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Reason's Why This Game Is Dying - The Icing Is Wearing Thin - How Can We Save Warframe


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That's right.. I want to start off with a simple metaphor which I will use to describe the game.


A cake.


Now every time DE releases a new weapon, or a new map, That is just "icing" icing that is super tasty and which we all want to have.

It is like an addiction, to rush through and get all of the new content as soon as it comes out.

And this is now DE makes there money, Plain and simple.


Now the issue with warframe currently, is that the "core" of the "cake" is bland and stale..

The initial game play is repetitive and boring.

Enemies are easy to kill, and no matter how strong you get, you will always be able to face roll enemies like nothing.

Bosses are not challenging they are not innovative, And most mission types / game modes are ONLY played when.


Now forcing players to go through and play content that they "don't like"  Just so that they can complete an alert, is not appealing, it is cruel and not satisfying.  And I often find myself repeating the same defence mission over and over, 

Because honestly I don't see what else there is to do.


Once players unlock a majority of the content they find themselves at the top of the chain.

Now once they find themselves here, there will be "nothing" to do but replay old missions, or hang out in clan chat.

The thing that is keeping us appealed to warframe is the content, being released often.  It gives you the week or two of casual game play drive, to go out and earn that weapon, or mod so that you can use it in the future.

You probably often tell yourself "I should get this now, so that I will have it all ready when the time comes I need it"

The time will never come, You are forced currently to build weapons and warframes that you don't actually want, to increase your mastery rank. 

And the only way to continue to increase the power of a weapon / frame, is to use forma.  And this does not even contribute to mastery...


What DE needs to do here, is fix the initial core elements of warframe, without releasing the same stuff frequently.

They need to stop trailing people along on the illusion of content, Just releasing a weapon here and there.

It will get boring, we have enough weapons currently, and this will not continue to keep people hooked into the game.

Not if the core of the gameplay is boring and stale.

The "drive" for power is what keeps us interested, Like in most games, the thing that gets us through the grind, is the end content.


The ability to "show off" to new players how good you are, and to participate in HIGH LEVEL END GAME CONTENT


So once again, metaphorically. This game is like a cake.


We are currently eating the icing, bored to death, over looking the stale taste of the actual cake.

With the mind set that in the future, all this work will pay off for something.

And honestly considering that all we ever do is spam defence missions and kill everything with the same old weapons,

There is not much of a "Bragging" factor in warframe.

it may sound cocky but bragging rights is really important in any online game, otherwise why would you play it?


The Drive for power 


I want to go into details about what I mean by this.

In most games you play, you start off somewhat weak, With a large horizon of expansion and upgrades in the future. 

Now for the most part, if the game play is lacking and you had all of the abilities, items, weapons already unlocked.

Your just going to go through all of the content quickly and get bored with it.

In most games. 


Now in most mmo games there is also pvp.. Which is a HUGE drive to struggle through bland gameplay and repetitive content.

However warframe does not have any pvp it has no end game content whatsoever.


And TONS of suggestions and ideas have been posted on these forums, but I see NO AMBITION from de to actually improve on these things.

Recently I saw the post about remaking some game modes and removing raid's?  I mean.. Its a good start.

and survival sounds nice, But honestly it won't really make much of a difference.


But Like I said, The ride to the top... That is what warframe is.  A grind.  Like with most games, 

It is fun, unlocking and experiencing new content, like any other game it keeps you interested.

But USUALLY after we unlock a fair amount of stuff, and put 300 hours into the game.

You would expect to see some more drastic differences in game play. 



What is actually boring?


Some of you may be caught up in the loop still, the majority of the player base is still playing through most of the missions, and unlocking content, enjoying the exploration side of warframe.

and that is nice.

but what is not nice.

Putting A lot of money and time into a game with no end content.

There are those of us, 1000's of us who are sitting in the lobby waiting for something cool to happen.

