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When we will be able to choose login day reward path ?


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vor einer Stunde schrieb TheBrightKing:

This meme exists for a reason, and the reason is that aspect in this game is important, and so are cosmetics. A shortcut to the juicy parts is a nice addition so you dont have to login 750 days in a row, almost two years, for getting a simple weapon.


You may save you and me the whole argument and show me threads about players complaining about not being able to get the cosmetics in the rewards system. They are all about the weapons and primed mods. I base my opinion on these threads about having to wait for sigma&octantis, zenistar, zenith, primed fury, primed shred etc.

The rewards are not equal. Cosmetics have way less impact on gameplay. And a system that frontloads the interesting parts and leaves the scrap to the vets (yes, I use the term, I come back to that later). is simply unfair and stops functioning as a reward system. If you want milestones, ok, but then you must allow vets to have the same choice and ignore milestones they don't want in favour of additional new ones. If you want cheese then cheese for all please.

vor einer Stunde schrieb TheBrightKing:

No im not looking for any system, im looking for new players to be able to get a weapon in a reasonable amount of time, not in two years minimum.

They are locked unless you log in every single day for sometimes more than one year, if youu think that is right then thats a serious problem. Why does the system need to prevent new players from getting a weapon that is supposedly gotten by just loging in, its stupid, getting the best weapon by a meaningful and challenging quest and not wanting those who didnt do it to get it? im ok with that.. getting a good weapon for just logging in several days in a row and not wanting others to get it early for logging in? that makes no sense.

Ok, here at least, you admit, it's about the weapons. And I think that system is right, pretty common and not stupid at all. And now? Torches and forks?

There are weapons you can get by meaningful and challenging quests. Those are in the game. But we talk about weapons/mods that are not just for "logging in several days in a row". They required an effort. And I still fail to see why some players should be able to take shortcuts. And I fail to see why players won't complain again with the same arguments in the new system. "Why do i have to login two years to get all weapons/mods? This is unfair and stupid!!!111 We can't we have them in 30 days? 20 days? 10 days?"

vor einer Stunde schrieb TheBrightKing:

Yeah but that proves that cosmetics ARE important, that may be other discussion but still proves my point.

It just proves that people don't want to buy a packet which contains already stuff they have. Vaulted cosmetics have nothing to do with login rewards!

vor einer Stunde schrieb TheBrightKing:











(and stop talking about what other people think or care about for instance, you are talking about things you dont know)

I care more for the repala syandana for example than for the zenistar, i have it and i never use it, its useless for me, if i havent sold it yet its because its "exclusive" for logging in, meanwhile i use that syandana in my main frame and many other syandanas in other frames regularly.

Calm down,I don't pretend to represent the majority of the player base. But I'm pretty confident that I'm not alone with my point of sight, especially whith the example I have given (zenistar>syandana and primed fury>sigil). And I base my opinion on the complains (s. above) of the players who want to take the shortcuts. They want the weapons and mods.

You even seem to agree about the motivation of new players.

vor einer Stunde schrieb TheBrightKing:

Do you know what is the worst offender of the community of this game? the people that call themselves veterans and speak for people, sometimes that have been playing more than them and from earlier as if they knew what those people think or care about. And sometimes they also show blatant ignorance in the proccess. How can you talk down to me calling yourself a veteran when my account is months older than yours, when ive probably been playing this game for more time than you? Just because i didnt have the means to buy a founder pack at that time and you did so that little thing near your profile doesnt show with me (that is a thing that already proves you have been around for long, you dont need any special weapon)? is that the reason? Look, you were the one who didnt know that fashionframe was a big big part of the game and the community, dont try to fool me or others talking in the name of "veterans" or players you dont know, do not try to pass off this system that reduces months, sometimes years long waits so players can enjoy the main part of this game that is the variety in gameplay, weapons and customizations as if this was a bad thing for anyone.

Wow, didn't want to hit a nerve. but I guess we have to talk through it:

Maybe because you solely represented the view of newer players/players who took an hiatus, advocating changes who only favor this part of the playerbase and totally ignore those who invested effort (which you called mindlessly) in the existing system. If you want to win a broad support for a shortcut system you shouldn't belittle those who already invested.

