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When we will be able to choose login day reward path ?


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This is Excalibur Prime situation, even worse than that. If letting someone pick 800 days reward on his day 50 is fine, then letting people purchase Founder pack today is also fine. I'd even argue that doing 800 days of logins requires far more effort and is obviously way more time consuming than being aware of this game couple couple years ago and dropping the money. So either keep exclusive stuff many people worked for unchanged or let everyone obtain everything.

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16 minutes ago, -Trey- said:

This is Excalibur Prime situation, even worse than that. If letting someone pick 800 days reward on his day 50 is fine, then letting people purchase Founder pack today is also fine. I'd even argue that doing 800 days of logins requires far more effort and is obviously way more time consuming than being aware of this game couple couple years ago and dropping the money. So either keep exclusive stuff many people worked for unchanged or let everyone obtain everything.

You're comparing apples with oranges. "Being aware of the game" when founding happened made the game possible, and in extension after a while, being able to get daily rewards for login to play the game as you would have even without daily rewards. Founders basically saved the game and changed what was labeled and doomed a market failure. Also, when are we dropping the effort argument on a couple of clicks and a minute a day. Doing something for a long time does not equal effort. There are even people with longer time played, but are relatively 'new' to the game that would have put more 'effort' into the game than someone who logged in more times, but played less.

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3 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

You're comparing apples with oranges. "Being aware of the game" when founding happened made the game possible, and in extension after a while, being able to get daily rewards for login to play the game as you would have even without daily rewards. Founders basically saved the game and changed what was labeled and doomed a market failure. Also, when are we dropping the effort argument on a couple of clicks and a minute a day. Doing something for a long time does not equal effort. There are even people with longer time played, but are relatively 'new' to the game that would have put more 'effort' into the game than someone who logged in more times, but played less.

Founders helped this game grow, while people who did their 800 days and often far more than that kept it alive and going. In many cases without ability to gain those founder items, because they were not aware of the game back then. 800 day's of couple clicks, that you have to make room for during your day for 800 days. Even if you have no access to pc that day, or are busy working or when you travel you tell your gf to do it for you. It does take effort to do it for that long and theres absolutely no reason someone else should get that 800 day's reward on day 50, because he doesn't want to put in that effort. Unless everyone gets equall chance to obtain everything, including founders.

and if not, you have exactly same opportinity to obtain your login rewards like anyone else who already have them. You just have to do same thing as they did for as long as they did it, should be easier for you because you don't consider it an effort.

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4 minutes ago, -Trey- said:

Founders helped this game grow, while people who did their 800 days and often far more than that kept it alive and going. In many cases without ability to gain those founder items, because they were not aware of the game back then. 800 day's of couple clicks, that you have to make room for during your day for 800 days. Even if you have no access to pc that day, or are busy working or when you travel you tell your gf to do it for you. It does take effort to do it for that long and theres absolutely no reason someone else should get that 800 day's reward on day 50, because he doesn't want to put in that effort. Unless everyone gets equall chance to obtain everything, including founders.

and if not, you have exactly same opportinity to obtain your login rewards like anyone else who already have them. You just have to do same thing as they did for as long as they did it, should be easier for you because you don't consider it an effort.

The same reason people still keep it alive now, be it old or new players, doesn't make them better or more deserving when they're doing the exact same thing for free, logging it to play or are you telling me you would have not played the game for 800 days if there was no daily reward. Again, login doesn't take any effort, all it takes is 1 minute of your day, and yes there are people that can't log in exactly everyday, but that doesn't put you YEARS behind. It's not a matter of effort at this point, it's a matter of time gate, it's way big that people can't catch up in nowhere a reasonable time and it's not just for comestics, because you can't rush time. This only gets worse and worse the more milestones they add and it's already out of hand.

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On 2/14/2018 at 10:02 AM, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

You mean the day 850 day sigil/glyph they will be able to get at day 50? It shows so much...

There is no proof that this is entirely what they intend.  They may have a Bronze/Silver/Gold type system, where you can choose, say, certain low level rewards every 50 days, but only ONE high level (like a Primed Mod) every 150 days or something.  Also, an 850 day glyph would remain at 850, im sure.

We, as a community, tend to be WAY too critical over our own assumed "facts" without much to back it up other than "DE said this sorta vague thing that one time..."  

Let's not form a lynch mob over theories without facts.

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On 2/14/2018 at 10:06 AM, NightBlitz said:

needs to happen really. those that think otherwise are just acting entitled. bah.

and where the heck are the focus farm changes? they probably forgot about those too....