Hardly being able to play more then 3 defence missions in a row without falling asleep.


Because I will not lie, this game is BORING as hell.  I'm sorry.

but the reason i'm tying this up is because I want to hopefully inspire someone out there to post a thread or an idea of there own.

Give DE some feedback, or hopefully DE themselves to read this and understand what we are going through.


Details now...


Enemy variety 


Now this is a BIG factor in the boring game play, there is no variety or need of a strategy, Most enemies are pretty much the same. Some of them shoot fire, some of them shoot scorpion claws, and that is all fine and dandy. 

But when your shooting enemies down without even thinking about it, as if its target practice.


There is no immersion there.  None.. It gets too repetitive. 

Now there are some ways to fix this, some ideas I had.


Quality over quantity: I Feel that the zerg rush style of enemies is too half &#!, It really does not feel like your doing anything, and really belittles enemies into boring zerg's.


Sure you die here and there, but that is just because there are so many things shooting at you, that you usually cant even handle what is going on.

And that's not fun.. You cant learn from that and you cant really counter it.

So Like I said There needs to be less enemies, spawning every 2 seconds.

There should be half as many enemies, and they should be much stronger then they are currently.

Weak points should not be as easy to target.

And the AI of the enemies is already great, its almost there.  I would just like to see a little more variety, other then ducking and standing out in the open shooting you.

( Standing out in the open Shooting you )   I mean honestly.. Its like the enemies in this game are mindless idiots who just want to die

LESS ENEMIES, more strategy.  I want enemies to be able to really MESS YOU UP if you make a mistake.


Additionally there is no pause in game play pace.. Its so steady it is tiring.. 


I mean its like a very linear type of action, There are no breaks in pace, no high octane moments.


I want to see some HUGE MUTANT grineer, Meta Boss type thing, That is VERY powerful, and breaks up game play.  

I will go into details on this in a separate section. 



Pace of Game play

Now this is another big factor, The game play move at a snails pace.


There are no highlights currently other then the stalker. 

And when the stalker comes and you freak out, that is WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, and I want to see more stuff like this.


The game needs to be broken up from the generic run and gun style, There needs to be more random events, 

Random mobs.

Or rare enemies.

Like I said, Maybe if you start progressing too quickly, a giant mutant grineer will come out and start beating you around like a bag of potatoes.  

And there also needs to be more variety in enemies, we already have those stupid ground slamming grineer things, but they really don't change the pace at all.

DE you need to go extreme on this, I want to see grineer rolling up in tanks and one shotting team mates,

Higher leveled missions should not be a cake walk, and the rewards should not be either.


I want to replay a mission 10-20 times to learn how to get through it.

I mean honestly when was the last time any of you have failed a mission other then defence..



And about random events, I want to see more of them, Some really cool things, that only a select few people will see.


Mastery Rank and progression


This also needs to be thought out.


If I don't want to buy ember, then it should not effect my mastery rank, I mean honestly everything we do should attribute towards mastery.  Some people may like how it is, but then again.

Maybe there are people out there who like ash, and want to keep playing him, and using the same weapons.

What if they "like that" and they enjoy that about the game?

We keep getting all this extra affinity, and if its not going towards leveling weapons or warframes, then it dam better well be going into mastery.


The time we put into this game needs to show for something, without forcing people to buy all of the boring weapons on the market place, ( which we have too many of )  Just to rank up to 11.  

I don't want to buy a cleaver, why should I?


Now, Progression.  Other then mastery, it really does not exist.

There is hardly any progression in warframe, when literally you can just buy everything off the market place.

Now sure DE makes the money, But that player is going to go through content so quick, there just going to get burnt out.


There needs to be a balance ( like void gear ) of content that cannot be bought, and must be earned.

There needs to be a challenge in this game, something for us to strive towards.


Maybe instead of whole planets, DE you should actually release DUNGEONS OR RAIDS

and not the current raid, I actually mean a NON RANDOMLY GENERATED raid, that will actually be well thought out, and difficult to beat.

