoE weapon attacks, and the best on-demand invulnerability/fight flipping powers in the game make him a blast to play.

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Vauban is my top favorite followed by Saryn and Rhino

Vauban is my top choice cause of his ability to screw around with enemies (and your teammates *bouncebounce*), hes especially good against the infested with his bastille and vortex and is capable of soloing high level excavations and defenses by himself. If you have a EV Trinity with you, throw as much tesla grenades on the ground as your sanity grants, and youll be having a extremely fun time (and good CC cause they get stunned)

Saryns really good against high level grineer and the corrupted by tossing around her spores, she can also remove negative stats and heal herself with molt, make your melee weapon powerful with toxic lash, and you have a panic button with miasma, which, if you have all the spores and toxic proc on them, should instantly kill or severely cripple high level armored units. Basically, shes a frame with great damage and survivability which i like about her.

Rhino is the goto choice if im not sure of what im going to encounter due to his kit improving his utility and survivability greatly. Need to help a downed teammate? Go iron skin before that. Feel like youre lacking damage? Roar like a lion. Jumped across a cliff but can barely make it to the other side? Rhino Charge. Things going too chaotic? Stomp the ground and run away! Not to mention hes my second fastest frame (first being loki, but hes easy to die if you get caught in a mess) so hes great for running around the plains while having enough durability to survive a flying missile that came out of nowhere while im fishing. 

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wow, i'm loving that so many people are replying with so many frames.

that is a GOOD thing here... lots to look into. Lots to farm and lots to build :)

One note... someone mentioned Saryn with regenerative molt... and oddly enough i have saryn prime building as we speak lol. I thought about that frame awhile ago and kept picking up pieces on the cheap (i tend to burn about 20 bucks on plat anytime i get one of those 60% or better coupons... not to mention selling prime pieces i don't need... so i have a few thousand plat kicking around).

I have a couple days left on the build but after reading that i'm thinking of speeding up the build and picking up a regen molt aug for funzies.

I also notice that warframe market lists the volt prime set at about 200 plat and i have all the mats to build it already.

Decisions decisions... lol.

(and before anyone mentions i should save my plat... i'm seriously considering picking up the mirage prime pack after the first of the year... which comes with over 2k plat on its own there lol... i don't mind dropping a little money here and there for shinies... this game actually has a money scheme i don't MIND paying into a bit :P).

ty for the idea guys. Feel free to keep em comin :)

Oh, and Merry Christmas Tenno :)

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I have all regular frames, all maxed and some have forma invested in them. I also have quite a few of the primes. My most forma'ed is Frost regular with 6 forma. But honestly I stopped using him completely. I love Ivara, use Ember for intercept missions, but I have been trying to use all of them and forma them into strong builds. In the last few days I have put forma into Nezha, Banshee prime, Inaros, and Saryn prime. Waiting for Mirage prime to finish building. I figured since I had all those forma from the Twitch event I might as well use some of them. I am always revisiting frames and reworking my mods. Nezha was surprisingly stronger then I remembered. Banshee seems to be a hard frame to keep alive, and that I don't remember. My long winded story is this, they are all my favourites for different reasons, you should try them all and don't get tied to a single one.

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23 hours ago, Toppien said:


21 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

My favorite Warframe since her release has been Zephyr. <3

20 hours ago, 2wid said:

Zephyr is a lightweight gawd

sniffs *wipes tear*
This makes me so happy c':  Now I don't feel like I'm the only lonely burb!

But jokes aside, I'm with them on this. Zephyr's my most used Warframe for a reason, hehe~

Limbo would be my second most used and second most fun to play. Especially with a 25% Duration build I use, he's always a blast to play lol.



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