Why does anyone think they forgot about -anything-?  Things take time.  This is why I oftentimes wish they just didn't share anything with us at all, because y'all hear one soundbyte and are suddenly considering it as set-in-stone, MUST-happen-this-week promises, when all they're trying to do is share the process of what they do with us.  It's not a perfect process, and not every idea comes to fruition.  Not every seed sprouts.  Just gotta toss a bunch out there and see what takes off.

As for the 50 day system, it's fine.  There are going to be people mad but...that is how things are when facing necessary changes.  People cling to the old, familiar systems that served them...  Our parents didn't like Video Games, it was new...Their parents hated TV, it was destroying Radio...and before that, Radio destroying Books...  

I'm a magician, and nowadays it is largely possible to learn via Youtube. online stores, and so on....but alot of older magi say "No! You should only learn from Stores!"  or before that "No!  Only from a mentor!"  etc...

Times are changing, and we need to let those changes happen, give DE the room it needs to breathe life into Warframe and keep it not only alive, but THRIVING....sometimes that's awesome, sometimes it's not what we expected...but it is all necessary in the name of progress.

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On 2/14/2018 at 10:19 AM, PakkiTheDog said:

I'd like to see how you'd feel if the roles were reversed. if there was an item that you cared about, like a new warframe, locked behind a 300 day logins, while someone else already has it. Just because you got to warframe sooner than others does not make you a special snowflake, and longing in to warframe for 800 days is not that hard of a task so you really wouldn't be wronged.


People are just salty because they'll lose their barging rights. The same goes for the vandal items (braton and lato). People are selfish, denying items to others for no real reason.

Well put.  I see alot of people complaining about things that essentially come down to ego mania.   DE has been criticized for, and is working hard to rectify, issues regarding new player retention.  To that end, one fix is mixing up distribution of Login Rewards, so new players don't think "Damn, 800 days!? I'll never get there".   Sure, WE know that's no biggie because Warframe is a LONG TERM game, but players for whom that concept is NEW and alien, it might turn them off to trying it and experiencing something wonderful..

...and that brings me back to my point about ego.  Who are we to deny other players the chance at getting into Warframe, the game we've all come to love so much? 

Why is the Warframe Community, why are our fellow Tenno, more concerned with how much "praise" we get from newer players, rather than seeking to help OTHER Tenno ENJOY the game themselves?  It's become a selfish community rather than an actual -community- ....

Considering how much ranting I see on these forums demanding how players "should play their frames when considering the team".... I find it somewhat hypocritical that we are not also considering other player's needs and wants.


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On 2/14/2018 at 11:31 AM, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

I think it's disrespectful. I did the time, why do you get to cut in line? Why do you feel that you deserve something at 100 days when it took another person 500?

I saw this mentality kill Destiny. Kids whined about how hard raids and trials of osiris were, so they made it that anyone could get the rewards if at least one person in their clan cleared the activity. Whatever happened to being rewarded for time and actual effort? DE, if you're reading this, what are you teaching these kids? Are you telling them that as long as they get their parents to shell out money like ATMs they're entitled to everything? Why not let them get MR30 on day 50? Just give it to them!

And the award for Best Actor in a Melodrama goes to....

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On 2/14/2018 at 12:09 PM, (PS4)dst123daniel said:

I feel both sides of this debate have valid points, so won't get drawn in to any of the rights and wrongs stated here (though I will admit, I did on a previous post)

I will instead point out one way the proposed change will negatively affect those who have logged in nearly every day since this systems start.

Players not at the peak of logins will be able to choose what they want.

Players at the top end of the scale will have no choice and have to take whatever is next, because at the top end of the scale, there is only the next reward.

Not much consequence really, but while newer players will have free choice of a fancy weapon, or prime mod, or what ever they want, those at the top will likely have to wait through some reactor/affinity booster bundle (which will likely be totally useless cos they won't have any need of them) a cosmetic and maybe something else before they get the chance to get another weapon with unique mechanic from everything else in game that they already have and anyone can get.


I think people are forgetting that New Players STILL need to learn how to use those mods/weapons to make them as useful as we do...AND they don't have access to the Capacity for certain mods, the resources to MAKE weapons, the MR needed to even WIELD the weapons in the first place.

It's not just about ownership.

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On 2/14/2018 at 2:41 PM, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Another solution: remove login rewards (or daily tributes or whatever you want to call them) from the game completely. If you need a reward for logging into a game, and the reward isn't playing the game itself, maybe you need to re-evaluate how much you enjoy playing it.

I agree 110% with your reasoning here!  It really urks me that people seem to think they need to be "rewarded" or "compensated" for their time playing Warframe.  The reward IS Warframe!  It's an amazing, free-to-play, totally insane and awesome experience....and it is GIVEN to you....and beyond that they give you MORE freebies...and all anyone can do is moan and whine about it?  What the hell....