I want to see scripted events, and great scenes and highlights of game-play.


Oh I am not organizing this very well.. ( someone will quote this )

Anyways, yeah, I really hate complaining without giving ideas, so in terms of progression.



Lumi has a thread about this, going into some more details / personal ideas / concerns.

Check it out if your interested.


Core system:

Maybe the tenno inside the warframe has its own set of mods?  Like a "core" that expands to all your weapons and warframes.

And this core has a set limit, maybe 100 levels. And they need to be VERY DIFFICULT to level up.

And on the core, we can level up attributes, like base health, and armor, and damage and speed.

etc etc, so that we can actually build our warframes, and be more individualized. While using warframes as like actual armors, or bonuses, Or ability sets.



I'm going to cut this off here, since no one will probably read up to this point,

I really do like this game, and I think it has room to become very innovative.

But I don't want to see DE getting stuck in the same pattern of releasing content just to keep players drawn in.

That is the taboo of online games, it happens a lot, and players hardly ever stick to those types of games.


Now here is the TL;DR

its your job as a community to help make this game better, you need to put your neck out and give some ideas,

And DE needs to start addressing these. 


New game modes, concepts, systems and elements of warframe.

I have seen so many ideas, so far. and they need to start being put into consideration.

Because in the future, if all we see are new helmets, and warframes, and capes, and dangly bits.

That is just an expensive cover up, hiding the bland core elements of game play.

DE you need to take a step back now, and look back into the core of this game, instead of just releasing the same old content every now and then.


And I hate to throw this out there, but I would really hate to see pvp being the only thing keeping this game above water.

I would not complain, But honestly if like steve said, They made it so we can duel outside of clans.

The game is going to turn very competitive, and builds are going to start popping up everywhere.

That's fun and all, but it will REMOVE and destroy most of the core pve concepts that have been built into the game.

And I think that these need to be improved first before Warframe moves into competitive game modes.


I know this post may not be the most easy thing to read, or go through but yeah.

Just a rant that I have been wanting to type up for a little while.  


Please if you are going to comment, keep it constructive, lets discuss other things that are bothering us, and discuss the specific issues you have with the game.


and we will hopefully make a thread that addresses everything about this game that defines the term bland.


The cake is a lie.. 


Thanks :3 




Another well thought out Rant thread, going into some specific details 

This is about key things specifically that you may find bothersome about this game.



Similarly in this thread I wanted to address some of the deeper / core issues of warframe.

So read them both, and lets hopefully give some of our own personal input in each thread.


This post is great exacly what i was thinking and feeling about the game i could have not put this nearly as good as you.

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You can skip down to the bottom where I say end of rant for real answers on this issue and bypass my rant, but one must always rant to get it out of ones system.


I believe the Warframe project was just designed to make a little money. The way everything is setup and played out is all tied to making money. They never thought the game would be this big and they would be releasing on PS4 and all of these things starting out. Now they realize they have something big but the base was not built to support something big, so where do they go from here? I think there are issues within issues that are causing problems after problems. For a pro player that has been gaming for years, this game is anything short of a challenge to me. Not to be that guy but I have seen the Devs play this game and they are not at all good. How are they going to make something a challenge to us when the game in it's current state is more than a challenge to them... Not too long ago, Rebecca and Sheldon were doing defense together with some of the Warframe players on a livestream for raptor. The question was asked "will there be a nightmare void mission" Rebecca's response to that was "I don't even want to think of how painful that would be" something to that effect as if that's something that would be hard... I don't think they seem to see what they think is a challenge is not even half of a challenge to us pro players. I have seen people struggle with this game but honestly the whole gaming community over the past maybe 10 years has gone soft. There are games from my childhood I could name that I have never beat and many people that played these games will tell you the same. You can't say that about any game that comes out today. No strategy guide needed, it's over before you start. I was never one to use strategy guides other then the one for FF7 but the point is back then you actually needed that kind of stuff just to play half of the game. Today it's mash buttons and win. Even the big MMO's like WoW are a joke to me. You wanted a hard MMO then you missed out on the original Everquest days. I can't think of one single game that is out that challenges me in any type of way. The only challenge is getting other players to keep up. The reason for this is Devs catering to every want and needs of gamers to the point where it's just about making something that will sell. If it's too hard it will not sell. DE should get money and pleasing everybody off of their mind. What they need to do is sit down and come up with an innovating direction and stick to that. The reason this game is going to fail is because DE said it themselves, "this game is for the player" which means they will cater to your every need. Did Steve want aura slots giving boots to your points? No but his vision got clouded by angry players and whatever he had in mind got lost. In that situation it was kind of a good thing to listen to the people but you can't let the people dictate every single thing that happens.  

