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You are KILLING Destiny (and probably Anthem, preemptively)...


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4 minutes ago, PopeOwned said:

Have to go re-watch it but I LOVED Guyver 2: Dark Hero.

Cheesy but oh so fun.

Definitely. Part of me still can't believe David Hayter played the starring role. The voice of Snake in the first four (Modern) MGS games.

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36 minutes ago, WhiteCr0w said:

Definitely. Part of me still can't believe David Hayter played the starring role. The voice of Snake in the first four (Modern) MGS games.

I know! It's real strange when you think about how some people start off in their careers. Although I say having Guyver 2 on his resume is a great thing. 

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59 minutes ago, PopeOwned said:

I get to be the Guyver in video game form. That's my dream right there.


57 minutes ago, WhiteCr0w said:

Nice! Another Guyver fan. We're starting to become few and far between as the years march on. I can remember watching the original movie as a kid, then getting into the anime and manga later on.

DE has said that Guyver and Ninja Gaiden were two of the inspirations for Warframe.  I like to think that I'm controlling a Ninja Gaiden /Tenchu Z character who is wearing Guyver armor.    I'll be Guyver 13.  hehehehe.  :devil: 

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29 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:


DE has said that Guyver and Ninja Gaiden were two of the inspirations for Warframe.  I like to think that I'm controlling a Ninja Gaiden /Tenchu Z character who is wearing Guyver armor.    I'll be Guyver 13.  hehehehe.  :devil: 

Ha, that's awesome! I knew there was a reason why I was drawn to this game. I wish I wasn't such a noob that I could get more cool cosmetics for Excalibur Warframe  to make him the true Guyver.  

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29 minutes ago, PopeOwned said:

Ha, that's awesome! I knew there was a reason why I was drawn to this game. I wish I wasn't such a noob that I could get more cool cosmetics for Excalibur Warframe  to make him the true Guyver.  

Hey, hit me up in game at WhiteCr0w. I may be able to help you out with that conundrum.

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On 3/19/2018 at 8:41 AM, TheRealDestian said:

Thank you for delivering a brutal reminder to the lootbox-infested dumpster fire that is the "AAA" gaming world that smaller devs with vision and talent can kick the crap out of bloated, shareholder-controlled abominations that can't make the connection between customer satisfaction and higher profits.

Makes me smile every time I see mainstream youtubers and streamers saying, "Yeah, Warframe though..." because WF deserves the recognition and I'm glad it's getting more and more of it.

I totally agree. Unfortunately, games like ANTHEM and such have the backing of $$$ and they tend to be more "mainstream" type titles (in terms of their design, art, playstyle, etc.) so they'll always be "bigger" than WARFRAME. WARFRAME will always be niche, and that's what makes it strong. ANTHEM and the like will always be "bro shooters" and won't ever build a loyal playerbase. I just wish WARFRAME kinda got the mainstream though; at the same time, I feel that all that public pressure and the infusion of the "bro shooter" crowd will destroy the game, so I kinda don't want that. 

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13 hours ago, UMBRANEMESIS said:

I totally agree. Unfortunately, games like ANTHEM and such have the backing of $$$ and they tend to be more "mainstream" type titles (in terms of their design, art, playstyle, etc.) so they'll always be "bigger" than WARFRAME. WARFRAME will always be niche, and that's what makes it strong. ANTHEM and the like will always be "bro shooters" and won't ever build a loyal playerbase. I just wish WARFRAME kinda got the mainstream though; at the same time, I feel that all that public pressure and the infusion of the "bro shooter" crowd will destroy the game, so I kinda don't want that. 

I think WARFRAME is exactly where it needs to be. It has a large enough community (friendly as hell, from what I've seen) that supports the game and known to the general gaming public. However, since the barrier to entry is rather steep, it makes it a sort of 'road of trials'. You have to research and enjoy what WARFRAME has to offer. You can't just jump in and expect the game to tell you everything.

Whether that's good or bad depends on the person but that's what keeps it in a sort of AA middle ground. Alongside games like Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

Edited by PopeOwned
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20 hours ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

IMO DE isn’t far better than Bungie when it comes to monetization. The difference is that DE are smart at milking money out of you guys. They literally made you think that paying for worthless piece of cosmetics for $80 every 3 months is supporting the developers and money well spent lol.

Monetization is not why Destiny 2 has lost 98%(yes, it has lost 8.4 million players according to destinytracker) of its playerbase. 

Warframe is fun to play for a looooooooooooong time while you basically run out of things to do in 60 hours for Destiny 2. It’s not a story rich singleplayer game so that 60h is filled with s ton of of playtime fodders so the actual playtime is a lot shorter down to maybe like 10-12 hours for a $200 game. Players feel they’ve been lied to immediately after 50-60 hours and they get mad and rage quit. In Warframe they say that they feel the exact same way after about 3000 hours lol. It’s true, Warframe suffers from the exact same issues but DE were smart enough to make sure that it takes waaaaaay too long to realize that and feeding them just the right amount of contents before angry voice gets spread. All in all it actually turned out to be a pretty fun game which is what we have now and it’s great.