It may be shocking for you, although we all know the meme, when fashionframe and ingame mechanics collide fashionframe looses outside the relay. (People found themselves forced to use arcane helmets although they couldn't stand them, as an example). You are ok with new players skipping the cosmetics in favor of weapons/mods, then you should consequently offer veterans the same options and allow them the same choice.

The rest are personal attacks and insinuations. I doubt that you played more than me, but that neither invalidates nor proves my points.So why should I care?

Edit: Just checked for the laugh.  I have over 5 times your hours, but ok, nevermind.


Edited by Sahansral
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On 2/14/2018 at 9:51 AM, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

I'm more or less talking about all of the 50 day rewards that they are allowing people to bypass. They will be able to get everything twice as fast, which is not okay.

Just stop crying. Stuff changes. A game gets popular and the devs want to make it more accessable. If you care about the future of the game, let change happen. Wahhhh he got his weapon faster than me wahhhh. That's basically the core of your argument. 

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As a six-month-old player, I consider very good to be able to chose our next reward, however in first place, they should only enable that possibility of "chose the next reward" for players with at least 50 or 100 days previously logged, also they should increase the MR requirements of the "reward weapons" as follows:

Azima (current MR required is 6)
Azima (new MR required should be 9)
Zenistar (current MR required is 6)
Zenistar (new MR required should be 10)
Zenith (current MR required is 10)
Zenith (new MR required should be 13)
Sigma & Octantis (current MR required is 0)
Sigma & Octantis (new MR required should be 16)

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb (PS4)tissot555:

Just stop crying. Stuff changes. A game gets popular and the devs want to make it more accessable. If you care about the future of the game, let change happen. Wahhhh he got his weapon faster than me wahhhh. That's basically the core of your argument. 

And yours:

"Let's ensure that the reward pool after a potentiual change stays with enough unwanted items so that I don't have to login every day, don't have to catch up and nevertheless get the good things asap."

Don't be ridiculous. Four weapons and two mods don't make or break the game. Not with hundreds of others to farm for.

Players who leave the game because the of the login reward system would already have left 10 times before because of the founder items.


Edited by Sahansral
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vor 1 Minute schrieb AcidicGhost:

I've got to laugh at people who think that keeping a bad system because they had to go through it doesn't make them anything other than selfish. 


Let me join in by laughing at people who aren't willing to invest one yota in proposing tweaks that would please all parts of the playerbase.

Btw, how is "I want the good rewards asap and skip the bad ones." not selfish? Care to elaborate?

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Just now, Sahansral said:

Let me join in by laughing at people who aren't willing to invest one yota in proposing tweaks that would please all parts of the playerbase.

Btw, how is "I want the good rewards asap and skip the bad ones." not selfish? Care to elaborate?

I didn't make any comment on wanting the rewards did I?

Personally couldn't care one way or the other about random trinket x, just wanted to point out that defending a bad system, which time gating certainly is, just because you went through it is a poor defense. I will also point out that the developers have no incentive to please 800 day consecutive players, they are clearly already hooked.  

I will certainly elaborate on the second line of your post, and I hope you think more before you post such trivial examples. 

Do you want to know why someone arguing for changing the system is less selfish, even if by accident? Because there action will benefit every single player who joins the game afterwards. Their greed actually helps out everyone else, yours is just you trying to horde what you have because it makes you feel special. 


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Il y a 2 heures, Sahansral a dit :

You may save you and me the whole argument and show me threads about players complaining about not being able to get the cosmetics in the rewards system. They are all about the weapons and primed mods. I base my opinion on these threads about having to wait for sigma&octantis, zenistar, zenith, primed fury, primed shred etc.

Or i may save you and me the argument by not responding to ad-ignorantiam fallacies.

Il y a 2 heures, Sahansral a dit :

The rewards are not equal. Cosmetics have way less impact on gameplay. And a system that frontloads the interesting parts and leaves the scrap to the vets (yes, I use the term, I come back to that later). is simply unfair and stops functioning as a reward system. If you want milestones, ok, but then you must allow vets to have the same choice and ignore milestones they don't want in favour of additional new ones. If you want cheese then cheese for all please.

