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We Need Tougher Moderation In The Feedback Forums.


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I've made plenty of threads and post already having alot of "deal with it" answer. As long as i don't feel i'm being directly attacked/offended i see them as a direct answer with no holding argument to stand their ground, yet, a simple answer that shows that person is against my opinion.


Not nice to see, but easy to deal with it (lol), since we're all humans and not some kind of irrational animals.

Well, I'd say everyone that responded to this thread is rational. However, I've come across people that post nothing but hate and spite... and the sad thing is that they weren't trolling.

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Don't know where you got that. The conclusion we all made is that we need more moderation, and everyone, including the community members, need to do their part.

yeah.... i know about that.... and yet i can't shake the feeling that nothing in this thread will change anything.... ah, maybe it just my imagination.


back to topic, once again I agree we need more moderator.

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You're right OP, we do need more moderation on part of the feedback forums. There are far too many threads being created that are not feedback. Granted, we can't turn this into a police state and start locking threads left and right, but above and beyond the issue with people posting in the wrong forum, much of the topics themselves are not feedback. The responses that result from those topics certainly aren't helping, but it seems there are just as few thread starters that know what constructive criticism and feedback are.


As it is, I've been doing my part in reporting topics to be moved to other forum sections (especially the 'Warframe Feedback' section where nobody reads obvious pinned notices), but we can only do so much to abate the influx.

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If the Moderators would lock and delete every stupid feedback thread out there made by self-entitled 50 hour scrubs who think they've seen it all and know how to improve the game after finishing mercury... then there wouldn't  be so much "deal with it" in the first place. But since this is an open forum where everyone can post feedback and make "deal with it" posts alike .. you have to deal with it, op. Simple as that.


Freakin Elitist idiot out.

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"Something needs to be done!"

"Where are the authorities?!"

"This is an outrage!"

"Someone needs to step up!"


Where are the reports, dear posters? We cannot read every thread with multiple pages. If you want situations to be dealt with, report the posts. This entire thread is a not about moderation (because that work is done, unpaid, for hours, by people who are taking the abuse the community flings their way, daily, in silent stride), it is about expecting 5 guys to read every thread, instead of clicking "report", describing the situation and alert these 5 guys to it.


If you would report what irked you, we could deal with such concerns accordingly. The police doesn't show up at your house after a break & enter unless you call them. No ambulance arrives after an accident unless they are alerted. Don't think someone else will surely do that for you, and that there's no need for you to take up responsibility and inform the moderators that there is an incident to be looked into. If you do your part, this community will be better for it.


- Don't fight a troll, don't talk to a troll, don't react to a troll. Report them.

- Don't insult someone disagreeing, don't respond to someone offending you. Report them.

- Don't attack other posters, don't engage in shouting matches. Report them.

- Don't tell someone it's the wrong section and belittle them for it. Report them.

- Staying calm is a citizen's first duty.


If people would report offending posts instead of responding to them, these forums would run buttersmooth. But since there is just the five of us and few (I am talking, like 2 or 3 people here...) posters who are consistently and dilligently helping us, we cannot cover the output of the thousands of thousands of posters. We can only skim the top and patrol the boards.

You want tougher moderation? Give us more reports.


Ced is a troll himself :/


I know, right? The worst part is when he warns you for breaking the rules and that's totally unfair.

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"Deal with it" is just "I don't agree with you"


Feedback is feedback. That's their feedback on your feedback. It's someone saying they disagree and do not share your view.


Expecting or letting mods ban someone because they disagree with you is pants on head $&*&*#(%& imho.


I agree the flame wars need to stop. I've heard the forums have been getting acidic of late (I personally haven't seen it. I guess I hang out in all the right boards.) But that's what the report function is for. It's on the players to help moderate the forums. It's just too much to expect a company in the position DE is in atm to dump resources into babysitting it's playerbase. The report function brings problems to the attention of the mods instead of hoping they find them in time. Abuse the function and it'll be less effective. (If you flood the mods with reports over petty/irrelevant matters the real jerks are going to have a lot higher chance of not getting noticed or getting a simple 'pass' because the mod has already had to deal with going through a mountain of reports about johnny calling you an idiot, timmy picking his nose, and joe being an average dirty schmoe. Last thing a person wants to do, mods are people too you know, is bother with a ban after putting up with a mountain of crap. Or it goes they other way, and that mod gets &!$$y and bans everybody he can shake a stick at.)


