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The Legion of Tau: Undying Crusade 5.1 | Face your greatest adversary yet- SENTIENT NEMESIS System is here! Earn new unique EVOLUTION MODS! Generate your own Sentient Knight's name!


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39 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

You mean like a Sentient Worm Ship?

Or you mean a Sentient Landing Craft? Lore wise I'm not sure if that would make much sense

I think their "landing craft" were the giant Sentients that, after going through the Rail, shattered to ""little"" bits  that became the outposts. After the big ones died, everyone bailed out into the worms and went a pillageing. Suicide mission 101 until they had the resources to grow/breed/build/uplift another transport or 12.


Makes one wonder if the ships are cognizant or not. Hunhows, Eidolons, or Broken Wars. That may play into whether they are ""mountable"" or not.

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1 hour ago, Almighty_Jado said:

You mean like a Sentient Worm Ship?

Or you mean a Sentient Landing Craft? Lore wise I'm not sure if that would make much sense

I’m not meaning sentient sentient ship like a landing craft with sentient features like how the boxy ship is clearly similar to corpus then you have the bubbley ship that looks greener then the slick small ship doesn’t quiet fit but then the default ship is clearly Tenno so not like a perfect representation of sentieants but just something that would match them as it would be interesting and tbh ships don’t get used for what they can do really ever we only use them for looks and as far as I know they don’t really have strong lore but I haven’t tried to see if they did but just a new ship design for a major thing like us going to a new place that’s should be massive to the story really deserves a thick tasty piece of cosmetic and we are frequently looking at our ships so just a ship that has the resemblance of the iconic sentients would be cool “maybe just similar pins and distinctive shapes” or if the ship does have stealth bonuse making it look like it belongs in the sentients area as a natural camaflouge for lore purposes idk ideas

Edited by Steampunkzter
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3 hours ago, Steampunkzter said:

I’m not meaning sentient sentient ship like a landing craft with sentient features like how the boxy ship is clearly similar to corpus then you have the bubbley ship that looks greener then the slick small ship doesn’t quiet fit but then the default ship is clearly Tenno so not like a perfect representation of sentieants but just something that would match them as it would be interesting and tbh ships don’t get used for what they can do really ever we only use them for looks and as far as I know they don’t really have strong lore but I haven’t tried to see if they did but just a new ship design for a major thing like us going to a new place that’s should be massive to the story really deserves a thick tasty piece of cosmetic and we are frequently looking at our ships so just a ship that has the resemblance of the iconic sentients would be cool “maybe just similar pins and distinctive shapes” or if the ship does have stealth bonuse making it look like it belongs in the sentients area as a natural camaflouge for lore purposes idk ideas

So, you. . . you want something more then this skin alteration here?


Some manner of unique, Sentient landing vessel that has a sort of. . . uh, deployable cloaking field?

I'm not sure how that would work without interfering with certain frames'capabilities or limiting it to a certain area-of-effect which would render it highly situational.

Having ideas are good, but, one might wanna look carefully at what's in the game  already and what could fit before engaging in "idea bombardment".

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2 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

First 3 of 18 syndicate weapons are almost done! Just struggling a little bit with Cephalon weapon designs.

Stay tuned!

Need some assistance suh? "Having some experience with faction weaponry." Is one of the few things I can say I have some quality in.


(No, I won't be stealing anything or overtaking you in your designs. To disgusting and messy, no point in it when it's SO much more satisfying cooking up your own.)

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7 minutes ago, Unus said:

Need some assistance suh? "Having some experience with faction weaponry." Is one of the few things I can say I have some quality in.


(No, I won't be stealing anything or overtaking you in your designs. To disgusting and messy, no point in it when it's SO much more satisfying cooking up your own.)

I do need some ideas for New Loka and Perrin Sequence rifles!


Without ruining the surprise, I can tell you Steel Meridian, Red Veil, Cephalon Suda and Arbiters of Hexis all have weapons lined up for em already.

All these weapons are not only great at the content we already have (fissures, Kuva survival, PoE, sorties, etc), but also quite effective at dealing with Sentients, each in their own special way. Basically finding ways for these weapons to help overcome the adaptations the Sentients gain overtime without just explicitly slapping on an alternate fire of a different damage type is what I’m trying to do!