-Rant Over


I would suggest they get more in depth with each Warframe. First thing you need to do is get rid of the mastery system, it serves absolutely no purpose. I have only been playing this game a month and I already have every Warframe save 4 "Mag,Trinity, Saryn, Loki"  and every void weapon. Something like that should not be possible of desired. People should play maybe 3 frames at most with a learning curve for each. Way too many weapons! There needs to be less focus on weapons and more on customization. 


Mastery System: Useless get rid of it.


Warframes: They all need to have a lot more depth. Go from 4 skills to 10 possible skills but only 4 can be equipped at one time. These different skills will cater to your play style.


How Does That Help? 


Rather then play every single Warfame, you can go more in-depth with one you actually like. My Ash might be totally different from your Ash in visualization, skills, and load out. 


Weapon Customization: Rather then having every variation of a weapon possible, make all weapons able to be customized. I like the lasers that come from the Supra but I love my Branton Prime, so what can customization do to help that? I should be able to craft the attachment that makes my gun have those pretty lasers coming from my gun. You should also be able to customize the type of ammunition. Lets say I want my Branton to shoot Fire or Electric lasers. Those are the types of customization you should sell because it would be pure optional but a major cash cow. Quick side note to DE: you spell Cash like this "Customization"  stop trying to sell us a bunch of weapons we don't need. It would be better to upgrade and customize the ones we like. Things like extended clips, scopes, different stocks for better accuracy, etc. Different weapon types can drop off of different bosses rather then buying or crafting them.


How Does That Help?


Less things needed in mod slots, everything does not need to be added to a warframe of weapon via a mod. Just this alone will be a complete game changer and will bring so many old players back. Your inventory will not be filled with a bunch of weapons you do not use. Brings more variety to the game by having people walk around with the same frame and the same gun but both are totally different. DE can make their money through customization that we would actually want rather then selling us the same weapons with new stats and skins. Gives players that do not want to play something fun to do with their time. They can farm the different parts to craft the customization. 


Enemy Types: There needs to be a much larger variety of enemies and what they can do. There AI needs to be heavily improved. Fewer enemies that are stronger rather than many that are weak. A lot of the bosses in this game need to be regular enemies we run into during the curse of the map. The bosses need the be buffed like 10x what they are. There needs to be a lot more effort into boss Mechanics. 


How Does That Help?


A larger variety of enemies makes the game less repetitive. If you have say 20 Corpus enemy types, Only 8 of the types should spawn on a single map at one time. This means even if you are playing the same map you will have a different challenge every time and it will feel different, not repetitive. Different enemy types call for different strategy so you will need to use different methods depending on what enemy type you come across. This will save the game from becoming some open world game to survive. By the way open world is the new thing so if I were DE that is the direction I would take. Imagine this type of game in an open world... You can close your mouth now. 


Traditional Raid/ Voids: One thing that would completely change this game and bring all the old player back is adding to the amount of warfames on a team at one time with a higher challenge. There should be 8 and even 16 man voids in the future. That would completely change the game and fun factor. 