EDIT: awww, ced beat me to it on the report function.

Edited by Stinker
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"Something needs to be done!""Where are the authorities?!""This is an outrage!""Someone needs to step up!" Where are the reports, dear posters? We cannot read every thread with multiple pages. If you want situations to be dealt with, report the posts. This entire thread is a not about moderation (because that work is done, unpaid, for hours, by people who are taking the abuse the community flings their way, daily, in silent stride), it is about expecting 5 guys to read every thread, instead of clicking "report", describing the situation and alert these 5 guys to it. If you would report what irked you, we could deal with such concerns accordingly. The police doesn't show up at your house after a break & enter unless you call them. No ambulance arrives after an accident unless they are alerted. Don't think someone else will surely do that for you, and that there's no need for you to take up responsibility and inform the moderators that there is an incident to be looked into. If you do your part, this community will be better for it. - Don't fight a troll, don't talk to a troll, don't react to a troll. Report them.- Don't insult someone disagreeing, don't respond to someone offending you. Report them.- Don't attack other posters, don't engage in shouting matches. Report them.- Don't tell someone it's the wrong section and belittle them for it. Report them.- Staying calm is a citizen's first duty. If people would report offending posts instead of responding to them, these forums would run buttersmooth. But since there is just the five of us and few (I am talking, like 2 or 3 people here...) posters who are consistently and dilligently helping us, we cannot cover the output of the thousands of thousands of posters. We can only skim the top and patrol the boards.You want tougher moderation? Give us more reports.  I know, right? The worst part is when he warns you for breaking the rules and that's totally unfair.

So... Conclusion:

We are not one who expect the moderators to read every single topic, they are human too.

We should help the moderators and play a part to help change the Warframe Forums for the better.

You cannot expect them to be aware of every single troll or anything. The important thing to do is to report them.

Basically, we have to work closely with them, as what I have said before. Moderating the forums is not a one-man or 5-men job, it is everyone's responsibility and duty to report problems and to execute the necessary actions.

Everyone has a part to play. Thus, Lets all work together!

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If you would report what irked you, we could deal with such concerns accordingly. The police doesn't show up at your house after a break & enter unless you call them. No ambulance arrives after an accident unless they are alerted. Don't think someone else will surely do that for you, and that there's no need for you to take up responsibility and inform the moderators that there is an incident to be looked into. If you do your part, this community will be better for it.


- Don't fight a troll, don't talk to a troll, don't react to a troll. Report them.

- Don't insult someone disagreeing, don't respond to someone offending you. Report them.

- Don't attack other posters, don't engage in shouting matches. Report them.

- Don't tell someone it's the wrong section and belittle them for it. Report them.

- Staying calm is a citizen's first duty.


This is indeed the best way you can help the mods clean up the forums guys - fanning the flames by posting comebacks to troll posts only makes it worse and thus the thread goes on a downward spiral instead of progressive discussion. I can attest that the mods take the appropriate actions quickly on reported threads/posts. :)


As previously mentioned in this thread, we all have a part to play in maintaining forum quality and keeping a sense of sanity in these parts. The mods will need our help more than ever I would think, as the playerbase increases (which will bring about an inevitable, exponential increase in trolling/flamebaiting/brain-killing nonsense threads in general discussion/etc).

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So conclusion is, you just have to deal with it!


Though in this manner: :P

- Don't fight a troll, don't talk to a troll, don't react to a troll. Report them.

- Don't insult someone disagreeing, don't respond to someone offending you. Report them.

- Don't attack other posters, don't engage in shouting matches. Report them.

- Don't tell someone it's the wrong section and belittle them for it. Report them.

- Staying calm is a citizen's first duty.

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