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1 minute ago, S.Dust said:

Log on just to realize they have nothing to do and then just log off and repeat this like 10 times until you think of something to do?


Nah, just you.

I mean what are the chances of another one of around 26 million registered l-users to do the same? Right? None.

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8 minutes ago, S.Dust said:

Log on just to realize they have nothing to do and then just log off and repeat this like 10 times until you think of something to do?


I've done it 4 times already today. I want more stuff to do on the game, and I'm trying my best to make use of the time, but I'm really just starving for new content!

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Sometimes I when I logout when I still have time, I realize I still have stuff to do so I log back on. For instance, right now, I'm cooking my 2nd Cestra for a dual Cestra, which will be ready in an hour or few, and when that's done I'm going to begin my 3rd Lex P so I can make Aklex P and still have my normal Lex P so I can dual-wield if I so wished. 

Otherwise, when I logout sometimes, I realize I could've done a thing, and end up logging back in to do so. My pasttime activity as of now is trying to find Somachord tones to get a variety of ambient tunes to play instead of the same, silent Orbiter interior.

Unfortunately on that note DE should really allow us to either omit specific tracks from the tracklist when the system is set to loop or make up to two (with bonus slots purchaseable) playlists (consisting of up to the number of available tracks you've unlocked) of our own. 

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I do login/logout quite frequently for no good reason. I guess I'm kinda hoping DE gets their stuff together and actually releases something new now, but then again that is also dumb since I'm login on and off here too xD

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Sometimes I log on thinking I'm going to get something done,only to immediately get bored and just let my Warframe idle on a relay or in Cetus, sometimes I just sit in the Orbiter. I then do other things while my poor Warframe just stands there. 

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