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The Roaming Fortress (Semi-Open IC RP)


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56 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk immediately noticed the giant of a grineer reached his ship. He didn't know what to do so in instinct he just followed him as was asked. "Much cleaner than I expected...especially with what it took to get the fortress."

He leads you through the Fortress area. This location is much cleaner than the others. As you proceed further gray rock is replaced by smooth and sterile walls, and you pass through several air locks that would not be out of place in a medical facility. 

Eventually you find yourself outside a large, reinforced, door with two turrets outside. 

Beig walks up to the pad outside the door and presses a key, leaning down.

“Brig.” He says. 

The door slides open and you see a cloning lab. The room before you has small test tubes, holding infant Grineer, however the window behind that opens out to a larger area, housing several tubes. Most are empty, but a few have specimens in varying stages of growth. 

A strange looking pad near the door sparks and a Grineer, his armor denoting his rank as Colobel, steps off of it.

He turns and sees you.

”Ahh Ha-ruk.” He says. “I am Colonel Nak. General Darrin sends his regards.”



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12 minutes ago, WolfmanX9 said:

"Gotcha covered" he said before he started to tidy up the room from all of the thrash and previous persons possession. Just then, Silver enter the room as she had tracked her masters scent to him.

"Looks like I won't be alone" he said with a chuckle, patted Silver on her head.


"Yes sir. I will think of some brain stimulating activities that these soldiers can work on" he said as he turned off the machinery for the time being. 

"Good luck on your next task at hand Sir" he said with a salute to Nak.

Brutus slips in the door, grabbing a skull from the shelf and then trotting back out without so much as a glance in your direction.


Nak is already gone. 

The Lancer continues to work on the Hek, allowing you a moment of peace.

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

He leads you through the Fortress area. This location is much cleaner than the others. As you proceed further gray rock is replaced by smooth and sterile walls, and you pass through several air locks that would not be out of place in a medical facility. 

Eventually you find yourself outside a large, reinforced, door with two turrets outside. 

Beig walks up to the pad outside the door and presses a key, leaning down.

“Brig.” He says. 

The door slides open and you see a cloning lab. The room before you has small test tubes, holding infant Grineer, however the window behind that opens out to a larger area, housing several tubes. Most are empty, but a few have specimens in varying stages of growth. 

A strange looking pad near the door sparks and a Grineer, his armor denoting his rank as Colobel, steps off of it.

He turns and sees you.

”Ahh Ha-ruk.” He says. “I am Colonel Nak. General Darrin sends his regards.”



Ha'ruk was amazed by the interior of the base. He was surprised that any grineer, defector or not, could make something decent looking instead of rough and crude.

As Brig opened the door to the cloning lab Ha'ruk examines the tubes from his position.

As the pad sparks Ha'ruk jumps for his weapons, but stops as the colonel arrives from the pad. "Oh...hello Colonel....". Ha'ruk recognized his rank but he didn't salute as he didn't see himself as apart of Steel Meridian, not for now at least. "May I ask how you knew I was on that ship? I removed the tracker and covered my tracks.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

Brutus slips in the door, grabbing a skull from the shelf and then trotting back out without so much as a glance in your direction.


Nak is already gone. 

The Lancer continues to work on the Hek, allowing you a moment of peace.

"Um...thanks I guess..." he said as Brutus left the room with the skull


Thraks let out a big sigh as he could finally breath easily. Once he felt calm, he walked over to see how the lancer was doing.

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The gondola guns, and energy shield appearing over the windows and doors.

”This leads to the command center, as well as the science division.” He says. “It is one of the only ways in or out. The others are teleport pads keyed to Generals or above, and a single hangar with enough security to detect and shoot down a Tenno ship.”

The gondola rocks and begins its traversal. 

The General seems completely at ease and when he turns to point out a particular rock formation you can see why. His suit features several small thrusters, enough to maneuver should the gondola fail.

The thought of falling didn't scare him. But it briefly brought back a flashback, to a time and place where he WAS.

