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I Think There Need To Be More Ways To Get Forma.


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I've put more money into this game than I have into any other game I've ever played, simply because I enjoyed the gameplay and thought there was a lot of potential. I wanted to see it supported. I would have recommended the game to a buddy of mine who probably would've picked it up when the PS4 came out. For a while, I played this game pretty much any chance I had.


That was before Forma was introduced.


If I'd started playing after Forma was introduced, I would have saved my money. At this point, I'm not going to be recommending this to my buddy, because I know the only words out of his mouth after seeing how important such a hard-to-get (without platinum) resource is would be "Pay-to-win." I barely play, at this point, because the few weapons I might seek to acquire all require Forma to get, after requiring Forma to learn how to make, after requiring Forma to build the room to learn how to make them. And, you know, this wouldn't even be a problem, except Forma gotten from non-Platinum sources is excessively rare. The last Alert with it as a reward was July 22, I've gotten it once as a reward for countless Void missions, and I think I spent the last few Platinum I had hanging around to get a few to build the Dojo rooms and learn to make the weapons.

Finding that the weapons required Forma, too, just...was the last straw. Now I log in to see if I get a Forma from login rewards, check the ? Alerts twitter page, maybe run a mission or two, and then I'm done for the day, because I can't acquire the weapons I want to acquire without Forma, which I now refuse to buy due to, well, having to buy so much of it.


Here's what I would suggest, that would actually get people in my situation to feel like possibly playing the game again: Allow Forma Blueprints to be bought with credits. Make them as expensive as Sentinels, or more so.


Boom, done. It's not like the components are common, and the credit price would be steep, so there'd still be a reason to just buy the damn thing from the platinum shop. Could also stand to make them more common rewards for Alerts, Void runs and login.

Edited by OricSharp
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Building dojo isnt a feature for solo player, yet you tried to do that and faced consequences.

Its not like a player will ever need more than 5primary+4secondary+4melee+1frame+3crafting=17 forma total to make 1 masterpiece quality setup.

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Hard to get? I got tons of Forma - daily rewards, alerts, Void missions...

Besides, it's used to repolarize your weapons, it's supposed to be hard to get!

Repolarize, Build Weapons, Build Dojo Rooms, and build the Weapons from those Dojo rooms. Besides, the OP isn't saying that it is rare for everyone, but it is rare for enough people to where it is a major drop problem.

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Stop saying its pay-2-win. Because its not, if it was pay-2-win things like forma and catalysts/reactors would be plat only. As in you can't get it at all without paying, and as of the moment the only things you can't get without paying are cosmetic only items. If anything this game is pay-2-convience. I have so many damn forma bps from running void its nuts. I now and then even get them from login.


Stop whining and actually play for more than 1 mission at time. Yes the game atm is much of grind, but that will be fixed as the game progresses. Most games with a crafting system are grind, thats the way they turn out. Look at vindictus for example, I stopped playing vindictus because it almost became impossible to get some of the best stuff without either paying a S#&$ ton of money on the trading market, or having an obsurd amount of luck to get the drop from a boss that you can only do ONCE a day. Warframe is nothing like that as of the moment, nor will it be ever. The game is in beta afterall, so there are going to be bugs and issues and things to fix as the game progresses through development.


Getting forma is far from difficult. Seriously, get a couple clan members (if your in one) or some good players from recruitment tab and farm some defense mission for awhile. You will no doubt get some keys. You want Raid and Exterminate keys, they have the best chance of dropping Forma, or Forma bps.


Not only that, but you by no means NEED a forma. Yes the clan weapons need one to build, but there are alot of other weapons that you can get without needing a forma to build them that are just as good. Such as the Hek.

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Pay to win? What?

I haven't spent platinum on anything but colors and inventory spaces, and I've gotten about 20 forma. I used a good handful to build all the dojo weapons, and the rest are just lying around because forma'ing weapons doesn't seem that much of an advantage and I'm busy mastering other weapons.


Potatos on the other hand...

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Repolarize, Build Weapons, Build Dojo Rooms, and build the Weapons from those Dojo rooms. Besides, the OP isn't saying that it is rare for everyone, but it is rare for enough people to where it is a major drop problem.

I repolarized what I wanted, I've built some dojo weapons, and I still have like 7 blueprints.

Run Void missions, and soon you'll have more Forma, than you can use.

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Alright, who the F*** said I tried to build the dojo solo? Nobody. I'm in a small clan, less than ten members. We contribute what we can to get the stuff built. I had three Forma to use to help it, and I used them. Other people used their Formas. The guy that's been playing non-stop for months used his. I'd apologize for jumping down your throat like this, but you're the ones who assumed, apropos of nothing, that I'm trying to build it solo.


As for others, who have a lot of it: Maybe you're luckier at getting it than I am. I get XP out of 90% of my login rewards, and Reaper Handles and other miscellaneous weapon components out of almost all Void runs (with Frost bits in the other chunk, and precisely one Forma out of all of them). I haven't done just a few of those, either. I think I may have gotten one Forma from a login reward, and gotten a blueprint from an alert, bought a couple with platinum and used them on the Dojo. I've used one on a weapon, period, and then regretted wasting it.


Also, when I say 'Pay-to-win?' I'm saying what my buddy would be saying. I'm not going to recommend the game to him because I don't want to fuckin' hear him $#*(@ about it and say that about the game. I know you can, in theory, get just about everything without use of Platinum. Whether it'll take you half-way to forever or not is another thing entirely, and depends pretty heavily on your luck.

Edited by OricSharp
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u get forma pretty frequently from the void from t2 raid and ext.

yup. after farming for frost prime i ended up with 5-6 forma bp. not only that but i got 4 formas in a row from daily rewards. im pretty set

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I have gotten a lot of forma. My frost prime, Dojo, twin vipers, orgris, and not to mention just building the weapons after a while it requires a S%*^ ton of forma, butttt only recently has forma become and issue, not due to the drop rate, but due to me doing things that do not result in forma. Its not hard to get a few keys, and if done properly with some friends you can get 4 keys at a time where drop rates range in the 11~ percent range, so every key done(with some friends/clan) yields about 44~ percent. Its easy to get 3 or 4 keys that result in a forma. Just may have to put other things on the back burner for a moment.

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I would blindly pay 1 mil or more credits for a potato blueprint.

More ways to get potatoes would be nice instead of relying on the alert system for a potato alert while I am sleeping, working, ect. And live streams don't happen that often either.

BTW just do void missions, got a ton of forma bps there. I even got a forma (not bp) on t1 raid.

Edited by HAR1MAU
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