How Does That Help?


Raids"End Game" are the only thing I look forward to in any type of game like this. Where is the big challenge with a huge reward? That is one thing that is missing from this game. Being able to group with more than 3 other player for a big challenge is music to so many ears.  


PvP: I'm a PvP nut and love it but the current state of this game does not invite PvP in any way shape or form. If they did the Warframe remake that I talked about with the 10 possible skills, then maybe yes to PvP. The way it is now....


There are so many things I can point out that are wrong with this game, but at the end of the day I'm enjoying it for the time being. Hopefully these changes come about and I will fully embrace the game on PS4 as well as PC. If not then hey it was a fun ride. 



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So, that's why you like raid?  You like it because it's simply the easiest type to play for rewards.  You don't like it because it's fun to play (it isn't)?  You don't like it because it's interesting (it isn't)?  There isn't something else about it that draws you in and demands that you play it?  No, it's just because Raid is the resource pinata, isn't it?


Sorry, but that doesn't make Raid very compelling.  There are/will be other game modes for you to play if all you want from the mode is rewards.  Capture is a great example, since it's just about identical to Raid.

So why not remove capture aswell? Or did they?

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You can skip down to the bottom where I say end of rant for real answers on this issue and bypass my rant, but one must always rant to get it out of ones system.


I believe the Warframe project was just designed to make a little money. The way everything is setup and played out is all tied to making money. They never thought the game would be this big and they would be releasing on PS4 and all of these things starting out. Now they realize they have something big but the base was not built to support something big, so where do they go from here? I think there are issues within issues that are causing problems after problems. For a pro player that has been gaming for years, this game is anything short of a challenge to me. Not to be that guy but I have seen the Devs play this game and they are not at all good. How are they going to make something a challenge to us when the game in it's current state is more than a challenge to them... Not too long ago, Rebecca and Sheldon were doing defense together with some of the Warframe players on a livestream for raptor. The question was asked "will there be a nightmare void mission" Rebecca's response to that was "I don't even want to think of how painful that would be" something to that effect as if that's something that would be hard... I don't think they seem to see what they think is a challenge is not even half of a challenge to us pro players. I have seen people struggle with this game but honestly the whole gaming community over the past maybe 10 years has gone soft. There are games from my childhood I could name that I have never beat and many people that played these games will tell you the same. You can't say that about any game that comes out today. No strategy guide needed, it's over before you start. I was never one to use strategy guides other then the one for FF7 but the point is back then you actually needed that kind of stuff just to play half of the game. Today it's mash buttons and win. Even the big MMO's like WoW are a joke to me. You wanted a hard MMO then you missed out on the original Everquest days. I can't think of one single game that is out that challenges me in any type of way. The only challenge is getting other players to keep up. The reason for this is Devs catering to every want and needs of gamers to the point where it's just about making something that will sell. If it's too hard it will not sell. DE should get money and pleasing everybody off of their mind. What they need to do is sit down and come up with an innovating direction and stick to that. The reason this game is going to fail is because DE said it themselves, "this game is for the player" which means they will cater to your every need. Did Steve want aura slots giving boots to your points? No but his vision got clouded by angry players and whatever he had in mind got lost. In that situation it was kind of a good thing to listen to the people but you can't let the people dictate every single thing that happens.  

-Rant Over


I would suggest they get more in depth with each Warframe. First thing you need to do is get rid of the mastery system, it serves absolutely no purpose. I have only been playing this game a month and I already have every Warframe save 4 "Mag,Trinity, Saryn, Loki"  and every void weapon. Something like that should not be possible of desired. People should play maybe 3 frames at most with a learning curve for each. Way too many weapons! There needs to be less focus on weapons and more on customization. 


Mastery System: Useless get rid of it.


