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Code Of Honor Duels (Player Vs. Npc)


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Honorable warriors existing amongst your enemy ranks. Warriors will step forward and challenge you to a duel in the form of Solo alerts. When you reach the alert these warriors will honor you by not having you fight enemies on your way in for your courage is respectable in their eyes.


A special room was prepared for the duel so no one interferes and no one has an advantage over the other. There may or may not be rules for the challenge. If you win out of respect for their comrade's last wishes they will let you leave without a fight.


The enemies will have a smarter AI and possible movements identical to you with sliding, acrobatics and unique weapons.


Special dueling rules that may or may not exists would be(rules apply to both parties) :


Knock your enemy out of the ring(if you get knocked out you lose as well)

Sudden Death (one hit one kill)

Melee only

Secondary only

Primary Only

No abilities

No movement+Sudden Death (old fashion western quick draw style with a timer before one or the other gets the first shot)

Melee only+Sudden Death (First to get a melee strike wins)

Single bullet+Sudden death+no Movement(Get them on your first shot. If both miss the fight resets)

Sudden Death+single bullet(same as above)


Rewards would be Blueprints, special dueling badages if enough duels are won(under special rules separate badges awarded for beating enemies with restrictions), Credits, resources, and maybe other things DE feels would be a good idea to give you.


Duels could have you fighting a Grineer, or Corpus of any rank with a unique load out, and combat style.(Randomized combat style, and loadout)


Under some circumstances the duels could be a trap...

Edited by Arlayn
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So you prefer doing the same old alerts over and over? I mean it would be cool to have Raid as an alert after they remove it from the game, but I think a one on one fight with an enemy that is extremely skilled, with a loadout not normally seen would make for a fun Alert. That would make a total of two unique Alerts in game. Things you can't normally experience in game (boss, and mini-bosses do not count as enemies still interfere.)

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no as " no it's not gonna happen".


should i explain why?

Even if it is the easiest alert on the planet to put into the game? they could just be highly advanced bosses with faster movement then Stalker, better movement, and much harder to kill in normal outside of sudden death. Harder to kill as in they aren't stationary like normal enemies, but they aren't slow moving turtles with cannons strapped to them like Lech, and Vor. It would be a unique experience that should be vastly superior to stalker.

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While I do like the idea, the game is more played out as 1-4 vs a swarm, or 1-4 vs a boss. Not enough is known about the lore to say, but it seems that no enemys have honor. Vor kills Tenno before they have awakened (or at least trys to), and the Stalker's aim is to assassinate you. Heck, even the Tenno don't seem to have much honor outside of their own, as our aim seems to be 'assassinate X boss' or 'destroy the ship's reactor to blow it up and kill everyone on it'.

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next grineer lancer is more fun than stalker.


You see, i am bored. DE fails to provide us a content that actually challenging. From update to update game becomes more easier, and as it now it's effortless. Basically the only challenge you can have in this game is to create new account and make through mercury. After that, it is over because difficulty level goes down very fast.


So before introducing some new content like this arena of yours, it would be nice to have something to do when you have every item in this game, formaed multiple times. Funny thing that i don't have a single mission where i can utilize my arsenal to it's full potential.


Do you really think that any of this challenges of yours will stand against fully formad and maxed Lanka?

1) sudden death? lanka.

2)melee only: loki + orthos supercharged with dual mods.

3)secondary only: acrid + lethal torrent (5 stars)

4)primary? braton. do you know what dps braton have? screw braton - Ogris.

5)no abilities. oh please.


you see, nightmare mode is a joke. i use a bow at this mode just to make it fun just a little bit. and i despise bows.

This duel alert of yours? really? i would rather rush a mission in less than 2 minutes.


p.s. a roleplaying aspect. You may be a "honorable" warrior. But you see, there are also efficient killers in this game who don't give a shhh about this honor of yours.

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next grineer lancer is more fun than stalker.


You see, i am bored. DE fails to provide us a content that actually challenging. From update to update game becomes more easier, and as it now it's effortless. Basically the only challenge you can have in this game is to create new account and make through mercury. After that, it is over because difficulty level goes down very fast.


So before introducing some new content like this arena of yours, it would be nice to have something to do when you have every item in this game, formaed multiple times. Funny thing that i don't have a single mission where i can utilize my arsenal to it's full potential.


Do you really think that any of this challenges of yours will stand against fully formad and maxed Lanka?

1) sudden death? lanka.

2)melee only: loki + orthos supercharged with dual mods.

3)secondary only: acrid + lethal torrent (5 stars)

4)primary? braton. do you know what dps braton have? screw braton - Ogris.

5)no abilities. oh please.


you see, nightmare mode is a joke. i use a bow at this mode just to make it fun just a little bit. and i despise bows.

This duel alert of yours? really? i would rather rush a mission in less than 2 minutes.


p.s. a roleplaying aspect. You may be a "honorable" warrior. But you see, there are also efficient killers in this game who don't give a shhh about this honor of yours.

