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Arid Fear Early End Screws Players Out Of Rewards


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The alerts for both components were up for 2h each with a total uptime of 60-70ish% over the course of the event. I feel like that should be enough for people to handle, assuming they find the time to play the game.


I'm referring to the mods.  The only way to get those mods are through various alerts right?  I'd love to be wrong here...please tell me I'm wrong.

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Ok, so you didnt get your points.  Why not?


I was busy farming key materials, and then I was going to do a big run of Corpus Void tomorrow. Since I had three days on the clock, this struck me as sensible. DE did not adequately communicate that:


A) The event would end when the progress bars were full. Some people are saying they put it all together when they notice the other progress bars filled up. Those of us just arriving at "last stand" would not have had access to this information.


B)That there was even going to be a reward for this. The mods were announced after the fact (or so I'm told, I arrived a little late).


In any case, the rate at which I was collecting materials left me no doubts that I could complete the goal in the amount of  perceived time remaining.

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I'm referring to the mods.  The only way to get those mods are through various alerts right?  I'd love to be wrong here...please tell me I'm wrong.


You got the three mods for collecting 1, 50 or 100 points through Corpus void missions. Those could be accessed with special keys assembled from a Corpus Cipher and a Corrupt Datamass (both available through alerts) using a blueprint from the Market.

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I was busy farming key materials, and then I was going to do a big run of Corpus Void tomorrow. Since I had three days on the clock, this struck me as sensible. DE did not adequately communicate that:


A) The event would end when the progress bars were full. Some people are saying they put it all together when they notice the other progress bars filled up. Those of us just arriving at "last stand" would not have had access to this information.


B)That there was even going to be a reward for this. The mods were announced after the fact (or so I'm told, I arrived a little late).


In any case, the rate at which I was collecting materials left me no doubts that I could complete the goal in the amount of  perceived time remaining.

A reasonable answer. 


I found myself in a similar boat with the keys and farming since I was working much of Friday and Saturday on server migrations, so I didnt even get a start myself until Sunday morning.  Maybe you and I think a little differently, but I had automatically assumed that when the bar filled up the event was over so I forced it out in about 3~3.5 hours.


I guess bad things do happen to decent people.

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You got the three mods for collecting 1, 50 or 100 points through Corpus void missions. Those could be accessed with special keys assembled from a Corpus Cipher and a Corrupt Datamass (both available through alerts) using a blueprint from the Market.


Toooooo late.  I unfortunately worked overtime this past week due to a lot of changes that absolutely had to be made and were time sensitive.



Again, the flaw in timed events.



Hopefully I can get them at that later date....

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just because we have 5 days to finish it  doesnt mean we get these days after finishing it.



It wasn't DE who ended it prematurely, it was the players.  We got to 100% on every phase early, therefore it ended early.


Even then, when compared to other events, it wasn't early. We finished as the weekend came to a close, and previous events only lasted until the weekend ended.


Although I agree, it did end rather fast for what it was.



People had plenty time to hit 100 points, especially this time. There comes a point where it becomes more like asking DE to host you an event based solely on your schedule. If you can't play for a few hours over 4 days, you don't need the high reward.


Go fanboys go! Defend the devs bad judgement blindly! You can do it! Use "illogical serious sounding argument"! It's super effective!!




Every event has ended at the end of the time that was allotted. Period.


This was the only event that they ended THREE FUC**NG DAYS early because they arbitrarily decided that this time, filling the bar meant no more bars to fill. The event is just done.


EVERY single event so far, when the bar gets filled, they would either add bars (fomorians) or manipulate it to make it so it would end when the vent ends. They even admitted to this. So what the hell are you guys talking about??


OP is 100% right, it's as simple as that. It's not an opinion. This is common sense, and if you want to refute it, you're either excercising fanboyism, trolling, or sheer stupidity.

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I myself have found myself with several unused keys because rather than wish to run it alone or with unknown people, I wanted to coordinate with friends and have us all get to 100.


I feel a bit put out that it ended quite literally for me, as I was sitting in the void start up screen waiting for a friend to log in and join me.


I play this game so that I can play with my friends. While the wider community does exist and I like it, my intention was to actually run the void missions with friends. Coordinating four people's schedules is not something that can always be done perfectly and thus we all individually ground up the keys themselves so we could get together an do the void missions themselves as a group. However, due to it's premature end, this turned out to not be possible.

I personally feel that this is poor design. I'm not blaming the Devs, this IS a Beta and thus a learning experience. I would just hope that in the future, they make it a little less miss-leading.

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EVERY single event so far, when the bar gets filled, they would either add bars (fomorians) or manipulate it to make it so it would end when the vent ends. They even admitted to this. So what the hell are you guys talking about??