Warframes: They all need to have a lot more depth. Go from 4 skills to 10 possible skills but only 4 can be equipped at one time. These different skills will cater to your play style.


How Does That Help? 


Rather then play every single Warfame, you can go more in-depth with one you actually like. My Ash might be totally different from your Ash in visualization, skills, and load out. 


Weapon Customization: Rather then having every variation of a weapon possible, make all weapons able to be customized. I like the lasers that come from the Supra but I love my Branton Prime, so what can customization do to help that? I should be able to craft the attachment that makes my gun have those pretty lasers coming from my gun. You should also be able to customize the type of ammunition. Lets say I want my Branton to shoot Fire or Electric lasers. Those are the types of customization you should sell because it would be pure optional but a major cash cow. Quick side note to DE: you spell Cash like this "Customization"  stop trying to sell us a bunch of weapons we don't need. It would be better to upgrade and customize the ones we like. Things like extended clips, scopes, different stocks for better accuracy, etc. Different weapon types can drop off of different bosses rather then buying or crafting them.


How Does That Help?


Less things needed in mod slots, everything does not need to be added to a warframe of weapon via a mod. Just this alone will be a complete game changer and will bring so many old players back. Your inventory will not be filled with a bunch of weapons you do not use. Brings more variety to the game by having people walk around with the same frame and the same gun but both are totally different. DE can make their money through customization that we would actually want rather then selling us the same weapons with new stats and skins. Gives players that do not want to play something fun to do with their time. They can farm the different parts to craft the customization. 


Enemy Types: There needs to be a much larger variety of enemies and what they can do. There AI needs to be heavily improved. Fewer enemies that are stronger rather than many that are weak. A lot of the bosses in this game need to be regular enemies we run into during the curse of the map. The bosses need the be buffed like 10x what they are. There needs to be a lot more effort into boss Mechanics. 


How Does That Help?


A larger variety of enemies makes the game less repetitive. If you have say 20 Corpus enemy types, Only 8 of the types should spawn on a single map at one time. This means even if you are playing the same map you will have a different challenge every time and it will feel different, not repetitive. Different enemy types call for different strategy so you will need to use different methods depending on what enemy type you come across. This will save the game from becoming some open world game to survive. By the way open world is the new thing so if I were DE that is the direction I would take. Imagine this type of game in an open world... You can close your mouth now. 


Traditional Raid/ Voids: One thing that would completely change this game and bring all the old player back is adding to the amount of warfames on a team at one time with a higher challenge. There should be 8 and even 16 man voids in the future. That would completely change the game and fun factor. 


How Does That Help?


Raids"End Game" are the only thing I look forward to in any type of game like this. Where is the big challenge with a huge reward? That is one thing that is missing from this game. Being able to group with more than 3 other player for a big challenge is music to so many ears.  


PvP: I'm a PvP nut and love it but the current state of this game does not invite PvP in any way shape or form. If they did the Warframe remake that I talked about with the 10 possible skills, then maybe yes to PvP. The way it is now....


There are so many things I can point out that are wrong with this game, but at the end of the day I'm enjoying it for the time being. Hopefully these changes come about and I will fully embrace the game on PS4 as well as PC. If not then hey it was a fun ride. 


Another well written reply

It seems most of us are on the same page.

I can see DE refining the flow of gameplay casually, adding new enemies or updating AI and spawn  times here and there.

However I think DE should focus on one area for now.

It might be best to spend all the time on dojo's or spend all the time on progression and the UI 


Then spend more time on game play, adding the combo system, and tweaking 

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Out of the question.


If you're going to make suggestions like that, at least attempt to explain your reasoning.


Basically a solid refined pvp mode, or dueling system that expands outside of the dojo's 


So that we can tickle our willies as much as we want and rhino charge people into oblivion until the ends of the earth 

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Well they already know about end game content.

I hate to say this but the person who is coming up with the ideas needs to come up with better ones..

Because nightmare mode is a joke..

