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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Ohhh I can't wait :D


Q1: Will you ever add more tiles to the Corpus ship ? How about smaller "filler" tiles for the Galleon, Corpus base and Settlement ?


Q2: (about tiles too) I know it's a lot of work so it would be a very long term thing, but have you considered/are you considering giving each planet (or planetoid or whatever) its own tileset ?


Q3: The double boss fight is amazing ! have you thought about making one with brand new bosses ?

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Question - Are there any plans to add cameo skins to the Warframes themselves?


Question/Ask - Is there any plan to make levels with those amazing and haunting looking trees at the extraction point in the Void? Like a giant forest?

Edited by Nerokerubina
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More questions!

1.When you gonna change skins of same weapons?
Like: Braton and MK1-Braton,Cronus and ceramic dagger,Torid and Ogris,Dark sword and Dark dagger.

2.When you gonna make new corpus locations?Grineer got ship, asteroid camp and own planet. Corpus got only ship.
And maybe special location for ifested?Like all ship absorbed with virus and on this location will be some new infested more powerful!

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Could you walk us through the development of an event (ex: document the development of a future event and post a montage of sorts)?


Are you going to create an "ALL" or "MULTIPLE" chat option that displays chat from all or selected channels?


Will you ever change couches?


What are the specs for the rigs you test on/develop on?


Chartreuse or Heliotrope?

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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Question1:can we ever expect to get the grineer hellion jetpack as a blueprint after all why should the grineer have all the fun 


Question2:can we expect a land sentinal with legs i know this may be hard with pathing problems but you guys can do it


Question3:can we expect frost,volt,and trinity to have cloth physics based coats and other similar things soon

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Because a number of people can't host Orokin runs (for whatever reason, usually terrible internet...) do you think there would be any chance of intra-clan Void Key trading? Or even just void runs using the best available host rather than ONLY the one using the key?

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will you change ash's teleport so it can become free of aiming ? i think that it would become a better mobility skill that way. to evade and for ofensive purposes.

could you make a way so that i can have my meele weapon as a primary weapon? in my opinion i that that would look better in my hands that on my back ( im talking about aesthetics not utility) and plus  that will make me feel the ninja i never was 





ah... almost forgot... can i have a skate as a pet? +.+

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I want to know about the devs thoughts on armour, powers and ammo.

1. What is the reasoning behind the armour mechanic?

Although I've read the hot topics about armour in its current state being the intended effect. There are many complaints because this mechanic diminishes many weapons, encouraging only the armour-ignoring guns. This also has a detrimental effect on powers as they become even more redundant in the late-game.

2. About powers, can we expect proper scaling for non-percentile abilities?

Seems strange to 1 hit ko hordes of enemies with ease at low levels and then suddenly become absolutely useless against high levels opponents. Sucks the fun out of the warframes that have dealing damage powers.

3. Can we expect some kind of overhaul to ammo?

I know the recent ammo mutation mods has somewhat alleviated this problem but I feel like the game would be more polished if every weapon had different ammo capacities and also gained different amounts on ammo pickup.



Will the net code ever be changed to not be peer-to-peer?



Will you ever host dedicated server or give players dedicated servers to rent?



Will it be possible to craft the same item more than one at a time?    (Craft 5 fieldtron blueprints at once if you have required materials)



Will nightmare mode be buffed to yeild better rewards depending on the difficulty?



Is it possible to separate Depth of Field and Motion blur graphic options? You guys did really good job with that gorgeous tilt-shift DOF, but Motion blur just causes nausea for me and many other players. Please, give us option to turn on Depth of Field without Motion blur!



I hope RNG and armor will be addressed 



Will something be done about armor?



The last couple of events (and Nightmare mode) have really pushed rushing as the most efficient means of getting things done.  Are you planning to make events/mission types that encourage exploration instead?  Being practically forced to rush (especially during events when I have to pug to get the points I need) is starting to ruin the game for me.



Q1: Will the puncture mods get revisions?

Q2: Can we expect new corpus enemy types in the near future?

Q3: Can we expect stealth missions and stealth-based gameplay soon?



My question - is will we get responses to these ones?  ._.

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Hello i hope you guys are doing well here are my questions.


