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Hotfix 9.5.1


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Just a quick F.Y.I.:


People on Council (Pretty much everyone, me included) rather the old pose than this one. XD


That said I rather Rhino get some lovin' now.


Seriously, he looks like he entered nova's room and she was naked or something... XD



Edited by CenSilver
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Updated Grandmaster Solar Landmarks.



Hey Rebecca,


Don't know what you guys did, but clicking the grandmaster badge button now can cause a fatal glitch (that is, a restart is required), where the player frame just kneels down and nothing can be clicked/interacted with.

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They will drop from new location,actually)))

Only the miter was, or was this changed?


Well, I guess the game didn't have enough grind in it... Good thing we have some more now. Although I GUESS if it's done right (i.e. ONLY THE BP IS NEEDED and not some parts too it'll be ok. Maybe.)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I was so happy to see the Hotfix that I started the game today, then a guy (not on my friend list) invited me for a void run and the big bad §!¨@¤ glitch "the session can only be joined by invitation from the host" and THIS killed my joy and I logged out.


PLEASE FIX THIS HORRIBLE DAMN HELL GLITCH/BUG !!! I won't put any more money in the game until you fix this thing and all the other glitches/bug to join/invite a player. I hate wasting my time and LOT of players also hate it.


You should make a list of all the damn glitches and make players vote for the most important (the priority). Then no sleep or food or pee until you got these fixed 3XD

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I was so happy to see the Hotfix that I started the game today, then a guy (not on my friend list) invited me for a void run and the big bad §!¨@¤ glitch "the session can only be joined by invitation from the host" and THIS killed my joy and I logged out.


PLEASE FIX THIS HORRIBLE DAMN HELL GLITCH/BUG !!! I won't put any more money in the game until you fix this thing and all the other glitches/bug to join/invite a player. I hate wasting my time and LOT of players also hate it.


You should make a list of all the damn glitches and make players vote for the most important (the priority). Then no sleep or food or pee until you got these fixed 3XD


Hmm, the "only host can invite to void mission" "bug", isnt a bug, id personally say that is as intended ....

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