The man slapped the child, causing him to fall on the ground. "Master Xadu, please, please don't make me!"
Xadu struck the boy lying on the ground with a pole until he boy was sobbing uncontrollably, his surroundings lit by fires burning in wall mounted torches.
"Holden, do you really expect to remain a member of our order if you fear being high above your surroundings? It is a foolish thought. There is only one thing to fear in this life, and it doesn't even exist in our world." Xadu held out his staff to Holden. He grabbed it, and Xadu lifted him to his feet. "The being from the other side, the Man in the Wall. A ruthless predator, a fiend whose domain exists just beside our own. The Tenno may think they control it, but it lurks behind every corner, waiting for its moment to lash out."
He pointed at the bridge, a narrow, thin path made of scorched, mummified infestation, bridging a massive expansion across the middle of the Derelict.
"Prove yourself," Xadu said to Holden, wielding his staff menacingly, "cross this chasm and conquer your fear."
Holden balled his fists, his eyes watering as he peered over the edge, into the dark, unknown pits. "I... I cannot, Master Xadu."
Fury lit up the old man's eyes. He grabbed Holden by the collar and dragged him, screaming and sobbing away from the crevasse. "If you will not defeat your own demons, then I will." Xadu threw the boy, and he landed on a golden pedestal. It was small, only 2 meters in diameter. There was nothing around it. Just another vast, dark pit. Xadu stood across the it. "Holden Telum, I will return in 2 day's time. You will remain here until then, facing your fear day and night. When I come back, you will be stronger." He walked over to to the nearest wall mounted torch, pulling it from its socket.
"No... please..." the boy cried.
Xadu dropped the torch, snuffing it out with his feet, bathing the room in shadow. Holden saw nothing, except the lights of Xadu's Red Veil hood as he put it over his face. Xadu's voice called out as he turned around, walking away, raspy and course, "All fires require a kindling. This is where your first sparks arise."

Holden blinked. He turned to his left, looking at the rock formation he was pointing out. "Ah, yes, very good, General." he stroked his chin. "But perhaps you could enlist the Tenno to test your security? By this, I mean you can ask one of the Lotus' warriors to try and sneak through the facility. This will give you a better idea of how secure your setup truly is." Holden raised his hand, palm upwards, "You cannot test if a cloth is fireproof if you do not let it near flame."

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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10 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

The thought of falling didn't scare him. But it briefly brought back a flashback, to a time and place where he WAS.

The man slapped the child, causing him to fall on the ground. "Master Xadu, please, please don't make me!"
Xadu struck the boy lying on the ground with a pole until he boy was sobbing uncontrollably, his surroundings lit by fires burning in wall mounted torches.
"Holden, do you really expect to remain a member of our order if you fear being high above your surroundings? It is a foolish thought. There is only one thing to fear in this life, and it doesn't even exist in our world." Xadu held out his staff to Holden. He grabbed it, and Xadu lifted him to his feet. "The being from the other side, the Man in the Wall. A ruthless predator, a fiend whose domain exists just beside our own. The Tenno may think they control it, but it lurks behind every corner, waiting for its moment to lash out."
He pointed at the bridge, a narrow, thin path made of scorched, mummified infestation, bridging a massive expansion across the middle of the Derelict.
"Prove yourself," Xadu said to Holden, wielding his staff menacingly, "cross this chasm and conquer your fear."
Holden balled his fists, his eyes watering as he peered over the edge, into the dark, unknown pits. "I... I cannot, Master Xadu."
Fury lit up the old man's eyes. He grabbed Holden by the collar and dragged him, screaming and sobbing away from the crevasse. "If you will not defeat your own demons, then I will." Xadu threw the boy, and he landed on a golden pedestal. It was small, only 2 meters in diameter. There was nothing around it. Just another vast, dark pit. Xadu stood across the it. "Holden Telum, I will return in 2 day's time. You will remain here until then, facing your fear day and night. When I come back, you will be stronger." He walked over to to the nearest wall mounted torch, pulling it from its socket.
"No... please..." the boy cried.
Xadu dropped the torch, snuffing it out with his feet, bathing the room in shadow. Holden saw nothing, except the lights of Xadu's Red Veil hood as he put it over his face. Xadu's voice called out as he turned around, walking away, raspy and course, "All fires require a kindling. This is where your first sparks arise."

