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Trade chat improvement + Design


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So.. since Auction Houses/Players Market is not gonna happen, I found a new way to make the trading a bit more relaxing.

When you open the trading chat you will have to press a key to open this window:


From there you will be able to select everything you want to sell/trade. When you selected everything at your liking, you will need to press another key to "update" or simply "transfer" everything into this window:


Once "updated" or "transfered" everything you selected will be shown here (If duplicates it will show a small symbol with x2 or more on the bottom left corner of the item). You can always remove or add anything at your wishes.

Once done you simply accept and this will automatically be send on the trade chat every 3-5 minutes (for as long as you are online).

The same way applies to the buyer, he will see:

Name: {Show Trades} in the trade chat.

Then he simply presses the R3 (or whatever button/key you press to open the list) and it will show this window:


From this window the buyer will be able to check anything they want then press another key to send everything they checked into the Private Message window of the seller.


EDIT*: It will also help from this (every 0.1sec):

Name: WTS [Rhino Prime] [Nova Prime] [Saryn Prime] [Hydroid Prime] [Soma Prime]

[Boltor Prime] [Mirage Prime] [Lex Prime] [Akbolto Prime] [Aklex Prime] [Bolto Prime]

[Oberon Prime] [Tigris Prime] [Vauban Prime] [Banshee Prime] [Frost Prime] [Loki Prime]


To this:

BlueMonkey: {Show Trades}

PinkPrincess: {Show Trades}

SmokeThat420: {Show Trades}

(as you can see it has its benefits, more players trading and less text).

The only downside is it will not show what the person is trading.... for that we have the filter. Type anything you are looking for and it will only show the players chat comment that are selling/trading the item. (You will still be able to type whatever you are selling next to the "{Show Trades}"),

 Like so:

MasteYoda: WTS [Rhino Prime] / Selling Prime parts → {Show Trades}


That way the chat will go slower (let's hope so) and it will be able to hold a larger amount of players chatting at the same time = less spam.



Tell me what you guys think :)


Edited by (PS4)Melo-Cake_IsBack
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That's unnecessarily complicated when compared to what we have now.

First of all, the amount of clicks to fill all that is a pain when compared to just writing the name of the item you want to sell in [square brackets].

Second of all, the idea that the items would not be shown without the interested buyers actually taking an active action (clicking on Show Trades) is a negative for both the seller and the buyer. The seller is disadvantaged by this because of the speed that trade chat scrolls at, while for the buyer it is turning trade chat into basically a loot box system, where they pray they will find the buyer who sells what they want at a price they desire.

Third, this seems like it will further cripple the limited filtering abilities we currently have for trade chat.

Fourth, how would you turn off the recurring trade chat messages without logging out? That seems like a rather annoying and unnecessary step, further adding to this unnecessarily complicated system you are proposing.

So, yeah, my conclusion is that this proposal doesn't aid much. While recurring auto-posting is a neat idea and all, the drawbacks of the entire system do not warrant it. Also, the way trade chat works currently is better served by manual posting  rather than boting. People should put in the effort if they want the premium currency, even if that effort merely consists of just writing a few words.

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il y a 3 minutes, Gabbynaru a dit :

That's unnecessarily complicated when compared to what we have now.

First of all, the amount of clicks to fill all that is a pain when compared to just writing the name of the item you want to sell in [square brackets].

Second of all, the idea that the items would not be shown without the interested buyers actually taking an active action (clicking on Show Trades) is a negative for both the seller and the buyer. The seller is disadvantaged by this because of the speed that trade chat scrolls at, while for the buyer it is turning trade chat into basically a loot box system, where they pray they will find the buyer who sells what they want at a price they desire.

Third, this seems like it will further cripple the limited filtering abilities we currently have for trade chat.

Fourth, how would you turn off the recurring trade chat messages without logging out? That seems like a rather annoying and unnecessary step, further adding to this unnecessarily complicated system you are proposing.

So, yeah, my conclusion is that this proposal doesn't aid much. While recurring auto-posting is a neat idea and all, the drawbacks of the entire system do not warrant it. Also, the way trade chat works currently is better served by manual posting  rather than boting. People should put in the effort if they want the premium currency, even if that effort merely consists of just writing a few words.

