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Add An Option To Change Room Style


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As it says on the tin, me and my clanmates want you, DE, to add a simple function to the dojo room option terminal thingie.


Basically, it'd work like this...


You access the terminal for a room with an alternate style available (for example, a T-corridor). You click a button called (for example) "set style", and after that, you can change between the old type of corridors and the new.


Now please, PLEASE, do not post things like "why do you care?" or "omg worthless idea gtfo", because that is just unhelpful and counter-productive. As for why I care about this, it's because having one corridor with the "old" style next to a new one looks horrible. Really, really horrible! And of course, I don't wanna have to tear down my clan's entire dojo, JUST to make it "look better".


With all that said, please provide support with comments and up-votes if you like this idea! Theoretically, it shouldn't be TOO hard for DE to implement. Oh, and one last thing... DE should make it so that only OLD corridors can choose the old style. That way, people can't sort of... "cheat" their way to getting an old, greenhouse-y looking dojo.


That's it for me. Again: Please comment + up-vote!

Edited by Captain_Seasick
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That's pretty much what I'm suggesting, Strac_CRO. Maybe you misunderstood my OP or maybe my OP wasn't clear enough, but whatever. It's all in there!


Maybe you misunderstood my post.


I was just about to make the same thread when I saw yours thread


edit: I dont know I I have white background and how to fix it

Edited by Strac_CRO
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Also wanting this.

Having to tear down every room and rebuild is a pain. Even if you get resources back, a lot of rooms wont or cant be removed.

Lets hope DE actually listens and see this thread, Almost every person I've talked to about this all agree - Just add a "Style" drop down. Hell in the future, maybe make it so you can pay 1-2 platinum for different styles and such~ 

Food for thought.

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This would certainly be nice. The old style is definitely influenced by the Orokin Void Towers, but I think I like the newer style better.


But the doors for the two styles don't fit well together and not all rooms have a version available in the new style.

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Multiple styles would be nice however DE would have to make alternative look from the scratch - it is literally impossible to use old dojo pieces as they have different dimensions - they are incompatible with new pieces and new grid system.

As a side note: I would highly advice you to tear apart whole dojo if you want to expand your dojo in future or else you might be unable to avoid incompatibilities.


Also got I strange feeling that old pieces could return as part of Orokin Void tile set.

Edited by xGryphus
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They'd have to make the old style fit the new grid, probably by altering the textures to fit the new models or something, but I wouldn't mind a handful of styles for dojos so that they all aren't just carbon copies of one another with only room and decoration placement as the only differences. 

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Multiple styles would be nice however DE would have to make alternative look from the scratch - it is literally impossible to use old dojo pieces as they have different dimensions - they are incompatible with new pieces and new grid system.

As a side note: I would highly advice you to tear apart whole dojo if you want to expand your dojo in future or else you might be unable to avoid incompatibilities.


Also got I strange feeling that old pieces could return as part of Orokin Void tile set.

Everyone knows this, but the fact that the devs did this with no warning, not even consulting the design council, bugs the hell out of me.

Yes the new design is good, and efficient, but do the Devs REALLY expect their players to tear down everything they spent ages to make, waiting 2/3 hours for every room (so in a big clan thats a hell of a long time), and then rebuild it all?

No, this is not an efficient or smart way of doing things, and since they came out with the new grid system, there have been many complaints about the design and it not fitting.

I agree with this post, that we should have the option to change the design. Even if they kept the grid system, but instead had made the rooms more like the old ones, they could have avoided so many people disliking the new feature.

Edited by Stormandreas
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Well, different themes in dojo would be advised (I think I posted about it around the birth of the dojo - most likely during livestream though), but right now, since the old and new rooms differ in their spacing/size you cannot simply interchange them... Of course in case of loops problems may rise but that can be solved if they make sure that only 1 oldschool room may connect to the actual room one wishes to "update" into the new style.


Anyways, I agree, the current way is tedious and actually scary - I'm only trying out the vault right now so I have doubts about it properly giving back everything and me being able to build the stuff properly... also I don't like the idea of cutting off our labs from those that might want to purchase stuff for days - I mean I have to kill the stuff right till the clan room to change everything so we won't be able to do, research or buy anything for a week or more... that's pretty much ruins the idea.

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