OP is 100% right, it's as simple as that. It's not an opinion. This is common sense, and if you want to refute it, you're either excercising fanboyism, trolling, or sheer stupidity.

This event would have been much better with a form of Fomorian repair on the last bar. They added repair to the last event after the first ship was wiped off the map, so why not add 'corruption' or 'false/misleading data' to this event to ensure it lasted longer?
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Go fanboys go! Defend the devs bad judgement blindly! You can do it! Use "illogical serious sounding argument"! It's super effective!!




Every event has ended at the end of the time that was allotted. Period.


This was the only event that they ended THREE FUC**NG DAYS early because they arbitrarily decided that this time, filling the bar meant no more bars to fill. The event is just done.


EVERY single event so far, when the bar gets filled, they would either add bars (fomorians) or manipulate it to make it so it would end when the vent ends. They even admitted to this. So what the hell are you guys talking about??


OP is 100% right, it's as simple as that. It's not an opinion. This is common sense, and if you want to refute it, you're either excercising fanboyism, trolling, or sheer stupidity.



The formian event ended 12 hours early and I was screwed out the rewards then. Nobody else seemed to care when it was only 12 hours.

Edited by shinydunsparce
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The formian event ended 12 hours early and I was screwed out the rewards then. Nobody else seemed to care when it was only 12 hours.


Actually, I believe there was rather an outcry there too. Both seem to have been rather poorly received.


However, there is also a matter of scale. Hours vs Days.

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No.  In every single event, the bar has represented how close the event or part of the event is to completion.


Except that's not entirely true, which is the core of the issue: It's not consistent.


Hell, the artifact defense event didn't even have a bar. It was just a timer during which special alerts with special rewards popped up from time to time.


The fomorians had many bars, which represented hit points of ships, and the timer represented how close you were to completion, and each region/bar had differently leveled enemies associated with it so you had to consider more than just 'the bar' when planning it out.


Durign the fusion moa event, the bar was a kill counter(counting up, as opposed to fomorian's down), with the timer representing a window to fill it. And if it wasn't filled, nobody would have gotten a reward, even if they bagged enough moas. Key distinction - I don't know if you were there for this, but I was, and the alert didn't end at 100% bar, it ended when the timer ran out.



Regarding iamSippyCup's assertion that the Grineer Informant drones were supposed to stop spawning at 100%, then that bar is essentially counting down from an available stock of drones that need to be destroyed. Its the same exact mission type as the fusion moa event - except the bar and the timer give you completely different information: Here, the bar is a race, there the bar is a threshold. Same bar, different meaning.


Which brings us back to the point: Its not consistent.



Keep in mind the entire playerbase of warframe has been trained by alerts(the usual, randomly generated kind) to look at the timer. You see an alert pop up, you see where it is, and when it is. Everyone who plays this game sees a swindle hat pop up with an hour left on it, and thinks " i don't have to do that right away." This takes time to get a drink, take a biobreak, finish another mission, or other quick things. Pretty much everyone plans ahead like that. 


The faux pas THIS alert committed was saying there are three days left on the timer, with information presented exactly right next to all the other alerts, when it wasn't true.

Its the exact equivalent of a warframe hat blueprint alert going  "I have an hour left but you can't have me!" and "I have an hour left, but we're sold out" -  at the same time.


So everyone who was on the cusp of finishing 100 points, and thinking they had time to finish up after work, after school, after dealing with the kids, and other real life problems got screwed by bad presentation of information, when they tried to plan ahead like responsible adults.

Edited by Udoshi
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Yes, changing my post in a quote you made and then saying "fixed" obviously invalidates everything that I said backed up 100% by logic, common sense and facts.


Oh man, teach me master, with your form of debate, I am destined to become the world's greatest political leader!!

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So everyone who was on the cusp of finishing 100 points, and thinking they had time to finish up after work, after school, after dealing with the kids, and other real life problems got screwed by bad presentation of information, when they tried to plan ahead like responsible adults.

Lesson learned by DE I can guarantee is give people a 101 instructions about the events and it's conditions.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Yes, changing my post in a quote you made and then saying "fixed" obviously invalidates everything that I said backed up 100% by logic, common sense and facts.


Oh man, teach me master, with your form of debate, I am destined to become the world's greatest political leader!!

To have everything you say backed by logic, common sense and facts then a few things would need to happen:


1)  You cant be in a rage and insinuating everyone that doesnt agree with you is an idiot.  That is not logic, in fact, it is anti-logic.


2)  Claiming that something which classically represents the completion of an item, such as a progress bar, does not represent time to completion is not common sense, nor logic, nor fact.  In fact, in this game, do you not pick up your foundry items once the progress bar is full? 


