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Vauban? Titania?


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So, the new patch just buffed and nerfed(?) some Warframes, and I have noticed something. The main focus has been on really popular/debated frames in the recent tweaks made, but what about Vauban/Vauban Prime? He’s CC only and I would love to be able to use him more. Plus, I know some Titania lovers who would like to see some tweaks made to her, so I also am also including her. Thank you for reading this post.


PS- I think Vauban should get his own “trademark” ability. I guess you could say that Ability 4 (Vortex) is, but Nidus practically has a better version of it. Ability 3 could also be a trademark ability, but I just want to see something more special in Ability 1 and 2.

Edited by (PS4)EpicGamerHub
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I support DE looking at these two Warframes again. Vauban seriously needs a new first ability, because the current one does about nothing. Additionally, some of his other abilities are completely made irrelevant by being able to spam Bastille. Less overlap would be great, and maybe some damage too. Obviously, he should still be CC focused, but one good damaging ability would be appreciated. 


As for Titania, who I love for her flight, some of her abilities just seem weird. Lantern and Spellbind seem too similar in function in my opinion, and Tribute requires too many casts to get its full benefit.

Finally, and most importantly, give us a vacuum, allow us to pick up items by flying a distance over them, or make it so we aren't drastically slowed by hitting the ground. Right now, picking up items is simply way more painful than it should be. 

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The squeaky wheel gets the oil. That's why there are about 5000 new threads being started each day complaining about Atlas and about 3000 complaining about Ember, so they are always at the top with multiple voices at once, rather than being compiled into a single thread as they should be. It pushes all other comments like this one out of the way so the Devs only see Atlas and Ember. Not to say those two didn't need some serious changes, but this is the current hot topic. It makes frames like Vauban and Titania completely get drowned out. I've been trying to keep threads going about Vauban in particular, but it can't keep up with the  insane amount of new threads being started constantly about the current celebrities. I'd love to see Vauban get some defensive abilities and offensive abilities that would fit his theme. His passive needs a serious rework too.

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All four of vaubans abilities are duration based cc abilities. It gets a bit redundant honestly. And why are all of them grenades? 

Bastille should be a stave he throws into the ground that drains energy per enemy being lifted.

Vortex should not be a grenade either. It should be a drone that sucks enemies in, as well as sucking in range attacks if the target/Ally/player is within range of the drone. 


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2 hours ago, shoopypit said:

All four of vaubans abilities are duration based cc abilities. It gets a bit redundant honestly. And why are all of them grenades? 

Bastille should be a stave he throws into the ground that drains energy per enemy being lifted.

Vortex should not be a grenade either. It should be a drone that sucks enemies in, as well as sucking in range attacks if the target/Ally/player is within range of the drone. 



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I think he needs a power the actually boosts defense--something like Gara's DR ability would make much more sense on Vauban than her. I also think his 1 needs to be reworked. Having it do 100% status is too CC oriented. He needs a damage ability. Something like his shrapnel mine in terms of stripping armor and/or shields would be fitting, but also dealing significant damage. And yes, for the love of God, his passive needs to do something and make sense, of which it currently does neither. Maybe reduce energy costs when near active powers or something.

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