In any case, I say keep the Daily Login, but change it to something simple like Credits and occasional boosters/coupons.  THEN, they should add in an Inbox message with attached rewards based solely on Hours Played milestones, since those ARE already logged.  In addition, I say add in a new currency to the game.  Call it, for purposes of example, a Dedication Coin.  The player could then SPEND these coins at a Relay to claim a "Reward".  So, if they want the Zenistar, they can have it...when they get 800 Dedication Coins. 

In this way, they can claim whatever reward from that pool they want...so long as they have enough coins.  The coins would NOT be purchasable with plat or cash, although I COULD see special clan events offering them as rare drops or rewards.  Would also be a nifty thing DE could send players for holidays.

There ya go @Warframe and @DigitalExtremes  .... problem solved. :)

As for those who already got their stuff.  Kudos.  Thanks for playing.  Moving on...

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On 2/14/2018 at 3:37 PM, Arniox said:

To answer in full: for bragging rights. 

We got in early, we've played for alot longer than new players, we get bragging rights because we earned it. If you want it to, then play the same game that we've been playing for the last 4 or 5 years

So you're "Bragging" about the fact that you discovered something first, which is an "issue" that new players can only feasibly resolve if they OWN A TIME MACHINE.  Stop blaming people for not being the friggin' Doctor.   

I honestly don't care one way or another WHAT weapon you have in a sortie.  I don't check your mods.  I don't give a flying rat's @$$ about your MR.  I don't.  And tbh, youll probably STILL need me to revive you 1000 times on Survival.   

It doesn't matter.  Play the game.  Let others do the same.  Check your ego at the door.

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On 2/14/2018 at 3:40 PM, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

Wow I'm surprised it took you guys that long to revert to what children are good at: insulting when they can't get what they want.

I don't even think some of you understand what the word "entitlement" means or even the popular context in which it is used in our present times. A person behaving like they're entitled to something usually wants something handed to them for no other reason than that they want it and feel they should have it. Who's acting entitled here? Those of us that went ahead and strung together enough log-ins to earn the rewards? Or those of us that just want the rewards quicker without putting in the log-ins?

It's sad because DE are going to go ahead and give these things to you on your terms. Yet not one of you that are FOR this system change can actually come up with a real reason why they should. I'm beginning to wonder if this isn't the Destiny migration crowd, if so, then we are in deeper trouble than I thought. Pretty soon all weapons will do the same base damage (which is not necessarily bad) and no one will have to even bother doing MR tests because too many people find them triggering.

Why, oh WHY, is everyone going around acting like this is a fact?  DE made mention of this, and MANY other concepts that may never come to fruition.  Stop wringing each other's necks over guesses and theories!  DE isn't following ANYONE'S terms but their own.  They didn't do this because "Well, fans were like "please?" and we were like "'kay".  Stop.

Friggin' pack of wild animals y'all have devolved into.  It's really, truly disappointing.  So much for the "Community of  Tenno".  No better than a bunch of Vey Hek running around here....  "MAGGOTS!! TAKING MY REWARDS?!?! BREATHING MY AIR?!!  UNFORGIVEABLE!!!"

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On 2/14/2018 at 5:55 PM, (Xbox One)Ezkie said:

At first when hearing this on the dev stream i thought it was exciting and cool, grab what i want when i want but it does destroy the achievement of daily tribute for me, i would rather see (if this wasnt already the plan anyway) that it was more broad in the milestones, for example if your next milestone is a mod it doesnt specify which mod, lets you chose the mod anong the milestones, same with the boosters and potatos, need a catalyst and not a reactor or want affinity booster over credit booster ect. Think id be more ok with that instead of people getting zenistar for loggingn on for 50 days. Just my 2 cents

In all honesty, this is what I'm thinking is more likely than just 50 day Zenistar.....buuuuuut noone is thinking like that. They all jump to conclusions and crucify DE and each other over assumptions.

Thank you for being reasonable and thinking things through.  The truth is the system HASNT been announced, so we need to wait and see what, if anything, happens.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

So you're "Bragging" about the fact that you discovered something first, which is an "issue" that new players can only feasibly resolve if they OWN A TIME MACHINE.  Stop blaming people for not being the friggin' Doctor. 

It's not an issue. Newer players are new. It's in the name. Which means they have to work/slowly make their way towards the state of older players. Resulting in time locks that they'll have to wait for. 

