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Arid Fear Early End Screws Players Out Of Rewards


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I logged out and spent the entire weekend and my money elsewhere when I realised solo players were getting #*($%%@ over in yet another event. The logic behind having a solo player do 400% more runs for the same points beggars belief, its not enough that coop runs make everything in warframe trivial. The event was poorly conceived from the outset and just turned into another rush levels and grind, you really didn't miss much in terms of content.

Edited by HexCaliber
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Not that they've stated, so far as I've seen.

They may change their minds, or may decide that their statement concerning "all eligible Tenno will receive appropriate rewards" to be sufficient redress.

They need to do SOMETHING for unused keys. It took a lot of effort for people to make them. Even phase three in the void easier/faster than completing two alerts to make a key. I like the idea of counting keys as 2 points or so towards rewards. This would reflect that people with key stockpiles participated in the event. There probably should have been 1 point awarded anyway for each key part alert anyway.
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I think it's an option but not one I would personally like for the following reason.  When my clan was farming voids last night one of us had trouble hosting and couldn't invite the 4th player into the game.  As a result we changed and I hosted which worked out fine but obviously used up all my keys. We were going to try again tonight and see if my clanmate could host but obviously that isn't going to happen.  The point is that he would benefit from your suggestion and I would not purely because of hosting difficulties.  Allowing people to run the voids with whoever they want provided they have a key is a much fairer resolution but the posts form DE look like they have drawn a line under the matter.

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They may ... decide that their statement concerning "all eligible Tenno will receive appropriate rewards" to be sufficient redress.



Y'see this is where I'm not really sure how to take it if that happens. Obviously the uproar is going to lose momentum, and continued agitating is going to rapidly become unwelcome even by people who are pretty raw about this in the moment.


However, if that's really DE's final addressing of the matter until the next event, I'm not exactly willing to let that stand either.

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I think it's an option but not one I would personally like for the following reason. When my clan was farming voids last night one of us had trouble hosting and couldn't invite the 4th player into the game. As a result we changed and I hosted which worked out fine but obviously used up all my keys. We were going to try again tonight and see if my clanmate could host but obviously that isn't going to happen. The point is that he would benefit from your suggestion and I would not purely because of hosting difficulties. Allowing people to run the voids with whoever they want provided they have a key is a much fairer resolution but the posts form DE look like they have drawn a line under the matter.

Being able to use existing void keys would be very nice. However, I think it is extremely unlikely. The goal of my idea was to get at least SOMETHING event related from the keys.

The perfect solution would be DE opening the event back up but I don't see that happening at all.

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The perfect solution would be DE opening the event back up but I don't see that happening at all.

Nuh-uh. The rage from angry kids will swallow the forum, I doubt DE is dumb enough to pull something like that. Perhaps we'll get our mods as a Nightmare reward at a 0.033% chance to drop or something, or maybe a defence reward. Best we can hope for is being able to use our stockpiled keys.

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Where are you getting the magic number of "35 minutes", just out of curiosity?


That number assumes that you have a 4-man group ready to roll, have the keys farmed, all have reliable connections, all know the general map layouts, and have rapid turn-over between games. It also assumes that you just burn through, and my girlfriend and I have had major synch issues in the last week or so, where doors don't open, or one of us locks up, and then we're buggered.

He did have all the keys farmed, and he did have a group.  He flat out stated as much.  Also, who doesnt know the corpus ship layouts by now?


Also yes, one of those mission took about 5 minutes unless you stopped mid-mission to make a quilt or something.  My apologies about your sync issues though, those are frustrating.


And the thing you're posting about was my response to one person in particular (wasnt you) who was so close he could practically taste it and chose not to finish, that's why I'm kinda stuck on why he made such a fuss.

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Is it not 40 for a full team? 4 players run 14 alerts (7 of each) to gather 7 keys each.  They can now run voids 28 times but can expect to need 25 runs with an average 4 points per run making an average 39 missions or 40 for the sake of a round number?


Ah yes, you're quite right, that even makes it worse :S

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Dear DE, I just got back from work, and to my disappointment the Warframe Arid Fear alert was not, in fact, 5 days long as advertised. I'm extremely irritated and deeply disappointed the event was canceled early without any warning, and as a founder I feel cheated out of a reward, especially since any previous special events did not work this way, there as no warning or advertisement to the cancelation, and when I logged out last night it said there were still two days to go.


Please fix this. I and my friends had enough keys stockpiled already that we all would have hit the required amount for maximum reward (i have 4 personally, parts for 5 and my clan and friends list has enough between then I would have hit 100 points if I was allowed to play the corpus void events right now).