-Will you consider making Cosmetic items like alternative boots(not everyone likes nova's legs unfortunately) and maybe give them some defensive properties like fire resist ?


-In the Future can we expect sentinels that doesnt Hover but walks with us for example Wolfs? (PLEASE)


-The Current melee combat system is dull, in one of your Livestreams you mentioned some stamina using melee system. When can we expect to see them ?


-When will we get another infested type enemy ? and what happened to J3 golem's new model?


-Can we expect to see Melee weapons and firearms with alternate fire option? Like Shockrifle from UT series


-Will you guys add a Tenno Version of Jetpacks?


And my last question is 


Will you consider giving us a way to use another Warframe's skill on another Warframe? Like Sacrificing 1 or 2 of our Skill to get 1 from another Warframe ?


Thank you very much and i hope you can answer all of my questions Have a nice day!

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Only 1 question!!!


I found this picture somewhere in the internet


They say De is gonna put this creatures in the game.....

Are u Guys goin to make Warframe action Underwater in Update 10?


Edit: Now I realized, These creatures were desert skates from phobos. (Didnt realize Phobos was there in the previous update :_D)


Edit 2: Since this creatures are desert skates, please make sea skates if ur goin to make Underwater levels! 

Edited by ericdesuper10
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ok so this has possibly been asked already but will there be a chance to get the mods of you missed out in Arid Fear? i got to 77 points before everyone stopped doing them and it became very uneffective time and cost wise after i was trying to solo it. Will there be a chance that it might turn up as a reward in the Post-Livestream alert?.... :3

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I love the game, I'd like to state it before I runt :)


I think there is a lot of different but yet not so different weapons, mods and so on. Maybe if there would be less mods (e.g.: why do we have armor piercing mods, then anti-grineer/anti-corpus mods, I see no point), or weapons (it's a huge lottery sometimes what weapon worth it), the whole game would be less confusing. Maybe you should do a weapon assembly system, like the warframe component or the prime weapon parts, the parts can independently modify the whole weapon's characteristics (recoil - handle, ammo clip size - magazine, etc.), after that you can have mods and a skin on them. Logical and easy to understand.


I can second that what a lot of people wrote earlier, I'd like to have more stealth/exploration in the game, because those quick runs getting on my nerves. I like to play fast warframes, but in these Corpus Void missions sometimes I stuck in with some enemies in a closed quarter, and as soon as I kicked their a$$es out, half of the mission was already done, and I just ran after the others (who are, obviously, didn't do anything about anything, just ran to get their 3-4-5 points). Other half of the mission was done while I catch up with them - at the extraction :)

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1. Will we get male/female versions of the Warframes in the future?

2. Will there be a first-person camera view?

3. Will the Android Nexus app be getting any new features soon?

4. Will you stop making this game so addictive? ;-)

5. Could you please use something like this http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Twitch+Livestream+%2312+-+twitch.tv%2Fwarframe&iso=20130814T14&p1=179for announcing events?

Edited by Jimbobslimbob
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Are you working on the netcode and ability to see/invite contact through different proxy/internet protocol?


The 2 main problem :


- Can't invite a person of our clan in a void without adding him as friend (don't really need all the clan in friend list).


- And the worst : can't invite, join or see online players with who we can speak in the chat.

If we can see them in the chat, why can't we do more with them?

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Can we get confirmation that we're actually the good guys? Tyl Regor, in his current form, is geeky kid trying to save the world. If he succeeds, grineer wouldn't be psychopaths anymore. Yet, we're ordered to kill him to stop him.


More, he isn't even violent: His worst in-game taunt is something about adding bullet holes to our suits for ventilation. He carries a sword, so he clearly has no idea what "bullet holes" even are.


It's highly unethical to kill Tyl Regor in his current form. Will he get more evil on his remake(like, say, some kind of Nazi eugenics freak), or is this an intentional peek at the idea that we aren't the heroes that Lotus has been telling us we are?

Damn it. I totally wanted an answer to MY question... until I read this question.

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Q1: will mods for the primary weapons and the secondary weapons ever have an affect on the appearance of the weapon?.for instance having eagle eye on could put a scope on the weapon.


Q2:will we be seeing any Japanese style weapons or warframes in the near future?

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