1 hour ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

  And tbh, youll probably STILL need me to revive you 1000 times on Survival

OK,  thanks. I always spend the time to try and revive anyone in my games and if I fail, I always apologize in chat. But that's just me. I do enjoy when people do the same back to me. 

1 hour ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

It doesn't matter.  Play the game.  Let others do the same.  Check your ego at the door

So play the game. Login everyday. Wait for the eventuality of getting the login rewards because eventually, you will 100% get them. Also, there's nothing wrong with ego. It creates a sense of self worth and can give people confidence to keep going. 

Put it this way, if you where me. And you had all of the login stuff, and you owned a bunch of exclusive items and weapons that are hugely time gated, and you've played for over 4 years, would you 100% honestly be completely OK with people that are entirely new to the game, who have never experienced all that you have, and that never will because all that you have experienced has changed, would you be OK with them suddenly getting easier access to all of your special and exclusive weapons? 

This is the exact reason why a lot of old players left after they started to bring event weapons back (if you didn't know, in the old days, all event weapons where non obtainable by any means at all to people that didn't do the events). 

Older players start to relish exclusives. They're sort of like memorabilia of events and stuff long passed. In terms of the login rewards, they are the only trueish exclusives because of their time gate and alot if us want to keep exclusives in warframe and not just remove them entirely which is what the game is slowly becoming. 

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20 hours ago, (PS4)TriggaMan3100 said:

I have over 1500 hours played so nice try with the nonsense assumption. Nothing locked in the Reward system is a MUST HAVE. I enjoyed the game just fine before I got the Zeni, I was still having fun without Primed Flow, so what’s stopping the rest of you? 

Your response was entirely too long for nothing, the only thing u said that made any sense was changing to an hours played system which is fine by me because you know, I actually play the game. 

Everything else is just whining!

No. my entire post makes sense. the fact gameplay influencing items are locked behind such massive time gates isnt a good idea. it should remain cosmetic only. and boosters which anyone can get from the market albeit for a price. so it snot a matter of "oh i absolutely need this stuff." no its a matter of principle. im the exact same way in Politics. i dont base stuff off of what i want but instead principle and policy. 

nothing is whining when its pointing out the clear flaw of the system. 


also you say you play 1500 hours? but you still think your more deserving of that stuff then someone who has played 4000 hours more then you but clocked in less login days then you? dont be a fool. 

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20 hours ago, (PS4)TriggaMan3100 said:

Yes absolutely fine with it, But explain to me how something that has No way to acquire is anywhere near the same as something easily acquired by just cutting the game on?

Maybe im missing the correlation lol, what’s funny is I’m MR24 and 7,800 Mastery from MR25. The only things keeping me from MR25 are the Braton & Lato Vandal, Despair, Hate, Sigma & Oct, and the Zenith. 

But u don’t see me on the forums begging for a change to the abysmal drop rate of Stalker or the Unobtainable Vandals, and I’m also fine waiting for the Zenith another 40 something days. 

Everyone saying we did nothing special to get the Zeni, if that’s the case why is it so hard for these Cry babies to do the same? What am I missing?

The "Crybabies" have a point. 


someone new to the game would need to wait pretty much a year til they can even hit MR25. so ya. no wonder people have more of a problem with this system then i do. maybe you outta initiate that coconut sitting inside your skull for a change. 

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

someone new to the game would need to wait pretty much a year til they can even hit MR25. 

someone new... and someone old too. Older players also had to wait the same amount of time to get logins, actually more than that even since the days before Daily Tribute system  don't even count. It also took old players several years to get to MR20+, longer than what a new player will have to wait because there are long waiting pauses between new frame/weapon releases, weeks long. New players don't have those long pauses to worry about, everything is already released and in the marketplace / dojo /quest / trade market / etc, readily available. All they gotta do is farm the resources. They will reach MR20+ much sooner, but since this thread is about login rewards.....

The only difference here is, older players didn't know what the milestone login reward was going to be until about 10-20 days ahead of time when a preview was shown in the login screen. New players already know the entire list of what rewards await them.  That's it.  The path to MR20+ is shorter for new players, the path to daily tribute login rewards is equally long for everybody. And no game content has been released that makes any of these login rewards an I-must-have-this-now-otherwise-I-will-always-lose material.

And really, of all these people who dislike this system, how many of them will honestly still be playing Warframe 3 years from now?  

Edited by MystMan
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В 14.02.2018 в 20:50, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr сказал:

Currently, the login rewards are the only obtainable way to show that you have been playing the game for a long time. 

Such achievment (to log in x days in a row not even playing). Much wow. :crylaugh:

It's really sad it's the only things some are proud of and want to "show off" in this game. If even 10% of those people obsessed with rewards such as this were actually dedicating a percent of their time trying to become just a *** tiny bit better at the game at the most basic level such as  understanding mechanics and stuff... One can only dream.