I just update my topic:

*The only downside is it will not show what the person is trading.... for that we have the filter. Type anything you are looking for and it will only show the players chat comment that are selling/trading the item.* 

The problem with the current system is sitting in front of that trade chat for hours without knowing if anyone is gonna buy your Item. That's a waste of time and there should be a way to improve this. So an autamtic "spam" bot will help with this.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Melo-Cake_IsBack said:

The problem with the current system is sitting in front of that trade chat for hours without knowing if anyone is gonna buy your Item. That's a waste of time and there should be a way to improve this. So an autamtic "spam" bot will help with this.

Is a waste of time unless you're low enough for someone to flip it.  Buyers aren't sitting around watching chat.  That said I see potential for your system.  Make it easy for the trade filter to separate buyers and sellers if nothing else.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Melo-Cake_IsBack said:

I just update my topic:

*The only downside is it will not show what the person is trading.... for that we have the filter. Type anything you are looking for and it will only show the players chat comment that are selling/trading the item.* 

The problem with the current system is sitting in front of that trade chat for hours without knowing if anyone is gonna buy your Item. That's a waste of time and there should be a way to improve this. So an autamtic "spam" bot will help with this.

Doesn't that imply that trade-chat should be empty by default, and you then fill it by using the filters? Sorry, I've not used the include filtering, just the exclude, so, I don't know how they work. However, that's still one click too many, when you could just see what people are selling, rather than having to click every person's post, just to find that you don't agree with the trades or something. For example, I filter Lex Prime Barrel as something I want, but then when I click the people that show up, I see they only want to sell the entire Lex Prime set, or they only sell it alongside a riven or something, which will make me regret clicking and wasting my time, when with the current system, I could have just seen that and ignored it. Furthermore, if it just shows the items, how will I know the prices? With the current system, most people already post the prices they want, so you know what you're getting and what you're paying for it. But with your system, I would have to contact the seller just to find the price, which is really backwards and unintuitive, and if I don't agree with the price, then I just wasted both our times, which is not pleasant for anyone. And if the prices are being displayed, then what purpose does the extra click just to see the seller's selection serve? You don't go in a shop, then open a box just to see what it offers and the prices for it, do you?

As for regular spam bots... That's old school alright, and Warframe is anything but. I already said my view on trade chat is that people should put the effort in. Half of my 2800 hours of Warframe is probably me just staring at trade chat. Helped me a lot, to be honest. I learned market trends, how to maximize my profits, basically a lot of stuff that applies to real world markets as well. Which is why I find the current trade chat to be so good. Rivens aside (we really need better filtering for them), market trends still exist, prices still fluctuate, the market is still alive, and that makes the trade chat, for me, just as engaging a gameplay element as the rest of the game. So, yeah, I personally don't want that ruined.

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il y a 3 minutes, Gabbynaru a dit :

Doesn't that imply that trade-chat should be empty by default, and you then fill it by using the filters? Sorry, I've not used the include filtering, just the exclude, so, I don't know how they work. However, that's still one click too many, when you could just see what people are selling, rather than having to click every person's post, just to find that you don't agree with the trades or something. For example, I filter Lex Prime Barrel as something I want, but then when I click the people that show up, I see they only want to sell the entire Lex Prime set, or they only sell it alongside a riven or something, which will make me regret clicking and wasting my time, when with the current system, I could have just seen that and ignored it. Furthermore, if it just shows the items, how will I know the prices? With the current system, most people already post the prices they want, so you know what you're getting and what you're paying for it. But with your system, I would have to contact the seller just to find the price, which is really backwards and unintuitive, and if I don't agree with the price, then I just wasted both our times, which is not pleasant for anyone. And if the prices are being displayed, then what purpose does the extra click just to see the seller's selection serve? You don't go in a shop, then open a box just to see what it offers and the prices for it, do you?

As for regular spam bots... That's old school alright, and Warframe is anything but. I already said my view on trade chat is that people should put the effort in. Half of my 2800 hours of Warframe is probably me just staring at trade chat. Helped me a lot, to be honest. I learned market trends, how to maximize my profits, basically a lot of stuff that applies to real world markets as well. Which is why I find the current trade chat to be so good. Rivens aside (we really need better filtering for them), market trends still exist, prices still fluctuate, the market is still alive, and that makes the trade chat, for me, just as engaging a gameplay element as the rest of the game. So, yeah, I personally don't want that ruined.

People can still use the current system along with my system. They just type whatever they want to sell (and find more important to sell right away) along with the trade window 

"{Show Trades}" of mine.

Anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it.

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