Once again forcing us to go through repetitive boring ( and frustrating ) levels to earn nightmare specific mods.


Tell me one person that actually plays night mare mode for fun.


They don't, They just want to unlock the mods lol.  And that is not proper design.

Things need to be built up from a very deep level, which immerses players and comes out innovative and new.

I did play nightmare mode for fun and truly love the idea of having a harder mode to go through. I wish DE would take the full step in the door and not this baby step deal they have now. Instead of one or two nightmare on a map have a whole map filled with nightmare and after you make it through the galaxy map the first time, we can toggle the nightmare mode and play a harder mode with different rules and stronger mods or the higher tier weapons can drop from here, instead of being clan research. Your point of it being the same tile set and same missions, this is true to a point. The challenge is cracked up, saying this though I would like the enemies to be different and have more range instead of the same old same old. This could easily be a step toward "endgame" or at least middle game for now until they do whatever they plan on for the endgame.


Btw, I was in your clan until some rogue officer bounced me out with a bunch of others that happened to be on at the time.

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I did play nightmare mode for fun and truly love the idea of having a harder mode to go through. I wish DE would take the full step in the door and not this baby step deal they have now. Instead of one or two nightmare on a map have a whole map filled with nightmare and after you make it through the galaxy map the first time, we can toggle the nightmare mode and play a harder mode with different rules and stronger mods or the higher tier weapons can drop from here, instead of being clan research. Your point of it being the same tile set and same missions, this is true to a point. The challenge is cracked up, saying this though I would like the enemies to be different and have more range instead of the same old same old. This could easily be a step toward "endgame" or at least middle game for now until they do whatever they plan on for the endgame.


Btw, I was in your clan until some rogue officer bounced me out with a bunch of others that happened to be on at the time.


I was thinking that the enemies would do more damage, and the map would be pretty dark, and they could all have red eyes


and when you die on nightmare mode, you don't get to revive yourself ;P


You just.. DIE


I mean its nightmare mode ;P



Also the enemies should be able to near one shot you, And it should be SUPER difficult :3


instead of the annoying no energy / vampire mode things.


They are neat, but there not challenging, just annoying lol 



And you probably got kicked by the old leadership, we hardly kick anymore, those times have passed.


Your welcome to rejoin once the clan split happens and invites are back up 

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Part of the reason I'm opposed to the general idea of PvP is that it's most often requested by people who only say "give us PvP!"


These are people who aren't interested in learning what it would take to grant their wish, and just want to squat over the head of someone else's avatar. There is a place for that kind of brainlessness, and I don't think Warframe is that place.

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Part of the reason I'm opposed to the general idea of PvP is that it's most often requested by people who only say "give us PvP!"


These are people who aren't interested in learning what it would take to grant their wish, and just want to squat over the head of someone else's avatar. There is a place for that kind of brainlessness, and I don't think Warframe is that place.


Pvp is just an example of a way for players to show off all the time they put into the game.


That or maybe timed raids or epic strong content


We will wait and see 

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Uhh, not sure where to start but anyone here played dark souls? (kinda unneeded but-)


Don't really want to compare, but what made me drawn to dark souls other than the innate human nature to overcome difficulty was the lore, the your-style-your-gameplay-system and yes, the enemies.


Weapons are weapons and only could be so much, customization would be cool but i think the ones needing customization are what most people in this thread pointed out - the warframes themselves. Something like how i play my loki with a paris and spamming invis while someone else plays loki/paris combo with Switch-place skill. Like that, but also something further. I've just started playing this game a few weeks ago and yes, i found it fun, if a bit too repetitive. The only time i really found fun was in modding out something and finding out how strong it is against an enemy OR during updates.


