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Please Change how to Perform Finishers for Melee


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(Heads up: If you like/dislike or agree with this post, please leave a comment or a +1. I really want to get this noticed. Thank you)


Unwanted Finishers Interrupting intended actions and smooth melee combat.

Having played this game 10 months, 800+ hours on PC, I may not be a long time vet, or know absolutely everything there is to know about the game. But there are a few things that bother me about Warframe. None greater than getting forced into a finisher animation on a enemy when I didn't want to be. Time and time again, day in day out, its the same. I log in to do daily stuff, and find myself getting so incredibly frustrated with finisher animations. Don't get me wrong, I like Warframe and I like finishers, but only when I actually want them to happen.

For combat, I like using slide attacks to move from a group of enemies to the next, its efficient and clean. But constantly I'm met with jumping into a group, hoping to clear them out before they notice me.. just to end up performing a finisher and getting stuck in the animation while the rest of the mobs get alerted and start shooting at me. There's nothing more infuriating then that. Sometimes its not even groups, I could be sliding/jumping over to a solitary mob to cut him down quickly... Nope, Finisher animation instead. It happens even when I've already initiated the attack animation. So long as I'm close to a mob and they're open to a finisher, the finisher takes priority away and I'm sick of it. Especially while using Banshee's Silence ability.

There are other cases when this happens, but lets get to the point.



  • Toggle Method: Give an option in settings to enable or disable finishers during melee combat. This gives solid control over finishers for players that prefer to never execute them unless its toggled on. Downside to this method is when someone actually wants to perform a finisher, they'd have to go back into settings to turn them back on. Kinda inconvenient.
  • Priority Method: Give leap/spin/wall attacks priority over finishers. This means whenever one of these attacks are performed, a finisher wont take priority away from them. Making it to where you can only perform a finisher with a regular attack. Downside to this method is when you want to be able to perform finishers with these types of attacks, but can't. Will ruin how some people enjoy playing the game, not recommended.
  • Keybind Method (Contextual Use X): Setting a new keybind for finishers separate from the regular melee keybind. This gives players real-time control over which mob will get a finisher and who doesn't, without the need of a toggle. Players can also choose to keep it set to the regular keybind if they don't want it changed. Downside to this, is needing another key seperate from the ones players are already using if they choose to change it to something else. Can be messy. This is currently the easiest method to implement and the most popular.
  • HUD Toggle Method: Much like how you can toggle on and off holding down a key for channeling/blocking, this method would place a icon on the HUD during melee combat, showing rather or not you have finishers enabled. Pressing a separate keybind to toggle it on and off. This gives intended real-time control when players wish to perform melee finishers and is a much better method then the above Toggle Method.
  • Holding/Charge Method: Finishers can only be performed if the melee attack key is being held, and will be cancelled/priority removed otherwise. What this means is, if you go in for a melee kill on a enemy who is open to a finisher, if you are not holding down the melee attack key during the time of the attack, the finisher will not initiate. And if you are in the middle of performing a finisher, letting go of the key will cancel the finisher and you will let go of the mob and not deal any damage (ultimately alerting said mob in the process). This gives players absolute real-time control over finishers, even during the animation cycle. However, this posses problems with combos and charge attacks, and possibly the most difficult to implement; maybe requiring a short cancelling finisher animation (mobs can just use a knockback/knockdown animation).


These are just some possible solutions among many, some better then others, and some that would make the problem worse.



I know that the likelihood of this even being noticed or agreed upon is low, let alone even being considered for implementation, but its worth a shot. If there are other threads about this going on actively, then more power too it.

Any other ideas to overcome this grievance are welcome too! So please give feedback and thank you for your time!

Edited by Runa_Nisshoku
Changed some stuff up based on new info provided by you guys ^^ ty!
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There's been a small handful of us who've been asking for this feature for years. Finishers being slow and intrusive has been a major issue since long before Melee 2.0. Considering how popular melee is these days, I'm honestly shocked that more players aren't complaining about this.


Also, I felt the need to nitpick your proposed solution:

1 hour ago, Runa_Nisshoku said:
  • Holding/Charge Method: Finishers can only be performed if the melee attack key is being held, and will be cancelled/priority removed otherwise. What this means is, if you go in for a melee kill on a enemy who is open to a finisher, if you are not holding down the melee attack key during the time of the attack, the finisher will not initiate.

Aside from the "release melee to cancel" thing (which would completely screw over responsiveness during combat, since spamming E near a Finisher-prone enemy would just initiate->cancel->initiate->cancel over and over again...), this is already the case ingame. You can still hit Finisher-prone enemies with regular short-ranged attacks just fine, as long as your finger isn't touching E while you're in the prompt radius. (It's just really annoying to do, and you can basically do it only once in a row.)