Ok, here at least, you admit, it's about the weapons. And I think that system is right, pretty common and not stupid at all. And now? Torches and forks?

If you cant choose the "interesting parts" it is because you already have them not because they deny you the option to get them.

Its about weapons because you want to talk about the weapons and thats what i take as examples.

it also goes against the bases of the game, since most things are easily obtainable in a few days as much.


Il y a 2 heures, Sahansral a dit :

It ust proves that people don't want to buy a packet which contains already stuff they have. Vaulted cosmetics have nothing to do with login rewards!

It proves people are willing to rise and call them out for "just cosmetics"

Il y a 2 heures, Sahansral a dit :

There are weapons you can get by meaningful and challenging quests. Those are in the game. But we talk about weapons/mods that are not just for "logging in several days in a row". They required an effort. And I still fail to see why some players should be able to take shortcuts. And I fail to see why players won't complain again with the same arguments in the new system. "Why do i have to login two years to get all weapons/mods? This is unfair and stupid!!!111 We can't we have them in 30 days? 20 days? 10 days?"

If clicking an icon in your desktop for 700 days in a row is "an effort" that should be rewarded then we have a very different view of what should be rewarded. Skill should be rewarded, wits and cunning strategies alongside of clever optimization of the grind should be rewarded. (paying also, since the game is free) Clicking an icon should not be rewarded, not in a prohibitive way for those that dont have the time to do it every single day for 2 years.


Il y a 2 heures, Sahansral a dit :

Calm down,I don't pretend to represent the majority of the player base. But I'm pretty confident that I'm not alone with my point of sight, especially whith the example I have given (zenistar>syandana and primed fury>sigil). And I base my opinion on the complains (s. above) of the players who want to take the shortcuts. They want the weapons and mods.

well yeah you are probably not alone, but if people wants weps and mods then DE needs to add more to the new system, the lack of weps and mods and the dilution of the reward pool is not a problem with the system itself but a problem with what DE wants in that system.

Il y a 2 heures, Sahansral a dit :

Wow, didn't want to hit a nerve. but I guess we have to talk through it:

Maybe because you solely represented the view of newer players/players who took an hiatus, advocating changes who only favor this part of the playerbase and totally ignore those who invested effort (which you called mindlessly) in the existing system. If you want to win a broad support for a shortcut system you shouldn't belittle those who already invested.

It may be shocking for you, although we all know the meme, when fashionframe and ingame mechanics collide fashionframe looses outside the relay. (People found themselves forced to use arcane helmets although they couldn't stand them, as an example). You are ok with new players skipping the cosmetics in favor of weapons/mods, then you should consequently offer veterans the same options and allow them the same choice.

The rest are personal attacks and insinuations. I doubt that you played more than me, but that neither invalidates nor proves my points.So why should I care?

Edit: Just checked for the laugh.  I have over 5 times your hours, but ok, nevermind.


No i never represented any new players, i said why this system is good and those views of why the new system is good are mine and solely mine.


"It may be shocking for you, although we all know the meme, when fashionframe and ingame mechanics collide fashionframe looses outside the relay."


Fashionframe and ingame mechanics never collide. You can put an arcane in every helmet, and you can definitely play and destroy enemies without any problem without needing any arcane helmet.


"You are ok with new players skipping the cosmetics in favor of weapons/mods, then you should consequently offer veterans the same options and allow them the same choice"


If the system goes online, the (we :P) vets would have the same system and thus the same options. the fact that they dont get the things they already have is not lack of options.

"The rest are personal attacks and insinuations. I doubt that you played more than me, but that neither invalidates nor proves my points.So why should I care?"


well if you take it as a personal attack then it is not, tho this is the internet and the tone one uses here can be easily mistaken. And no hours dont invalidate anyones arguments, never said so.


"Edit: Just checked for the laugh.  I have over 5 times your hours, but ok, nevermind."