Holden blinked. He turned to his left, looking at the rock formation he was pointing out. "Ah, yes, very good, General." he stroked his chin. "But perhaps you could enlist the Tenno to test your security? By this, I mean you can ask one of the Lotus' warriors to try and sneak through the facility. This will give you a better idea of how secure your setup truly is." Holden raised his hand, palm upwards, "You cannot test if a cloth is fireproof if you do not let it near flame."

If the General notices the pause he does not comment on it.

”We have.” He says. “In fact the next test is tomorrow. The record is three laps around central command and two inside the cloning chambers. Both held by General Darrin.”

His helmet collapses and he smiles.

”Not encouraging results, I know.” He says. “But we did just reacitvate several systems. We’ll see how this next attempt goes.”

The Gondola is about halfway across now. 

“Hold on.” The General says. “And brace yourself.”

He grabs one of the handrails.

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19 minutes ago, WolfmanX9 said:

"Um...thanks I guess..." he said as Brutus left the room with the skull


Thraks let out a big sigh as he could finally breath easily. Once he felt calm, he walked over to see how the lancer was doing.

Britus re-enters the room and grabs another skull. 


The Hek seems to be in more pieces than it was when he started.

It also appears to have gained a barrel.

The Lancer is studying it carefully. 

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27 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk was amazed by the interior of the base. He was surprised that any grineer, defector or not, could make something decent looking instead of rough and crude.

As Brig opened the door to the cloning lab Ha'ruk examines the tubes from his position.

As the pad sparks Ha'ruk jumps for his weapons, but stops as the colonel arrives from the pad. "Oh...hello Colonel....". Ha'ruk recognized his rank but he didn't salute as he didn't see himself as apart of Steel Meridian, not for now at least. "May I ask how you knew I was on that ship? I removed the tracker and covered my tracks.

“General Darrin likes to keep an eye on individuals who may be of use to our cause.” He says. “More than that I cannot say. He likes to play some cards close to his chest, and that is one of them. He gave me your name and said it might be interested in the Heavy Lancer project.”

Eight pods are recovered from the wall. The Grineer within are roughly your size and build. The tubes are placed into receptacles inside a room to the side. There are several suits of armor, similar to what Brig is wearing, on stands inside the room. 

“Excellent.” Nak says. “They are almost ready.”

He motions for you to follow him to the side room. 

Edited by Rakawan
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12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

“General Darrin likes to keep an eye on individuals who may be of use to our cause.” He says. “More than that I cannot say. He likes to play some cards close to his chest, and that is one of them. He gave me your name and said it might be interested in the Heavy Lancer project.”

Eight pods are recovered from the wall. The Grineer within are roughly your size and build. The tubes are placed into receptacles inside a room to the side. There are several suits of armor, similar to what Brig is wearing, on stands inside the room. 

“Excellent.” Nak says. “They are almost ready.”

He motions for you to follow him to the side room. 

"Heavy Lancers.....that sounds a lot like something Tengus would do." Ha'ruk said plainly, he wasn't joking either as he had first had experience with Tengus and his.....projects, as Ha'ruk was one such project. 

He carefully observed the tubes before being moved along to follow the Colonel to the side room. "So what are these heavy lancers for if I may ask? Genetic cloning is a dangerous process....."

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

If the General notices the pause he does not comment on it.

”We have.” He says. “In fact the next test is tomorrow. The record is three laps around central command and two inside the cloning chambers. Both held by General Darrin.”

His helmet collapses and he smiles.

”Not encouraging results, I know.” He says. “But we did just reacitvate several systems. We’ll see how this next attempt goes.”

The Gondola is about halfway across now. 

“Hold on.” The General says. “And brace yourself.”

