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Bounties MR threshold


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I'm pretty sure you have seen a new player get into a level 40-60 bounty before. Maybe some of you struggled to keep the poor guy/girl alive while they were trying to kill a level 60 Bombard with a MK1-Bo. Or some of you just didn't care and left these players for dead, watching as they bled out over and over again untill they ran out of revives.

Thing is, why does this still happen? Why are new players offered the chance to accept the highest possible bounty? Shouldn't a mastery rank requirement be avoiding this?

Still, I think a mastery requirement is way too arbitrary and hard to draw the line between "prepared" and "not prepared" (insert Illidan's voice), so maybe a quest completion requirement could be an even better way to avoid this issue of new players accepting these bounties either on purpose for some "power creep", or just because they didn't know they were not ready for this content.

Also, these sort of situations lead to some experienced players being "toxic" or extremely negative to new players. which may result in either new players quitting the game, or becoming toxic themselves. I really enjoy how helpful the Warframe community is, and I would hate to see it become a negative one because of these issues.

Reply your thoughts and personal experiences, either if you are the experienced player, or the new one.

Thanks for reading. :)


P.D.: I searched the forums for a similar topic before creating this one, didn't find one but if I missed it, say so. Thank you.

Edited by (PS4)NickTomm
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I dont know. From my experience low MR at least try to contribute while many MR20+ are just freeloading in bounties.


I personally am very neutral ablut this suggestion. I see where you are coming from but... wouldnt it be better to tone down the PoE enemy scaling down? Like... i feel like lv60 PoE enemies are similar to lv 80/90 normal enemies.

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It's not about how willing they are to help or progress, they just can't deal with level 40 to 60 enemies with starting gear. High level bounties were designed for experienced players, as a kind of "endgame" (tho we know such thing doesn't exist), so locking this content behind a MR or quest completion could help both experienced and new players alike.

About the freeloaders, yes, I see them too, but it's not the topic here. tho I would like some kind of proximity to the objective needed to actually get the reward.

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Tbh i personally wouldnt cut out someone from PoE or any other content altho the lategame is clearly for "vets".

Maybe some other requirements:

Imagine you'd unlock bounties only from doing the previous ones: so do bounty 1 to unlock bounty 2 to do bounty 2 to unlock bounty 3 etc.

Of course you'd have to do this only once and not in every bounty rotation.

It surely wouldnt keep away all low MR people i know(no solution is perfect) but that might(!) give (newer) players some insight of enemy scaling and their capability to handle the respective enemies.


As said not a perfect solution but better than nothing i guess?

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I can't see the problem with new players entering high level bounties.

The only way to see how scaling works is to see it in action.

They can already do fissures, getting downed and revived repeatedly on PoE is a much better/shorter learning experience, than to accedentaly end up in an Axi sur with less than 5 min on the timer.

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I do see a rather simple fix. If you look at the standing rewards, it's clear that noobs would hardly benefit from, for example, getting 4000+ standing when their daily limit is capped at 3000. With this in mind, just prevent bounties from being accessible if the standing reward is greater than their maximum daily limit. It's overkill if noobs complete high tier bounties (and rewarded with a bunch of stuff they can't even use for a long time) and a huge waste of time if they do fail it. That said, I don't think completely barring bounties from lower MR is fair. Anyone beyond MR 5, I think should have the right to play tier 5. If they get their asses handed to them, they'll know to stay away for a while.

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