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Alarms in Uranus is bug?


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I've tried to manic maniacs all morning but every time I let them activate the alarms they never sound, except those that are obligatory as in defense, survival, interception, etc... I have not managed to find any. 


He intentado farmear maníacos toda la mañana pero cada vez que dejo que activen las alarmas esas nunca suenan, excepto las que son obligatorias como en defensa, supervivencia, interceptación, etc... No he logrado encontrar ninguno.

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Grineer excavation and survival are best for hunting manics as they will usually spawn around the 15 minute mark. I found Mars best.

The manics that spawn during Tyl Regor's boos fight don't drop Ash parts if that is what you are after.

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En 31/3/2018 a las 16:34, Koldraxon-732 dijo:

Drekar (Uranus-specific) Grineer Maniacs spawn during Tyl Regor bossfight. Are they what you are looking for?

Maniac Dreka don´t drop Ash set...

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If you're trying to get ash then i suggest you do saturns defection and if you don't have Harrow's systems then you can farm for that too. Run it ~3-5 times and i'm sure you can get all 3 parts (best to run it with a full squad)

Edited by hellodownthere
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