This is a MAJOR disappointment, and I'm very upset someone at DE decided to make this decision to the detriment to the customers that support their game. Why was this done? Previous events have not had this cutoff? What steps does DE intend to take to rectify this misstep for paying customers that weren't able to finish the event fully but wanted to?


Does this reflect a deliberate change of policy intent to force players to under cut each other, when previously warframe events were entirely cooperative?


Please don't say you're going to give everyone two free corpus void keys, but please DO address the issue. Having just browsed through the offical Arid Fear thread, I know I'm not the only one who feels slighted from this.


Edit: In any case, the Operation Arid Fear thread has been locked, so I made this thread to continue the discussion.


Yes yes and yes! Exactly the same for me. I really can't understand why they ended the event early. Every previous event lasted as long as displayed ingame. I thought I had 2 days left and piled up on resources to use my keys today. But no - event cancelled, resources useless, already assembled keys useless, all key blueprints useless. Wow what the F*** were you thinking??


This is super-unfair, considering that no event before worked this way! Remember the Grineer Informant event? Even after the goal was completed you could keep killing drones to get your points.


Why? WHY?? Why did you have to change the mechanic of events? To purposely screw us out of rewards? I'm so severely disappointed, I can't even find words.

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So I heard that some of the warframe player base had stockpiled keys but lost out on their chance to use them when the event ended early.


They said the DE should allow them to use their keys to get point so they would be eligible for the event rewards after THE EVENT HAS ENDED. Are any of them going to ask for a second shot at the Frost Prime blueprint, Snipetron Vandal and Ammo conversion mods? How about the Braton and Lato Vandal? Here's news for them, the ship has sailed.


Did not the progress bar on the home screen give them a hint that this event might end early due to the tenacity of other players and competition of the "elite clans"? So now they decry the clans going for glory in the form of a statue. They call them griefers, farmers, no-lifers. The same clans that rallied and saved other event rewards from the void.


They see the rewards and demand them as their birthrights as founders and platinum buyers. Even if they are LIMITED TIME ONLY EVENT REWARDS. And when DE says they will be introduced into the game at large at a later date, some snidely remark that DE would make them grind hard for those mods on an unfair RNG table. They have forgotten that the things worth having require working.


Yet others complain that this event is biased against solo players. Yes solo play is always an option but DE has clearly stated the focus is co-op. Wake up. Warframe is a sci-fi CO-OP game. 


It is not the intent of this post to offend anyone in particular. I merely wish to point out that limited time event rewards will be for a limited time only and paying for a founders package does not entitle anyone to items they missed due to their own tardiness. I myself have missed events due to real life commitments and I can sympathise with losing out.

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This is silly, simply silly.


Anyone that watched event after the first phase saw that after it reached 100% the next phase started and that the previous phase was done and not accessible.


why is this complicated?


It was a new event and the Dev IMO explained it well enough that 5 min of looking around let you understand what was needed and what had to be done.


Besides this whole event was about unlocking Phobos, not the personal mods, that will be in the game again.

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So I heard that some of the warframe player base had stockpiled keys but lost out on their chance to use them when the event ended early.


They said the DE should allow them to use their keys to get point so they would be eligible for the event rewards after THE EVENT HAS ENDED. Are any of them going to ask for a second shot at the Frost Prime blueprint, Snipetron Vandal and Ammo conversion mods? How about the Braton and Lato Vandal? Here's news for them, the ship has sailed.


Did not the progress bar on the home screen give them a hint that this event might end early due to the tenacity of other players and competition of the "elite clans"? So now they decry the clans going for glory in the form of a statue. They call them griefers, farmers, no-lifers. The same clans that rallied and saved other event rewards from the void.


They see the rewards and demand them as their birthrights as founders and platinum buyers. Even if they are LIMITED TIME ONLY EVENT REWARDS. And when DE says they will be introduced into the game at large at a later date, some snidely remark that DE would make them grind hard for those mods on an unfair RNG table. They have forgotten that the things worth having require working.


Yet others complain that this event is biased against solo players. Yes solo play is always an option but DE has clearly stated the focus is co-op. Wake up. Warframe is a sci-fi CO-OP game. 


It is not the intent of this post to offend anyone in particular. I merely wish to point out that limited time event rewards will be for a limited time only and paying for a founders package does not entitle anyone to items they missed due to their own tardiness. I myself have missed events due to real life commitments and I can sympathise with losing out.


Nobody cares about the other events because they ended when DE said they will end. THey didn't say that this event might end prematurely.

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Rebecca I think people want to know if a line has been drawn under the event or if you are still considering making adjustments?


Questions include:


Allowing us to use keys we have?

A way to remove keys from inventory?

