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There needs to be a CONSTANT vault rotation.


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4 year old account, MR6, had a very long gap where I wasn't playing due to reasons. (Gap multiple years long.)

After incidentally and unknowingly happening to acquire a vaulted blueprint from somebodies old relic (Vectis Prime) I went to the chatrooms to ask which relics I needed to farm to get the parts.

I was of course informed that those are currently vaulted, and I received a detailed explanation of how the current vault system works.

TLDR of that explanation is that things get vaulted when two years old, a new frame comes out ~every 3 months, for 1 month following that some (3) old primes and the weapons they came with are unvaulted. Then for TWO entire months NOTHING is unvaulted.

Having a vault is fine, but that gap where nothing is unvaulted is completely unacceptable. It's utterly ludicrous.

There needs to be a CONSTANT rotation of vaulted items. Something(s) from the vault should be available at ALL times.

The above is just how it should be, objectively.

My personal opinion on it would be that the ideal rotation would be 2 weeks, and would only need to be one frame with associated weapons.

My opinions are no more defining of how things would end up any more than anybody else's, so I imagine that if (I should be able to say when instead of if) this is fixed they'll go for a one month rotation with two frames + weapons. Ultimately the same, but more similar to the current flawed system.

Edited by The-Song
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You may want it to change, others may want it to change, DE's wallet disagrees.

Unvault packs are certainly a big money maker for them, and having them on a 2-4 week rotation would hurt pack sales. Something will have to change sure, eventually there will be more vaulted frames than unvaulted, but I don't think this is the change they'll go for. Certainly not now anyway.

Also, did you smell that? Smells like... arrogance

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The idea of making all the vaulted relics available more frequently is one I'm willing to support. I've got two ideas on how that should work:



1: One endless mission node on every planet every week would end up swapping into vaulted relics instead of the ones that are unvaulted. The relics selected all will be from a previous vault/unvault, and would be marked as 'void-afflicted' regions. Chances for relics to drop there double to the chance of receiving two relics at the end of every rotation. At least one node from every planet will meet the Lith, Meso, Neo and Axi relic ranks (T1 to T4 respectively). These may also include the Infested regions (previously known as Dark Sectors).

2: A Void Key made from Ducats, a relic of your choice, and Void traces which forces relics which help complete the set to drop instead of the normal relic rotations. Example: A relic including Ash, Vectis, and Carrier Prime is slotted into a Void Key and you take that to Hierarchon, relics from when he was unvaulted will begin to drop instead.
In the Void, this makes all Eximus enemies drop relics instead of Oberon parts.

*It is likely DE may: 
1: make any relics obtained via the Void Key or Void Afflicted areas unable to be used by the Void Key as to prevent continuous farming of vaulted items.
2: make Void Afflicted areas unfarmable by adding a cooldown timer or 'exposure meter' which, when full, prevents re-entry into those specialized zones until you've done other things, like killing a Teralyst or farming Sentients on Lua.


Both are equally viable and could be implemented together, though DE may put up something to stop people from exploiting* both of these so their Prime Access sales remain optimal.

*Running the same missions endlessly.

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hmmm thinking about it i dont think it really need to change right now for 1 DE needs to make money which is the obvious so this is one way they can balance it out 2 even though its a long wait timer basically all the normal variant stuff are always available so through the waiting players should technically use that wait time to try out the base items first 3 continuing 2 lol DE tried to make points before u can use normal without going power hungry for prime all the time (ironic since they need money) normal frames can be just as decent players should really realize that as for weapon it more of test most them out and get the feel for the weapon first 4 thats the thing if u want to get on that end edge of items since its not must have but a want thats where DE can be justified wit the vaults which im actually just repeating myself probly cuz if DE want u to try most the items first(normals) frames and weapons itll be a looooong time by the time u done that specific item be unvaulted by then unless yur going full try hard then idk but honestly DE would lose alot if rotation was 2 weeks eventually ending the game ironically remember its the players greed that helps DE they still hand u decent stuff to work with but ppl are ppl we all want the end stuff now just not how it should work 

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I have never seen vaulted items unavailable.  There are always players with either legacy relics, or an inventory of items to sell.  As such, if someone missed the opportunity to farm the relics themselves, they can trade either for the relics or for the parts by simply farming other parts and doing a little trading.

Even if DE decided to 'unvault' something every fortnight, there would still be players complaining they couldnt play during those two weeks, or didn't know which relics were getting unvaulted.


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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

I have never seen vaulted items unavailable.  There are always players with either legacy relics, or an inventory of items to sell.  As such, if someone missed the opportunity to farm the relics themselves, they can trade either for the relics or for the parts by simply farming other parts and doing a little trading.

Even if DE decided to 'unvault' something every fortnight, there would still be players complaining they couldnt play during those two weeks, or didn't know which relics were getting unvaulted.


You always see vaulted items unavailable.
Other players selling it doesn't count as it being available.
Being able to buy it from another player doesn't count as it being obtainable.

It can only be called obtainable if players can get it, or in this case the relic that drops it, as loot from playing.

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