But remember, the thing that completely messed up Bungie is blind fanboism, lunatics who idolize and hype things up too much. “Bungie is going to XXX”, “Bungie is going to ZZZ”, “I’m so excited for YYY” “Thank you for putting vomit in my mouth Bungie” etc. If the fans keep praising garbage, the company doesn’t need competent, talented, hard working game developers anymore. When they’re gone, you get Destiny 2. Look no further than Bungie and Bioware. 

Exactly this.

$80 for a reskinned frame to support a game that hasn't added new content for those frames in two years...

But hey, we bot low effort filler bounties and Eidolons for Gimpy to shoot, right?

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16 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Exactly this.

$80 for a reskinned frame to support a game that hasn't added new content for those frames in two years...

But hey, we bot low effort filler bounties and Eidolons for Gimpy to shoot, right?

If the perspective a new player has any merits, I think the difference between the two is how these payments are presented. I used to play Destiny 1 fairly regularly once the Taken King fixed a lot of issues. However, Micro-Transactions tied to a game about randomized loot did not sit well with me. You were paying for a roll of the dice, so to speak. That maybe your item could be in the box you bought.

With WARFRAME, since all the items are visible with a set price, it doesn't feel as scummy. If that makes sense? It treats you as a consumer, not an idiot.

Both games obviously want money out of you. One, however, made you spend $60 (or more) and the other was free.

I never believe money goes wherever a company says it goes but what I do believe is in open communication. DE, from what I've seen, decided to say "Hey, you guys are adults. If you want to buy this item, you can for this price". Instead of Bungie who went and said 'Hey, you got money, want to try your luck at that cosmetic you wanted".

I could be off base but that's how I felt, at least.

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49 minutes ago, PopeOwned said:

If the perspective a new player has any merits, I think the difference between the two is how these payments are presented. I used to play Destiny 1 fairly regularly once the Taken King fixed a lot of issues. However, Micro-Transactions tied to a game about randomized loot did not sit well with me. You were paying for a roll of the dice, so to speak. That maybe your item could be in the box you bought.

With WARFRAME, since all the items are visible with a set price, it doesn't feel as scummy. If that makes sense? It treats you as a consumer, not an idiot.

Both games obviously want money out of you. One, however, made you spend $60 (or more) and the other was free.

I never believe money goes wherever a company says it goes but what I do believe is in open communication. DE, from what I've seen, decided to say "Hey, you guys are adults. If you want to buy this item, you can for this price". Instead of Bungie who went and said 'Hey, you got money, want to try your luck at that cosmetic you wanted".

I could be off base but that's how I felt, at least.

That does make sense. And Warframe does it better.

But DE are getting pretty questionable, too. I know someone who just quit after grinding Mesa. Burned them out. Of course, they could have paid to skip the Tedium...

And therein lies the issue: this model encourages Tedium and frustration over fun. It's why grind is so bad, enemies so obnoxious and actually PLAYING so Unrewarding...

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1 hour ago, PopeOwned said:

Whether that's good or bad depends on the person but that's what keeps it in a sort of AA middle ground. Alongside games like Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

Hey, another Hellblade fan!  I feel like that and Warframe are kind of defining the re-emergent mid-tier.  Hellblade has the emotional power and narrative beauty, Warframe has the epic powerfantasy and massive amounts of content.  And both of them have very open developers who are creating a new dialogue not only with their players but also with other devs and gaming culture as a whole.

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45 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:


. I know someone who just quit after grinding Mesa. Burned them out. Of course, they could have paid to skip the Tedium..

Seriously? Mesa is fairly trivial two stage grind and a player can't take it? This game isn't for them. Or any collection game for that matter. 

You're always going to run into streaks of bad luck. You have to have some stick-to-it-tiveness. If your attention span is that short, then I'm not sure why you're gaming at all. It's especially true with various forms of RPG, which always have complicated progression.

Burn out is possible in any game. It's up to you as the player to manage it, not the developer. It's up to you to pace yourself. I learned just how bad RNG can be in this game with the original Nyx grind. Mostly, starmap boss grinds for warframes are pretty trivial, but every once in a while you get bitten with a serious streak of bad luck. That's when you have to realize that you'll eventually get what you want as long as you try, but you must pace yourself to defuse mounting frustration. 

If you can't do that, well, see ya! This game won't be for you--and it's all on you that you burned out. 

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22 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

Seriously? Mesa is fairly trivial two stage grind and a player can't take it? This game isn't for them. Or any collection game for that matter. 

You're always going to run into streaks of bad luck. You have to have some stick-to-it-tiveness. If your attention span is that short, then I'm not sure why you're gaming at all. It's especially true with various forms of RPG, which always have complicated progression.

Burn out is possible in any game. It's up to you as the player to manage it, not the developer. It's up to you to pace yourself. I learned just how bad RNG can be in this game with the original Nyx grind. Mostly, starmap boss grinds for warframes are pretty trivial, but every once in a while you get bitten with a serious streak of bad luck. That's when you have to realize that you'll eventually get what you want as long as you try, but you must pace yourself to defuse mounting frustration. 

If you can't do that, well, see ya! This game won't be for you--and it's all on you that you burned out. 

All of that may be true.

On the other hand, it may also be proof that there are a lot of gamers who WANT to like Warframe. Who enjoy the game play and the action. And yet, DE gets neither their the me, nor their money, because the business model drives them away.

That's valuable information. Something DE might want to consider: Grind centric design might be big in the East, but it's pretty niche here, and it turns a lot of players off to a game.

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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