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2 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

I do need some ideas for New Loka and Perrin Sequence rifles!


Without ruining the surprise, I can tell you Steel Meridian, Red Veil, Cephalon Suda and Arbiters of Hexis all have weapons lined up for em already.

All these weapons are not only great at the content we already have (fissures, Kuva survival, PoE, sorties, etc), but also quite effective at dealing with Sentients, each in their own special way. Basically finding ways for these weapons to help overcome the adaptations the Sentients gain overtime without just explicitly slapping on an alternate fire of a different damage type is what I’m trying to do!

Ahhhhhh, I see, and what do you have as your current pieces for the Arbiters and the Lokites starting pointwise? We can talk in private message if you desire privacy.


Ell, I'd show you mine if it would provide some kinda assistance, but, I don't know if that would pollute your ideas or not.

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1 minute ago, Unus said:

Ahhhhhh, I see, and what do you have as your current pieces for the Arbiters and the Lokites starting pointwise? We can talk in private message if you desire privacy.


Ell, I'd show you mine if it would provide some kinda assistance, but, I don't know if that would pollute your ideas or not.

Nothing for Loka at the moment- Arbiters are getting a neat Sniper Rifle that as a very unique interaction with the combo counter.

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3 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Nothing for Loka at the moment- Arbiters are getting a neat Sniper Rifle that as a very unique interaction with the combo counter.

Ahhhh, a weapon that rewards precision and a "hunter's eye". Makes sense in the scheme of things, what's missing for the sniper?

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8 minutes ago, Unus said:

Ahhhh, a weapon that rewards precision and a "hunter's eye". Makes sense in the scheme of things, what's missing for the sniper?

Oh nothing! You might just be mistaken, it’s Loka and Perrin I’m at a loss of ideas for Primaries with as of now

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AH, sorry, miscommunication on the highway.

Correcting the course, hm, if the LOKITES are your problem, then. . .hm, leveraging the natural world and Earth in the design oughta do something. A weapon that's "natural" compared to all the manufactured technology. Simplistic.

The slurarbalest is what I aimed at with my Gandiva piece, but perhaps you can go back even further in time?

Edited by Unus
Whoah, what the. . .
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7 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Just a quick post before I go back to work on weps. Thrombocyst resource costs!

The Thrombocyst will be ClanTech, researchable in the Tenno Lab.
RESEARCH: 10,000Credits64| 20Neurode64| 6,000Plastids64| 50demonite.png|6,000Ferrite64| Prereq: Hema
LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3   LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10   LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30   LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100
BLUEPRINT: 50,000Credits64| 2Forma64| 100raw-shatterite.png | 15 Neurode64| 5MutagenMass64

Prerequisite= Hema? Oh dear oh dear, talk about a gun that may have trouble getting into the field. Not complaining a course, just recalling the bloodbath that occurred over the cost of the ol blood-bag.


As an aside, in regards to the Perrinite weapon, have you considered looking at modern consumer-weaponry and placing the aesthetic the Perrinities enjoy on it? Common highlights of consumer weapons are easy to use, simple to understand, being extremely common, and being cheap to construct.


Diddn't exactly go that way with my Fermat rifle, but, figured it was a unique direction you could poke at.

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4 hours ago, Unus said:


I mean, I figured locking this weapon behind the Hema would help solidify its status as a high-tier weapon. Think I should change the prerequisite to something else? I just want to make it a little more difficult to get.

As for consumer weapons, you mean like a glock? And also, could you send a link to your Fermat so I can take a lil peekyboo?

4 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Anything I can do to help at the moment? I'm busy on a shotgun I'm tentatively calling the Amos (blame The Expanse) but if you need any help with weapon design, just ask. 

If you also have any ideas for New Loka or Perrin Sequence themed primaries that would be effective at both eliminating Sentients and our current content, fire them forth!

3 hours ago, SirSovereign said:

Really hoping for a gunblade zaw... even if it looks confusing like that lol

And a shield+axe zaw.. the shield would have to look the same no matter what and the grip and weights would just go on the axe blade I suppose

Yeah I realize that the Sentient gunblade strike looks pretty bizarre, but that’s what Sentients are like- bizarre! 

