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Vote-Extract for Endless Missions Change Proposal


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In the current build, anyone who doesn't vote (due to emergency AFK reasons or otherwise) is automatically set to stay after the timer, NO EXCEPTIONS.

I think it's far more fair if anyone who doesn't vote is automatically set to extract after the timer, NO EXCEPTIONS.

It's a huge disservice to the players since a PvE game like Warframe is pretty popular for sneaking in a few min of gameplay. If at any time someone has to go AFK for a min or two because of real life, and during that time they would have had to choose to either keep their bonus xp/loot or guaranteed throw it all away due to mission failure, the default decision by the game should be to keep the bonus xp/loot. It's only intuitive. Any thoughts?

Also, this is not a QoL request. This is asking for the game to behave in a way that players passively expect, like gun stats in the menus are perfectly accurate or visual models and hitboxes match each other, that kind of stuff.

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The current system has more pros than cons.

People who know they will not have time to play don't usually start a mission just to go afk. mid mission, people who afk. leech however will be left out with a mission failure thus disincentivies leeching.


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8 minutes ago, kgabor said:

The current system has more pros than cons.

People who know they will not have time to play don't usually start a mission just to go afk. mid mission, people who afk. leech however will be left out with a mission failure thus disincentivies leeching.


But you did read the word "emergency" in my post, did you not? What if a parent has to suddenly tend to their baby child crying? What if a kid suddenly has to help their mom with an extra hand or two when she's close to injuring herself on something with two hands already full? What if someone simply just has to really go to the bathroom and their bowels can't wait one minute longer? You think in any of these circumstances, it's fair for the game to punish us with a guaranteed mission failure if we get "unlucky" and have three teammates extract while we're gone?

If we're TRULY AFK for an extended period of time and we get downed and die, the game already has an automatic system to deny us loot after a couple min of no respawn, even when the rest of the team completes the mission and extracts.

Edited by Raspberri
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6 minutes ago, kgabor said:

The current system has more pros than cons.

People who know they will not have time to play don't usually start a mission just to go afk. mid mission, people who afk. leech however will be left out with a mission failure thus disincentivies leeching.


...So if I have to go answer the landline in the other room for a minute I should fail the mission?

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6 minutes ago, Raspberri said:

But you did read the word "emergency" in my post, did you not? What if a parent has to suddenly tend to their baby child crying? What if a kid suddenly has to help their mom with an extra hand or two when she's close to injuring herself on something with two hands already full? What if someone simply just has to really go to the bathroom and their bowels can't wait one minute longer? You think in any of these circumstances, it's fair for the game to punish us with a guaranteed mission failure if we get "unlucky" and have three teammates extract while we're gone?

If we're TRULY AFK for an extended period of time and we get downed and die, the game already has an automatic system to deny us loot after a couple min of no respawn, even when the rest of the team completes the mission and extracts.

If that's the case, you should just leave right then, it takes 2 seconds. Pause - Leave mission, probably took me longer to type it than it would to do it. But that won't work right? Of course you want the rewards that you didn't help get. I got ya, I think I'm following you now.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

If that's the case, you should just leave right then, it takes 2 seconds. Pause - Leave mission, probably took me longer to type it than it would to do it. But that won't work right? Of course you want the rewards that you didn't help get. I got ya, I think I'm following you now.

Don't come crying to me if you carry the first 4 defense waves of a round but you suddenly need to briefly leave your game in the middle of the 5th wave, then come back to find you failed the mission because everybody but you extracted.

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1 minute ago, Eggplants said:

We need the leave squad option just like on the plains, that way people can leave whenever they need or want to and still recieve the rewards without @(*()$ other people over. 


...That's a thing? How come when I leave the plains it says mission failed?!

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34 minutes ago, Raspberri said:

Don't come crying to me if you carry the first 4 defense waves of a round but you suddenly need to briefly leave your game in the middle of the 5th wave, then come back to find you failed the mission because everybody but you extracted.

I wouldn't whine about it... Because real life emergencies take priority over a video game. That's why I just leave the game when one comes up. Even if you think it's only going to take a second, you just never know so just leave and get it over with.

Besides, how often does that really happen? What, once a week? And that's being generous. But if they did make this change it would benefit leechers, which you would have to put up with every single day. I'll take losing loot once a week over carrying leechers any day.

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1 hour ago, Raspberri said:

In the current build, anyone who doesn't vote (due to emergency AFK reasons or otherwise) is automatically set to stay after the timer, NO EXCEPTIONS.

I think it's far more fair if anyone who doesn't vote is automatically set to extract after the timer, NO EXCEPTIONS.

It's a huge disservice to the players since a PvE game like Warframe is pretty popular for sneaking in a few min of gameplay. If at any time someone has to go AFK for a min or two because of real life, and during that time they would have had to choose to either keep their bonus xp/loot or guaranteed throw it all away due to mission failure, the default decision by the game should be to keep the bonus xp/loot. It's only intuitive. Any thoughts?

Also, this is not a QoL request. This is asking for the game to behave in a way that players passively expect, like gun stats in the menus are perfectly accurate or visual models and hitboxes match each other, that kind of stuff.

It Should be based off majority vote, say I have to use the washroom on round 4 because my coffee JUST hit me, im not going to pee in my pants for waiting for round 4 to end . Im going to go to the washroom. Now say everybody votes extract while in peeing and I get left in the mission because of my no vote. Well I'd rather be extracted by majority vote or continue battling by majority vote. If I get extracted I keep the rewards, hurahh. If they continue battling, I come back possibly dead, able to revive keep fighting and earning more rewards, hurahh. Majority vote FTW!

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2 hours ago, Cryptix123 said:

...That's a thing? How come when I leave the plains it says mission failed?!

If you leave through the base menu options it will fail but leaving the squad as if you were in the orbiter will place you in your own instance and then you can leave through the cetus exit and get all of your loot 

Edited by Eggplants
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