3)  Claiming that your opinion is not an opinion, but is instead fact is pretty much anti-logic and anti-fact.


Simply put, you negated any chance you had of being taken seriously.

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2) Claiming that something which classically represents the completion of an item, such as a progress bar, does not represent time to completion is not common sense, nor logic, nor fact. In fact, in this game, do you not pick up your foundry items once the progress bar is full?

Oddly enough, this one has prior situations in the game. In the Fusion MOA event, it counted up to 100% but did not end until time ran out. The one that DID end before time ran out? Counted down from 100% to 0%

Going by prior experience, 'Counting up to 100%' would not be an indication that it can't keep going in events. Edited by Judanas
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Oddly enough, this one has prior situations in the game. In the Fusion MOA event, it counted up to 100% but did not end until time ran out. The one that DID end before time ran out? Counted down from 100% to 0%

Going by prior experience, 'Counting up to 100%' would not be an indication that it can't keep going in events.

Fair enough, but the point does still stand.  Progress bar is a classic expression of time to completion, regardless of it if fills or empties.  It is a very logical assumption that reaching full progress (bar completely emtpied or completely filled depending on the situation) signals completion of the item or task in question and that any deviation is the exception rather than the rule.

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https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94239-operation-arid-fear-completed/page-13 (scroll towards the end)


Locking for a cooldown session.

A quick summary here:


People are angry because the event had a 6 day timeline, but was completed in 3, leaving several users locked out once completed. It is understandable how this confusion emerged, apologies.

All mods and badges have been distributed to eligible Tenno.

The Settlements are live in the new "Phobos" region.

We've got to do better at disseminating information about these things, sorry to those who feel misled.




Wow. Can you tell we're new at this 'live game' thing? First, here is an apology: I'm sorry guys, this event was full of holes.

In our heads, it came from a pure place - wanting to make a big deal out of the Settlement update... We thought the feeling of the community working together to unlock a new location was compelling. But we didn't execute it very well at all.

Big problems I saw:
-Event had dual termination conditions: Is it done at 100%? or 6 days?
-Grindy goals, escalation was minor change in the enemy, not enough of a break.
-Personal rewards revealed late (What's in it for me? Someone else can unlock that location! Oh crap, I need points!)
-Poor consideration for Solo players in the scoring.
-Poor consideration for players with limited time (who expected a 6 day schedule).
-Key/Lobby problems.

Warframe's next event will clearer goals, more diverse gameplay with all the information upfront for you to judge its value. It must be better, you guys deserve it.


They answered. Now stop your crying, as it's doing nothing but wasting bandwidth.

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Lesson learned by DE I can guarantee is give people a 101 instructions about the events and it's conditions.


That, and to make sure that information is both in and out of game, and not cloaked in in-character tennotalk so that there's no room for ambigious interpretation.


They could to shift their event paradigm also. The current format, as we've seen, has issues that arise when you limit the number of special pinatas that can be punched.

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Oddly enough, this one has prior situations in the game. In the Fusion MOA event, it counted up to 100% but did not end until time ran out. The one that DID end before time ran out? Counted down from 100% to 0%

Going by prior experience, 'Counting up to 100%' would not be an indication that it can't keep going in events.

Except the event directly before this one worked exactly like that.

Edited by Aggh
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And the back and forth argument from the last event continues into this one.


One side says "it was not advertised to end 3 days early"

The other says "you snooze you loose."


I support the "it was not adversited to end early" side because an event should run for a full duration in order to allow as many people as possible to participate. DE should either make it clear that the events will end early or that the events last for full the full duration.

Edited by whitejackale
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And the back and forth argument from the last event continues into this one.


One side says "it was not advertised to end 3 days early"

The other says "you snooze you loose."


I support the "it was not adversited to end early" side because an event should run for a full duration in order to allow as many people as possible to participate. DE should either make it clear that the events will end early or that the events last for full the full duration.

Each stage went *poof gone* as it was completed.  What were you people expecting?  That the last stage of the event wouldn't the same as the first two?




Actually I referenced that. The Grineer ships? Counted down from 100% to 0%, in contrast with all previous ones.

What does it matter which direction it goes in?  when they were completed they were done.  Just like each stage in this event.  Was spelling VICTORY in giant letters not enough for you guys?

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What does it matter which direction it goes in? when they were completed they were done. Just like each stage in this event. Was spelling VICTORY in giant letters not enough for you guys?

I preferred seeing the health of the first ship at -20% and falling. They also added repair to the event after that so we didn't blow though it like we did this one. Would it have been so hard for DE to add length to this event just like they did the Fomorian one?
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