A sword and shield Zaw would be interesting, no doubt about that, but I’m having a bit of difficulty trying to imagine which part of it would be the strike and which the grip.

The tricky part mainly is the fact that all Zaw parts have at least 2 different weapon types each piece is compatible to make.... hmmmmm

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1 minute ago, Almighty_Jado said:

A sword and shield Zaw would be interesting, no doubt about that, but I’m having a bit of difficulty trying to imagine which part of it would be the strike and which the grip.

The tricky part mainly is the fact that all Zaw parts have at least 2 different weapon types each piece is compatible to make.... hmmmmm

yeah, the fact that it has to be 2 weapons is the hard part.... or is it? Make it a shield and spear (still use shield and axe/sword stances) and when you put a small grip on it, make it a glaive 😉

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4 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

I mean, I figured locking this weapon behind the Hema would help solidify its status as a high-tier weapon. Think I should change the prerequisite to something else? I just want to make it a little more difficult to get.

As for consumer weapons, you mean like a glock? And also, could you send a link to your Fermat so I can take a lil peekyboo?

If you also have any ideas for New Loka or Perrin Sequence themed primaries that would be effective at both eliminating Sentients and our current content, fire them forth!

Yeah I realize that the Sentient gunblade strike looks pretty bizarre, but that’s what Sentients are like- bizarre! 

A sword and shield Zaw would be interesting, no doubt about that, but I’m having a bit of difficulty trying to imagine which part of it would be the strike and which the grip.

The tricky part mainly is the fact that all Zaw parts have at least 2 different weapon types each piece is compatible to make.... hmmmmm

Oh, the resource costs you have on hand should more then suffice suh. To give it a good and proper "This ain't a gun for beginners" feeling, I beleive setting the Mastery Rank for it up to a double digit should help. As for a replacement sacrifice? Hm. . . I beleive the Duel Toxicyst should be sufficient.


Yeah, yeah, like the glock, the ar15 , hunting rifles, home-defense shotguns, things of that nature. Things with bloodless commercials depicting smiling purchasers talking about the benefits of ownership and family values, that sorta deal. 

Oh, uh, okay, sure, have a look. I made one for each faction, but only Meridian's and the Arbiter's really got truly popular.


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6 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

If you also have any ideas for New Loka or Perrin Sequence themed primaries that would be effective at both eliminating Sentients and our current content, fire them forth!

9 hours ago, SirSovereign said:

Do they have to be existing weapons or completely new ones? Because I have an original thing that might work, possibly for New Loka given that they seem to like Tenno weaponry...

On 2017-12-20 at 12:21 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:


Avakan Prime (top)
"This flexible, elegant rifle was commonly used by Dax soldiers and Tenno in operations against Sentients and rebels."

Avakan Tenno (bottom)
"An ancestor of the Grineer Karak, this elegant, flexible Tenno assault rifle is capable of high-impact bursts and sprays of fully-automatic fire. It was designed for operations against Mara smugglers and the private armies of Outer Planets industrialists."

The Avakan fires the first two rounds of a burst simultaneously, with a unique mechanic in that these first two rounds of a burst do impact damage with high status chance. They also have punch-through. Similarly to the Nukor, you have a chance of a damage bonus against enemies hit with the first two rounds.

Meanwhile, subsequent rounds do slash damage with high crit. In other words, you have a different gun depending on whether you hold down the trigger or fan it. It also has slightly above-average status duration.

Essentially, the Avakan series is built around the concept of stunning enemies on the first shot, and cutting them up with slash damage. It was originally designed to fight the forces that would eventually become the Corpus, but it found some use during the Old War against Sentient drones.

It also has controllable, predictable vertical recoil, owing to the stupid amount of recoil-control systems that the Orokin added on. This has virtually no side to side recoil! Just upwards and slightly to the right.

Artist notes
This is a Tenno version of the AN94... equipped with a balanced recoil system as well, because the Orokin are just that committed to overengineering and aesthetic. I had to think like them, and it hurt. Ow. 