If you're talking about introducing a delay after E is pressed before Finishers start getting registered (as opposed to starting the Finisher the instant the game detects E being pressed), this will still cause problems:
- You still wouldn't be able to do charge attacks against Finisher-prone enemies.
- You still wouldn't be able to do Hold combos against Finisher-prone enemies.
- If you need to activate a Finisher right friggin' now for whatever reason, you wouldn't be able to because of the delay.


I've said this a billion times, and I'll semi-hijack your thread to say it again. An easy way to solve the Finisher issue, without introducing any issues that you've mentioned, is to just give players the option to rebind Finishers to Contextual Use (X) instead of Melee (E).

Edited by SortaRandom
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I cannot agree more, since I started using Savage Silence Banshee with any Maiming Strike weapon (Atterax, Orthos Prime, etc), I realized that I'm completely unable to clean a group of enemies without doing a finisher that interrumps all the slide animation which couldn't be more annoying. i like the idea of having another key to execute a finisher, as you said, it would give the player the total control over his/her actions.

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5 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

There's been a small handful of us who've been asking for this feature for years. Finishers being slow and intrusive has been a major issue since long before Melee 2.0. Considering how popular melee is these days, I'm honestly shocked that more players aren't complaining about this.


Also, I felt the need to nitpick your proposed solution:

Aside from the "release melee to cancel" thing (which would completely screw over responsiveness during combat, since spamming E near a Finisher-prone enemy would just initiate->cancel->initiate->cancel over and over again...), this is already the case ingame. You can still hit Finisher-prone enemies with regular short-ranged attacks just fine, as long as your finger isn't touching E while you're in the prompt radius. (It's just really annoying to do, and you can basically do it only once in a row.)

If you're talking about introducing a delay after E is pressed before Finishers start getting registered (as opposed to starting the Finisher the instant the game detects E being pressed), this will still cause problems:
- You still wouldn't be able to do charge attacks against Finisher-prone enemies.
- You still wouldn't be able to do Hold combos against Finisher-prone enemies.
- If you need to activate a Finisher right friggin' now for whatever reason, you wouldn't be able to because of the delay.


I've said this a billion times, and I'll semi-hijack your thread to say it again. An easy way to solve the Finisher issue, without introducing any issues that you've mentioned, is to just give players the option to rebind Finishers to Contextual Use (X) instead of Melee (E).

Thanks for your feedback! If this has been a problem for years, then please by all means hijack away. This needs to be brought to their attention somehow, and if they know about it, its clearly being ignored. Meaning more effort needs to go into getting more of the community on board to complain about it. Blot out the Sun as it were.

Im glad you nitpicked, i completely forgot about combos and how some require the use of charge attacks. But no, in my thoughts about that method, you wouldn't be able to just initiate->cancel and repeat, as soon as you cancel, the target would become alerted and not be subject to finishers. But none of that really matters since it would mess with combos anyway. The Keybind Method, like you mentioned with binding finishers to Contextual Use (X), seems to be the best way to go about this. It may require getting used to an extra key, but its definitely easiest to get implemented.

I've edited my post based on your input, thanks a lot!

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Runa_Nisshoku:
  • Holding/Charge Method: Finishers can only be performed if the melee attack key is being held, (...)However, this posses problems with combos and charge attacks, and possibly the most difficult to implement; maybe requiring a short cancelling finisher animation (mobs can just use a knockback/knockdown animation).


Good idea and it has a simple solution.

Make Blocking always on, like Excaliburs Exalted blade. (Something that is wanted y a lot of people anyway.)

And then you can use the freed up Finisher-formerly-knows-as-Block-Button to enter Execute-mode and trigger the combos that required holding block before.

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6 hours ago, Walkampf said:

Good idea and it has a simple solution.

Make Blocking always on, like Excaliburs Exalted blade. (Something that is wanted y a lot of people anyway.)

And then you can use the freed up Finisher-formerly-knows-as-Block-Button to enter Execute-mode and trigger the combos that required holding block before.

There is a mod for autoblock xD its just that no one uses it 

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13 hours ago, spiray09 said:

I cannot agree more, since I started using Savage Silence Banshee with any Maiming Strike weapon (Atterax, Orthos Prime, etc), I realized that I'm completely unable to clean a group of enemies without doing a finisher that interrumps all the slide animation which couldn't be more annoying. i like the idea of having another key to execute a finisher, as you said, it would give the player the total control over his/her actions.

You don't need savage silence at all for the way you want to play her. Savage Silence only allows enemies from silence to get finished and take additional finisher damage.

1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

Would love to see finishers bound to X.


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So about a day later, and it looks like mostly everyone is agreeing that binding finishers to Contextual use (X) is the best solution, both here on this thread and from a few people in the discord too. Its a very simple solution, and wouldn't take long to get used to using.

Since I don't play on console, would players on PS and Xbox have any issues setting finishers to a different a different button?

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