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On 2/14/2018 at 9:04 PM, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

All of these 

"I'm entitled, I played for a long time and you don't get to get the special rewards" posts

Any one could log in to the game every day for 800 days without spending a single minute in game

I strongly believe that DE will change the system to reward players that actually have dedication to the game, by not just logging in everyday.

Some people here crying about seeing new players having the Zenistar/Sigma & Octantis, my response for you

I would rather wait for 150 days to get an Azinma than wait at 50 day intervals for different rewards that I do not care about.(Because I don't need them anymore)

DE never, never stated that they would allow the players to get high level weaponry right off the bat. But some of you are too naive and too childish to even understand that it is a balance DE wants to implement. As for the OP, I wish to see it in-game, not only because I have invested more than a year and a half in this game, but to log in every day knowing that you are inching toward a reward that you opted for earlier

How people think it will be

50-Zenistar 100-Octantis, 150-Lodestar

How I believe it will be

50-Azinma, 300- Zenistar 700- Lodestar

My point being, the rarer/more powerful the weapon or item, the higher the timewall needed to obtain it.

I really love how the community always managed to take DE's words and twist them into an argument against DE.

Cry some more, we've seen what happens when DE listens to crying kids. 

oh no ember's WoF is so op I cant get any kills someone pls do something embernerf pls

oh no banshee is so boring she always afk oh nu de plox nerf


This WHOLE post is incredibly accurate!  People really do constantly twist DE's words and that has to stop.  They're trying and not even charging us for any of this...and yet, we find a way to demonize them for it. ffs. 

And yeah, people will cry....things get nerfed...then they cry about the nerfs...then things get buffed...then they cry...   It's a neverending cycle and has made me want to leave on more than one occasion rather than deal with that toxic community.

Glad to see from the posts on this forum that there are still many Tenno worth sticking around for though ^_^

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I miss the old log in rewards now. The reward should be playing an fun game, not some gimmicky (albeit fun) items that people would cry at the thought of others getting in a more reasonable time. I didn't cry when they didn't count my previous play time towards the new system, I won't cry if someone else gets a Zenistar or syandana at a different rate than I got em.

I've got Excal P. It's not as spectacular as you think. I got him for putting money down on a game that I thought may not make it and it wouldn't really bother me if they put in a new fangled way for people to get him. If you want to brag about doing something every day, start a work out routine or start doing feel good charity work. Playing a video game every day isn't something to brag about, though I guess that's my subjective view.

Well back in my day......

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12 hours ago, Arniox said:

It's not an issue. Newer players are new. It's in the name. Which means they have to work/slowly make their way towards the state of older players. Resulting in time locks that they'll have to wait for. 

OK,  thanks. I always spend the time to try and revive anyone in my games and if I fail, I always apologize in chat. But that's just me. I do enjoy when people do the same back to me. 

So play the game. Login everyday. Wait for the eventuality of getting the login rewards because eventually, you will 100% get them. Also, there's nothing wrong with ego. It creates a sense of self worth and can give people confidence to keep going. 

Put it this way, if you where me. And you had all of the login stuff, and you owned a bunch of exclusive items and weapons that are hugely time gated, and you've played for over 4 years, would you 100% honestly be completely OK with people that are entirely new to the game, who have never experienced all that you have, and that never will because all that you have experienced has changed, would you be OK with them suddenly getting easier access to all of your special and exclusive weapons? 

This is the exact reason why a lot of old players left after they started to bring event weapons back (if you didn't know, in the old days, all event weapons where non obtainable by any means at all to people that didn't do the events). 

Older players start to relish exclusives. They're sort of like memorabilia of events and stuff long passed. In terms of the login rewards, they are the only trueish exclusives because of their time gate and alot if us want to keep exclusives in warframe and not just remove them entirely which is what the game is slowly becoming. 

Yes.  Yes I would.

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I feel like this thread is heading in the wrong direction with all the "what would you feel like":s, "they haven't earn it":s and "logging in is not hard work":s.

The real question is, would implementing the tracks make Warframe a better game - and I have a hard time seeing how weakening the relationship between functionally relevant items and huge time gates would not make it better.

Some people want their mementos and bragging rights. Sure. But please, why would they have be things like weapons and mods that have a practical ingame use? A syandana is going to be just as capable of showing off that dedication than a weapon, but not having one won't lock anyone out of gameplay. If you really need a compromise, have those cosmetics locked behind certain numbers and let people choose the weapon tracks.

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