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Other Types of Buffs


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Just throwing this thought out there: a frame that buffs other frames in ways they haven't touched upon such as duration, range, efficiency, and casting speed.  Mostly buffs from frames go towards weapon damage, survival (increase health, armor, movement, etc), and ability strength.  A frame that can boost ability efficiency, duration, and range would be a welcome addition to squad composition provided it's implemented properly.  More importantly, this could open up new ways or minmaxing other frames.

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While self-buffs of the following kinds exist:
Harrow: Gun fire-rate, self-heal, shield heal, invul, crit boost.
Ash: Smoke Screen/invisible energy discount for Bladestorm (efficiency buff).

There are indeed no frames who can boost those stats as OP mentioned at this time. I'd like to see a frame who's 3rd ability allows it to buff only one stat while draining energy, or shields in an AOE or on single targets (allowing for one to forget one of those stats so long as this frame is present). Functionally, this frame's health/shields should be uniquely distributed: it's health pool will be split in the ratio of 1 to 3, and that 1/4 would be taken before shield damage, as shields would be used to enhance powers; the rest of the health would be used for surviving damage. Maybe the frame planned to come with the Sentient Nodachi could have this, not only as a self-buff as Chroma once had it, but also as a team buff, in the vein of Oberon's armour buff from standing on hallowed grounds?

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

If counting self buffs, I believe Octavia's Amp boosts ability range..sort of.

Unless I'm mistaken (possible), Amp only boosts range for her mallet.  It provides a damage boost to ally weapons and to mallet as well

I mean you're not wrong. But I meant I want to see buffs for allies as well, not just self buffs

Edited by SixDimensions
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