Something that would spice up gameplay are what the OP said, more thinking enemies. How many here have died just because of too many lancers unloading whole magazines at them? That doesn't really test your skill, it just annoys the hell out of you. If lancers actually hid, blind-fired or coordinated against you, you'd get your brain to work other than thinking "f~~~ that lancer going around the crates" or something. I know that it's not that easy to make better a.i., and i'm not saying this game's a.i. is really bad, but if they can release weapons and things like that, perhaps they can focus on something to improve an existing part of the game, right?


Warframe customization, on the other hand, i want to see something further than "hey we're both loki, let's spam decoy the life out of this defense mission". (and i think i made my point with that sentence)


I stopped(figuratively) playing LoL to get time into this game because it took my interest more, though i can't help but notice the points you guys were making. And that's me, just been playing for a few weeks. I can't imagine how you guys feel.


Final note, I agree with the thinking you guys have. Rather than releasing new weapons, or something of the sort, perhaps they could actually just focus on giving something new so that the older players are still drawn in, while giving newer players something less repetitive than most mmos out there.


just a speaking out my mind, sorry if i didn't make anything clear or if you think what i said was useless-

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Uhh, not sure where to start but anyone here played dark souls? (kinda unneeded but-)


Don't really want to compare, but what made me drawn to dark souls other than the innate human nature to overcome difficulty was the lore, the your-style-your-gameplay-system and yes, the enemies.


Weapons are weapons and only could be so much, customization would be cool but i think the ones needing customization are what most people in this thread pointed out - the warframes themselves. Something like how i play my loki with a paris and spamming invis while someone else plays loki/paris combo with Switch-place skill. Like that, but also something further. I've just started playing this game a few weeks ago and yes, i found it fun, if a bit too repetitive. The only time i really found fun was in modding out something and finding out how strong it is against an enemy OR during updates.


Something that would spice up gameplay are what the OP said, more thinking enemies. How many here have died just because of too many lancers unloading whole magazines at them? That doesn't really test your skill, it just annoys the hell out of you. If lancers actually hid, blind-fired or coordinated against you, you'd get your brain to work other than thinking "f~~~ that lancer going around the crates" or something. I know that it's not that easy to make better a.i., and i'm not saying this game's a.i. is really bad, but if they can release weapons and things like that, perhaps they can focus on something to improve an existing part of the game, right?


Warframe customization, on the other hand, i want to see something further than "hey we're both loki, let's spam decoy the life out of this defense mission". (and i think i made my point with that sentence)


I stopped(figuratively) playing LoL to get time into this game because it took my interest more, though i can't help but notice the points you guys were making. And that's me, just been playing for a few weeks. I can't imagine how you guys feel.


Final note, I agree with the thinking you guys have. Rather than releasing new weapons, or something of the sort, perhaps they could actually just focus on giving something new so that the older players are still drawn in, while giving newer players something less repetitive than most mmos out there.


just a speaking out my mind, sorry if i didn't make anything clear or if you think what i said was useless-

Well there working on a mele combat system




and its stuff that that, which will benefit core gameplay


This is where there focus should be, we have enough weapons atm.


I think they should save the rush of new weapons coming out, for when the game releases. 

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Well there working on a mele combat system




and its stuff that that, which will benefit core gameplay


This is where there focus should be, we have enough weapons atm.


I think they should save the rush of new weapons coming out, for when the game releases. 

^true, and all players aren't really collecting weapons(if it wasn't for mastery). I'd personally just keep playing loki with paris(again, if not for mastery).


And these events are just repeats of main missions, people play for the rewards. If they'd just make these events a different objective mission it would be better.


Something along the lines of 8 people in 1 team taking down a Tyl Regor/Vey Hek combo or whatever. I missed the informant event, so i don't know what the objectives were, but that fomorian and this new one's just kind of the same as a normal mission.


And I really have to agree, core gamplay>new releases

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Like the post below you said. Focus on the core of the game first then make great PvP for Warframe. 




Pvp is going to need a stable system to work on also, they need to do it right.

And before that happens they need to fix some of the issues with pve content 

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