I was intrigued by the possible flexibility of this kind of rifle in Warframe, but I also assumed that a simple fire rate gimmick wouldn't make it stand out, so I came up with this silly idea. I'm toying with the idea that each fire mode could have different benefits, but I'm left wondering if that would be too hard to code, and also if it would invalidate one firing mode. The idea behind this was to create a dual-mode assault rifle that didn't leave one mode feeling like an unusable afterthought. And so, this thing essentially forces you to use one mode, while the other mode isn't complete without it.

The best way to use this is to use the first two rounds to soften an enemy up, while subsequent full auto takes advantage of it.

Also, some youtubers have toyed with the idea of making Impact damage stagger or "crumple" enemies. Which would be fun with this thing! It'd add a lot of utility, for staggering enemies and taking down Corpus shields.

I genuinely have no idea what the damage on this would be (mid-twenties to thirties?) but I think it could work as an anti-Sentient weapon what with being both a crit weapon and status weapon. Plus, it'd be a weapon from the left side of the Syndicate Wall that would make me consider switching.

As for a Perrin-themed weapon, in my experience Syndicate weapons are usually made from overlooked weapons (with some exceptions - looks at Boltor and Tigris)  that have been left behind by power creep. And Corpus weapons should be super easy for that! Most of their weapons are choking in the dust of power creep! We could use the Lanka, the Glaxion, the Battacor or Ocucor (what the crap are those, anyway? Apparently they're coming with Fortuna) but  I think a Secura Lanka works pretty well.

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In order to break the mold from just making syndicate variants of preexisting weapons, I’ve decided making unique weapons for each syndicate would be far more interesting and also throw a little fuel into the Warframe trading marketplace.

The Avakan sounds quite lovely, and as just might use that for Loka. Perrin I guess we’ll give it some more thought.

Also, yeah I’m wondering what the Ocucor and Battacor are! Seems sentient based! Guess we’ll find out soon!

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7 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:


In order to break the mold from just making syndicate variants of preexisting weapons, I’ve decided making unique weapons for each syndicate would be far more interesting and also throw a little fuel into the Warframe trading marketplace.

The Avakan sounds quite lovely, and as just might use that for Loka. Perrin I guess we’ll give it some more thought.

Also, yeah I’m wondering what the Ocucor and Battacor are! Seems sentient based! Guess we’ll find out soon!

Then we are indeed on the same wavelength for new synditech designs Mr. Jado. We already have a full prexisting set for each faction, nows the time to innovate!

The best thing? My own synditech work is what got me on Prime Time at one point! Iffin ya post a few of the completed works over in the Prime Time showcase when ya give them ol polish, perhaps you'll get the same treatment as well?

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30 minutes ago, Unus said:

Then we are indeed on the same wavelength for new synditech designs Mr. Jado. We already have a full prexisting set for each faction, nows the time to innovate!

The best thing? My own synditech work is what got me on Prime Time at one point! Iffin ya post a few of the completed works over in the Prime Time showcase when ya give them ol polish, perhaps you'll get the same treatment as well?

Perhaps! I mean, it’s no biggie for me since I already got a concept onto PrimeTime (Erebos the Umbrakinetic Warframe). 

Shameless Plug below

But getting a secoNd concept onto prime time would be pretty cool!

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2 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Perhaps! I mean, it’s no biggie for me since I already got a concept onto PrimeTime (Erebos the Umbrakinetic Warframe). 

Shameless Plug below

But getting a secoNd concept onto prime time would be pretty cool!

Indeedy dudley suh. Gotta link to your showing? It's not ego-stroking if it got you places and someone wants to see it! It was such a rush when I got picked for no reason on my end, can only imagine what it was like to get picked cuse of a talented display!


Its also a ELL of a lot easier (and in some ways, better) for you folks to get into the Prime Light! Talent that is much more marketable and up there then my scribbling and mutterings.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

Indeedy dudley suh. Gotta link to your showing? It's not ego-stroking if it got you places and someone wants to see it! It was such a rush when I get picked for no reason on my end, can only imagine what it was like to get picked cuse of a talented display!


Its also a ELL of a lot easier (and in some ways, better) for you folks to get into the Prime Light! Talent that is much more marketable and up there then my scribbling and mutterings.

This should be at the right time stamp, if not you might just have to scrub it yourself 😛


Expect our first three Syndicate Primaries Soon! Hoping to finish Suda’s special Electromagnetic Grenade Launcher today...! Oops, spoilers! 

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