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Hosts MUST have 10Mbps+ of upload


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47 minutes ago, Snib said:

You don't have the shadow of an idea what you are talking about. I'm not sure if to laugh or to cry.

So show us your infinite knowledge and tell me how it works, oh incredible god of developers. Tell me how 300ms can lag so much, if ping is all that matters.


I also NEVER said it uploads all textures and stuff, i said DE Main server SEND THE INFORMATION of which skins, warframes,weapons,etc other players are using.

Edited by elpeleq42
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23 minutes ago, elpeleq42 said:

So show us your infinite knowledge and tell me how it works, oh incredible god of developers.

Why thank you, it's nice to be recognized. :)

23 minutes ago, elpeleq42 said:

Tell me how 300ms can lag so much, if ping is all that matters.

Because 300ms or a third of a second is terrible latency, of course that will lag.

23 minutes ago, elpeleq42 said:

I also NEVER said it uploads all textures and stuff, i said DE Main server SEND THE INFORMATION of which skins, warframes,weapons,etc other players are using.

Fair enough, so explain to us why downloading information from "DE Main server" would have got anything to do with the host's upload bandwidth that you made this thread about then?

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Restricting hosting capabilities based on upload speed is not really a great idea. Just FYI i run on 17-19 Mbps upload and i still am a terrible host, while my friend that has barely 5 runs smoothly and is a reliable host. 

There really are too many variables to hosting. That said the ping limiter should probably be a tad more restrictive because i get games with 700+ way more often than expected despite my ping limiter being set at 300.

What I would suggest instead would be two button that allows you to choose two things: the first being prioritising yourself as a host, the second prioritising opting out yourself for hosting. That would probably solve a lot of things. 

Edited by Autongnosis
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That is a Horrible idea for one simple reason, people are selfish bastard coated bastards with selfish filling. Doesnt matter what ping they have, they would choose to be host so they themselves dont Lag most of the time (pubs are pubs lets be honest)

Op has no idea what he is talking about ... ignorance is bliss. Upload has very little to do with lag. As with anything it's Location Location Location. Playing with anyone across the world will most of the time result in bad ping which equals more lag. Want good ping ? Go to options and limit ping search to 100. Im lucky enough to be living in Iceland, which means i have decent ping to both Europe/Asia and Americas, but anything in the East Asia or Australia, well there is just nothing we can do about that ...

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31 minutes ago, Snib said:


Fair enough, so explain to us why downloading information from "DE Main server" would have got anything to do with the host's upload bandwidth that you made this thread about then?

Well maybe because it downloads information of warframe's skins, warframes, weapons, weapon's skins, level,stuff from DE and then upload to player. Let's say that all that information is just 1MB. So he will download 1MB(using his 625KBps [5Mbps]) then upload it at 200KBps for other players once they join, adding information about enemies position, allies position, skills being used, objective position and everything else that must be updated for all 4 players in the group, every second.

Now again, let's say it all takes just about 1MB. So it's 1MB being sent to everyone every second, at 200KBps speed, which should take like 5s to be sent. Add ping on that and yay, you've almost 6s delay in a 5Mbps connection speed with 200ms ping.



Oh and again, if i'm wrong, why don't you go ahead and correct me, showing how it works?

Edited by elpeleq42
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I am really having a hard time understanding how you guys think that ping alone is the only thing that matters. I know it's important, but under 300ms, in a game like warframe where many things are handle offline, it's fine.


Or you guys think that as long as i've under 100ms, it's fine to host even using 100Kbps connection?


Did I misunderstand when read that the game is hosted on someone's PC when a mission starts? Or you guys have no idea how servers work?

Edited by elpeleq42
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Upload speed dosn't matter much for the simple reason, there isn't much data to transfer.

All the needed data is the tiles position and orientation (on dynamic maps) on load.

Positions, orientation and action of objects while the mission is running.

Host has to check validity of data recieved, calculate all shots including bullet curves and run the AI, before it can send the state of the world back to the clients. If host is hosting with a potato, it can't calculate the world state fast enough, and you'll see lag spikes with ping going up and down.

If host is using WiFi and there is interference on the frequency, host will lose packets, and again there will be jitter.

As others have mentioned cross ISP negotiations and failing routes also introduce jitter.

Last I checked Warframe used UDP for host client communication, and some ISPs dislike P2P UDP.

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1 minute ago, elpeleq42 said:

Well maybe because it downloads information of warframe's skins, warframes, weapons, weapon's skins, level,stuff from DE and then upload to player. Let's say that all that information is just 1MB. So he will download 1MB(using his 625KBps [5Mbps]) then upload it at 200KBps for other players once other joins, adding information about enemies position, allies position, skills being used, objective position and everything else that must be updated for all 4 players in the group, every second.

Now again, let's say it all takes just about 1MB. So it's 1MB being sent to everyone every second, at 200KBps speed, which should take like 5s to be sent. Add ping on that and yay, you've almost 6s delay in a 5Mbps connection speed with 200ms ping.



Oh and again, if i'm wrong, why don't you go ahead and correct me, showing how it works?

Yes, you are so very wrong it's bordering on the nonsensical but since somehow this thread has made it to page 2 already without you understanding, I'll just suggest that you just go host a game yourself, open up resource monitor and simply check the actual upload bandwidth being used. 

Just now, elpeleq42 said:

I am really having a hard time understanding how you guys think that ping alone is the only thing that matters.

It's not, if your PC is a potato that can hardly run your end of the bargain then even a 2ms ping won't prevent it from lagging.

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Trying very hard not to be impressed by OP's stupidity levels ... where is that dbz meme when you need it ...



Well maybe because it downloads information of warframe's skins, warframes, weapons, weapon's skins, level,stuff from DE and then upload to player

That is what Loading time is for. Also the game doesnt send Actual files over. all it does is send a small code indicating what people are using, and YOUR client does the rest, since it has all the information like any other client.



Let's say that all that information is just 1MB.

Lets say not, because it's not even remotely that. Keep on dreaming. If you don't believe me, get a trafic meter, and check for yourself.



Oh and again, if i'm wrong, why don't you go ahead and correct me, showing how it works?

Everyone in here has been correcting you this far, you are just ignoring them, carrying on like you are the holy prophet Muhammad with a holy message to the suffering.

So as long as i've under 100ms, it's fine to host using 100Kbps connection?

if you have 100 Kb/s you aren't even on the internet ... thats like ... 10KB/s speed ... an image would take you an hour to download. You sure you understand what any of this numbers mean ?

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18 minutes ago, elpeleq42 said:

Or you guys think that as long as i've under 100ms, it's fine to host even using 100Kbps connection?

If we assume a gametick rate of 60 ticks per second (guessing it's lower or variable) 32 bits per coordinate (probably lower) 32 bits per rotation angle (probably much lower) 32 bits for timestamps (way overkill) and 8 bits for action flags the needed data per object is 32×6+8=200 bits per tick per object or 12000bits=11kbps per object. without compression. So yes if there are only on average 9 moving objects.

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