To add to that laugh, ingame hours or general hours, because you do know ingame hours only count the hours you are inside of missions, not in-game, not trading, not managing your clan, not doing anything else but being inside a mission, and i think you as everyone would know the more you play the more time you spend outside of missions. 


EDIT: Yeah those were ingame on-mission hours, still as you yourself said that doesnt prove knowledge at all, less if they are just on-mission hours.

EDIT 2: looks like we had a pretty big misunderstanding here, the problem here is not spending 2 years to get ALL, the problem is spending 2 years to get ONE SPECIFIC THING you like. Thats why im against and if you want weapons and mods then thats not the system fault, its more something DE should adress, but more weapons  in the rooster to reward vets would be a nice addition that has nothing to do with the system but more to do with what DE wants to add to that system.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb AcidicGhost:

I didn't make any comment on wanting the rewards did I?

Personally couldn't care one way or the other about random trinket x, just wanted to point out that defending a bad system, which time gating certainly is, just because you went through it is a poor defense. I will also point out that the developers have no incentive to please 800 day consecutive players, they are clearly already hooked.  

I will certainly elaborate on the second line of your post, and I hope you think more before you post such trivial examples. 

Do you want to know why someone arguing for changing the system is less selfish, even if by accident? Because there action will benefit every single player who joins the game afterwards. Their greed actually helps out everyone else, yours is just you trying to horde what you have because it makes you feel special. 


"Think of the children!" Sure, nobody here wants the rewards. I know, it's all about those new players who would certainly leave the game because of six timegated weapons/primed mods. Less than half percent of all weapons/mods avaiable ingame?

Well, not everybody shares your opinion about the current system. At least it manages to hook people in the first place.

Somehting I highly doubt new system will achieve if the rewards pool stays the same. It just frontloads the wanted rewards and after a certain point looses all attractiveness.

It's just a quick benefit in the shortterm at the cost of longtime motivation. And that will have affect on all players sooner or later. So in the long run you'll have to change the system to please all groups. And cosmetics only just won't cut it.

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16 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

"Think of the children!" Sure, nobody here wants the rewards. I know, it's all about those new players who would certainly leave the game because of six timegated weapons/primed mods. Less than half percent of all weapons/mods avaiable ingame?

I am not arguing that anyone would leave the game. If you are not trying to refute my arguments, why are you quoting me?

Percentage of total content is irrelevant. Time gating is bad. 

19 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

Well, not everybody shares your opinion about the current system. At least it manages to hook people in the first place.

That is by design. It is literally an addiction mechanism. Congratulations on being unable to fall victim to it. Shame on you for wanting other people to still be submitted to it.

20 minutes ago, Sahansral said:


Somehting I highly doubt new system will achieve if the rewards pool stays the same. It just frontloads the wanted rewards and after a certain point looses all attractiveness.

Giving the players agency in their rewards is always going to be better than time gating, regardless of the pool.

34 minutes ago, Sahansral said:


It's just a quick benefit in the shortterm at the cost of longtime motivation. And that will have affect on all players sooner or later. 

It is adding player choice instead of fixed milestones. Is there some rule where DE can't add to the login reward pool once they change the system? 


36 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

So in the long run you'll have to change the system to please all groups. And cosmetics only just won't cut it.


Why would it need to be changed again after it goes to a choice system? You need to expand on this because it doesn't make sense. 


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vor 16 Minuten schrieb TheBrightKing:


After talking with you ingame. I think can understand your points.

To make it clear: I have nothing against a new system, but it should have a bigger reward pool and an increased pace in which new items are added. Every player at each extreme of the login days scale should have options to choose from. And like the new players will certainly go for noncosmetic rewards with actual game impact, I wish from a new system that players who invested effort into old system have the same option and not have their effort reduced to some cosmetics.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

Just stop crying. Stuff changes. A game gets popular and the devs want to make it more accessable. If you care about the future of the game, let change happen. Wahhhh he got his weapon faster than me wahhhh. That's basically the core of your argument. 

But then again, the core of your argument is that people who were lazy and couldn't be bothered to log on should get everything faster.



For the record, I know this wasn't exactly what you said, I'm just stretching your point to fit my argument like you stretched mine.


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