He grabs one of the handrails.

Holden cautiously but swiftly wraps his fingers around the railing.

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1 minute ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

"Heavy Lancers.....that sounds a lot like something Tengus would do." Ha'ruk said plainly, he wasn't joking either as he had first had experience with Tengus and his.....projects, as Ha'ruk was one such project. 

He carefully observed the tubes before being moved along to follow the Colonel to the side room. "So what are these heavy lancers for if I may ask? Genetic cloning is a dangerous process....."

“Hopefully a counter to the Gustrag Three, or any other advanced troopers.” Nak says. “Other than that for the same thing normal lancers are for. Combat.”

The first tube opens as the side room door closes and locks. You notice Nak has a hand on his sidearm.

”Hopefully this batch does not go berserk.” He says. 

A force field shimmers into place between you and the Heavy Lancer tubes as the first tube opens.

The Heavy Lancer falls forward, landing on his hands and knees, breathing deeply.

”Now.” Nak says. “We see if his brain is intact.”

He steps forward.

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1 minute ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Holden cautiously but swiftly wraps his fingers around the railing.

There is a sudden shift and you feel gravity lapse. Your grip keeps on anchored.

”Gravity fields are spotty out here.” The General says. “Make sure your feet are braced and ready. We’ll hit the field again soon.”

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12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

“Hopefully a counter to the Gustrag Three, or any other advanced troopers.” Nak says. “Other than that for the same thing normal lancers are for. Combat.”

The first tube opens as the side room door closes and locks. You notice Nak has a hand on his sidearm.

”Hopefully this batch does not go berserk.” He says. 

A force field shimmers into place between you and the Heavy Lancer tubes as the first tube opens.

The Heavy Lancer falls forward, landing on his hands and knees, breathing deeply.

”Now.” Nak says. “We see if his brain is intact.”

He steps forward.

A counter to the Gustrag....if only that was possible. Ha'ruk had seen those monsters in battle, only a tenno could properly go against one of them. Ha'ruk turned to the heavy lancer that fell from the tube. "Beserk? Now you sound like your just making more Gustrag!" He spoke harshly. Ha'ruk watches the lancer's actions carefully...if he needed to defend himself he would.

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47 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Britus re-enters the room and grabs another skull. 


The Hek seems to be in more pieces than it was when he started.

It also appears to have gained a barrel.

The Lancer is studying it carefully. 

"I wonder why Brutus want's the skull of all things" he thought to himself as he kept on cleaning the room, leaving the creepy wall for last.


"Do you need any help?" he asked the lancer as he could see that he didn't seem to know how to assemble it. Maybe leaving the lancer to repair the weapons wasn't such a good idea as he thought it was.

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14 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

A counter to the Gustrag....if only that was possible. Ha'ruk had seen those monsters in battle, only a tenno could properly go against one of them. Ha'ruk turned to the heavy lancer that fell from the tube. "Beserk? Now you sound like your just making more Gustrag!" He spoke harshly. Ha'ruk watches the lancer's actions carefully...if he needed to defend himself he would.

”We’re not exactly experts at this.” Nak says, raising his hands as if to placate you. “We don’t know which genes make them big and strong, and which ones make them big and angry. I’m hoping for big and strong. The Gustrag Three are the last thing we want more of.”

He steps forward, looking at the clone.

“Do you know who I am?” He asks.

”Colonel Nak.” The Heavy Lancer says. 

“Do you know who you are?” Nak asks.

The Heavy Lancer. Looks around, his gaze lingering on the other tubes, then on the computer screens.

”HL11.” He says. “Reporting for duty.”

His voice becomes less labored as he speaks.

“Big and smart.” Nak says. “Good.”

He looks at the Lancer.

”Do you know who this is?” He asks, pointing at you.

HL11 looks at you, and his hands curl into fists. 

“Gustrag.” He growls, launching himself at the forcefield. His blow sends ripples racing across it.

”Okay, maybe not so good.” Nak says.