Points granted for keys?


Answering these would go a long way to calming things down.

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Rebecca I think people want to know if a line has been drawn under the event or if you are still considering making adjustments?

Questions include:

Allowing us to use keys we have?

A way to remove keys from inventory?

Points granted for keys?

Answering these would go a long way to calming things down.

Yeah, existing keys are a BIG issue. They represent time put into the event for ZERO progress towards the reward. It took more effort to make the keys then use them. A lot of people who saved up keys to use with their friends are feeling burned.

At the MINIMUM keys should sell for the credits it took to make them.

I made a thread discussing keys and what I think should be done with them(and why it should be done) here:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94467-de-here-is-an-idea-to-deal-with-unused-corpus-void-keysand-how-people-feel-about-them-being-unusable/

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Rebecca I think people want to know if a line has been drawn under the event or if you are still considering making adjustments?


Questions include:


Allowing us to use keys we have?

A way to remove keys from inventory?

Points granted for keys?


Answering these would go a long way to calming things down.



Yeah, existing keys are a BIG issue. They represent time put into the event for ZERO progress towards the reward. It took more effort to make the keys then use them. A lot of people who saved up keys to use with their friends are feeling burned.

At the MINIMUM keys should sell for the credits it took to make them.

I made a thread discussing keys and what I think should be done with them(and why it should be done) here:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94467-de-here-is-an-idea-to-deal-with-unused-corpus-void-keysand-how-people-feel-about-them-being-unusable/


I believe we are making the keys sellable very soon, will have updates on this!

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I just dont understand.. Why the event is stopped when everything reach 100%? why can't we just keep adding more points untill the timer runs out. From what i think is, when the bar reach 100%, we finished the event, we unlocked the new region, but does not mean we cannot collecting more points. Its not stated anywhere that this work this way, and this is the reason i think its fine to "play it slow" and really enjoying the event.  but i guess im wrong. Every event is rush fest now.


Edit : well, just reading Steve comment about this issue, yeah, i hope next event is much more better...

Edited by Robotgedek
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Are any of them going to ask for a second shot at the Frost Prime blueprint, Snipetron Vandal and Ammo conversion mods? How about the Braton and Lato Vandal?


I'm not asking for any of those things. I totally missed the Fomorian event, and the Frost Prime event.


I got into this event with THREE days on the clock, and I'm asking to have that shot. No more, no less.

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I'm not asking for any of those things. I totally missed the Fomorian event, and the Frost Prime event.


I got into this event with THREE days on the clock, and I'm asking to have that shot. No more, no less.


Wouldn't mind a second shot either now that I know what I'm doing.



But then again, as long as DE has learned from this experience I'm happy.  And it definitely seems they have.

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Wouldn't mind a second shot either now that I know what I'm doing.



But then again, as long as DE has learned from this experience I'm happy.  And it definitely seems they have.


That's certainly positive, and to say something nice about the event: shared scoring was a welcome adjustment.


That said, there IS a basic customer service issue here. The game is in Beta, and DE is feeling things out. I do get that. It's good that they understand what happened here, and things should be better going forward, but they do actually need to fix this.

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Obviously the OP didn't read the last post on the Arid Fear thread made by DE_Steve. In case you missed it please go read. It's the last one on the page.




Seriously people. Get over it. You missed the event. It sucks. I am sure you are not the only one who has had this happen. You know why they closed the Arid Fear thread skippy? Because they've heard enough complaints from people and they are trying to do something to make it better and learn from it. If you can't accept that then I feel bad for you. You can sit on the forums and whine about it all you want but I am sure by now the DEs have gotten the point from the other thread that people aren't happy. All you're doing is kicking a dead horse and trying to make it look like a "discussion". 


Sorry, it's not. 


Move on and close this thread already.

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Obviously the OP didn't read the last post on the Arid Fear thread made by DE_Steve. In case you missed it please go read. It's the last one on the page.




Seriously people. Get over it. You missed the event. It sucks. I am sure you are not the only one who has had this happen. You know why they closed the Arid Fear thread skippy? Because they've heard enough complaints from people and they are trying to do something to make it better and learn from it. If you can't accept that then I feel bad for you. You can sit on the forums and whine about it all you want but I am sure by now the DEs have gotten the point from the other thread that people aren't happy. All you're doing is kicking a dead horse and trying to make it look like a "discussion". 


Sorry, it's not. 


Move on and close this thread already.


Actually, no. If this is the entirety of their response, then they really haven't gotten the point. The point is not that we're upset, the point is that they need to figure out more than a token gesture to set this straight.


EDIT: The apology has in many ways made me more upset, not less.

Edited by KF_Kenobi
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