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Focus Lens : Possible rework?


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From what I have seen is you could invest a large amount of time into Sorties into getting the lens you need or invest platinum in new lens and they are treated as one time use items breaking when you use them on a weapon. 

What I am suggesting is change I so you could go through a process in which you could get the lens back. E.g. crafting a blank lens or getting it from a alert or event ecta. Then giveing up your weapon for like 12 hours to get the original lens.

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19 minutes ago, Billybooox said:

 they are treated as one time use items breaking when you use them on a weapon.

The lens sticks with that weapon or warframe until you decide to change what lens is there. It's going to keep giving focus for however long it is there.

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Lenses are one-use in the sense that trying to swap out a lens would destroy the equipped lens, and equipped lenses have no way of being uninstalled beyond a DE-authorized Focus Respec.
How about giving the Arcane Distiller some functionality again? Here's a few ideas, and to make Void Traces worth farming beyond powering up relics and Vault keys:


1: Ability to un-socket lenses, at a cost of Void traces (10 for normal lens, 40 for a Greater, 80 for an Eidolon).
2: Ability to un-merge Arcanes, at the cost of other, unranked Arcanes (i.e: you have accidentally merged arcanes into two rank 1s, but wanted only 1 ranked 2, you could sacrifice other Arcanes.
3: Arcane transmutation, costing Ducats, Void traces, and 4 Arcanes per go.


Edited by Koldraxon-732
Existing = already there | Added = new stuff
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They made acquiring new lenses far easier when they moved them out of Sorties and into bounties.  Removal seems vastly unneeded.  Requiring some level of commitment is not unreasonable.

Edited by Phatose
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