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25 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

”We’re not exactly experts at this.” Nak says, raising his hands as if to placate you. “We don’t know which genes make them big and strong, and which ones make them big and angry. I’m hoping for big and strong. The Gustrag Three are the last thing we want more of.”

He steps forward, looking at the clone.

“Do you know who I am?” He asks.

”Colonel Nak.” The Heavy Lancer says. 

“Do you know who you are?” Nak asks.

The Heavy Lancer. Looks around, his gaze lingering on the other tubes, then on the computer screens.

”HL11.” He says. “Reporting for duty.”

His voice becomes less labored as he speaks.

“Big and smart.” Nak says. “Good.”

He looks at the Lancer.

”Do you know who this is?” He asks, pointing at you.

HL11 looks at you, and his hands curl into fists. 

“Gustrag.” He growls, launching himself at the forcefield. His blow sends ripples racing across it.

”Okay, maybe not so good.” Nak says.

Ha'ruk watched the heavy lancer carefully. He listened to the conversation the colonel and the lancer had, wondering if this is how normal cloning worked. Ha'ruk jumped a little as the lancer launched itself at the forcefield. "Well....the Grustrag are the reason that I'm like this...so I guess he gets some points?" Ha'ruk stared at the lancer, his robotic eye scanning the target for strengths and weaknesses to expolit.

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30 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk watched the heavy lancer carefully. He listened to the conversation the colonel and the lancer had, wondering if this is how normal cloning worked. Ha'ruk jumped a little as the lancer launched itself at the forcefield. "Well....the Grustrag are the reason that I'm like this...so I guess he gets some points?" Ha'ruk stared at the lancer, his robotic eye scanning the target for strengths and weaknesses to expolit.

The Heavy Lancer possesses the same weakness as most Grineer, but it seems he is a great deal stronger.

”Not Gustrag.” Nak says. “Stand down.”

The Lancer stops his fist mid strike.

”This is Ha’ruk.” Nak says. “He is going to help train you.”

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Heavy Lancer possesses the same weakness as most Grineer, but it seems he is a great deal stronger.

”Not Gustrag.” Nak says. “Stand down.”

The Lancer stops his fist mid strike.

”This is Ha’ruk.” Nak says. “He is going to help train you.”

Ha'ruk turned to face the colonel. "Wait what? When did I say I'd train them?! I was just following the message!"

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

There is a sudden shift and you feel gravity lapse. Your grip keeps on anchored.

”Gravity fields are spotty out here.” The General says. “Make sure your feet are braced and ready. We’ll hit the field again soon.”

Holden hooks his foot into a small crevice at the bottom of the gondola, just for safety.

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31 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:


Ha'ruk turned to face the colonel. "Wait what? When did I say I'd train them?! I was just following the message!"

“You are the only one we’ve met that survived the Gustrag facility.” Nak says. “Unless you suggest we somehow bring one of them here and convince them to help, you are our best bet.”

The Heavy Lancer looks at you.

”You.” He says. “Are like me?”

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24 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

"Are you comparing me to one of those Gustrag? Tengus may have been trying to create more of them but I am not a pyscopath!" Ha'ruk looked at the heavy lancer for a moment and sighed. "I will see what I can do. I can offer no promises however."

“That is all we ask.” Nak says. 

“Tengus...” HL11 says. “Kill Tengus...”

Nak frowns.

”How does he even know who that is?” He asks quietly. 

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

“That is all we ask.” Nak says. 

“Tengus...” HL11 says. “Kill Tengus...”

Nak frowns.

”How does he even know who that is?” He asks quietly. 

Ha'ruk actually laughed when HL11 said kill Tengus. "Wow you learn quick. Yes kill Tengus, especially Tengus. What do you want me to do with him Colonel?"


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10 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk actually laughed when HL11 said kill Tengus. "Wow you learn quick. Yes kill Tengus, especially Tengus. What do you want me to do with him Colonel?"


“Wait for the others to wake.” He says. “We need to be sure the others are stable.”

HL11 walks over to the armor and begins putting it on.

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