I said more advanced AI and faster... trust me if they were faster then a speed max rush Loki, and could use abilities similar to Hayden to reflect your Ogris it would be a whole new story. They could even mix it up with using Excalibur's jump while running around the room, switch teleporting to perfectly time it with your ogris causing you to suicide yourself, they could use Volt's shield, they could use Mag's Bullet attractor. They could use a strange ability that makes your controls all wonky...


They don't have to be what we have seen in the game they could be above and beyond any of our expectations, they could be immune to abilities, they could be immune to knock down, they could be immune to explosive damage, or even solid round weapons forcing you to use your melee to beat them. Then they could have a counter ability when you use melee at the wrong time in their counter stance they could do some combo attack, or throw you across the room then open up in a barrage fire with a gorgon, or supra. They could start throwing teslas around, they could use Rollers. They could easily go crazy and start going Megaman X4 Mushroom on you by making copies of themselves that explode when they touch you and run very fast with crazy jumping acrobatics to keep up with you so they can chase you all over the room and blow you up. Your attacks don't go through them either and could easily be used to block your attack from hitting them. Maybe they can go ethereal. Maybe they turn invisible.


They could easily end up using the Cyber-Tech Soldier(Dark Sector) technique having a OgrisGorgon weapon that switches between the two while forcing you to destroy generators on their body, at the same time switch teleporting, turning visible, leaping around the room like a Stinger from Dark Sector and sticking to walls, all the while dropping tesla, rollers, bastilles, and shooting missiles off like a Raptor.

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cool. so tell me why would i need this kind of enemy on a pesky alerts when i want enemy of this level on my regular missions?

Because most players don't have acrid, Ogris, or flux rifle or prefer using their favs over OP weapons... As it is the game is TOO hard... Not even sure where people come off saying its easy... I can't even reach phorid, or Ambulas... I have never even seen them before... people bring them up and I am like wth is a Phorid, or Ambula. That's the issue the game is easy for everyone with OP weapons, harder for those trying to just enjoy the game.

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pfffft..... hahahahaaaa.


Oh god... you see i'm trying to enjoy game as well. But i can't. Because it's effortless. Aura system, Dual Mods, ClanTech weapons. The only challenge this game have is a grind for bps and mats.


And you think this alert system will bring back endgame players base? Or it will do you any good? This game is a progression game and one day you will face same problem that we are facing now. Lack of real endgame challenge. You see this game degraded from a coop game to solo game. Know why? because a player is a one man army. Unkillable and very deadly. And there is no enemy in this game that can match a player.


Artificial difficulty of High Level ED is removed. So last bastion on challenging gameplay have fallen in U9. And last thing, if you didn't get to phorid why are still here on a forum instead of trying to get to him? You have a lot of content to cover. Enjoy it while you can.

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pfffft..... hahahahaaaa.


Oh god... you see i'm trying to enjoy game as well. But i can't. Because it's effortless. Aura system, Dual Mods, ClanTech weapons. The only challenge this game have is a grind for bps and mats.


And you think this alert system will bring back endgame players base? Or it will do you any good? This game is a progression game and one day you will face same problem that we are facing now. Lack of real endgame challenge. You see this game degraded from a coop game to solo game. Know why? because a player is a one man army. Unkillable and very deadly. And there is no enemy in this game that can match a player.


Artificial difficulty of High Level ED is removed. So last bastion on challenging gameplay have fallen in U9. And last thing, if you didn't get to phorid why are still here on a forum instead of trying to get to him? You have a lot of content to cover. Enjoy it while you can.

So.... why are you playing then? Because I have been here since February just having a blast... I even reset my account for the joy of new game + and better use of my plat.


I have every weapon in the shop, I have ceramic dagger, and jaw sword... I have Ignis, Spectra, Dera, Supra, and Prova... I have every warframe in the game but Frost prime... I have maxed every warframe but Ember, Nyx, and Loki... I have maxed many of my primaries, Secondaries, and Melee weapons... I have all the sentinels. I have an amazing dojo with amazing clan mates... I have beaten most of the planets and stopped bothering with Eris, Pluto, and Ceres because they were pointlessly hard for nothing... No reason to even go that high in the first place... the best places in the game are Xini, and Venera when it comes to leveling... everywhere else is just fun to play at. I enjoy running Raid with weak weapons, and I enjoy running exterminate to see how many I can kill while stealth. Sometimes  I run in to gather rubedo so I can finish my flags in my dojo.


I create my own personal goals for fun and enjoy the game as it is... The game shouldn't be focused on pure Hardcore gaming... it should have a more creative flow, with lore, with interesting characters that grab your attention... back stories... chances to get a glimpse into your past... levels that change based on choices made through out the game.


Why should end game be epicly hard core enemies? How about building stuff? How about freely building our own levels, and enemies, and putting them up in a separate solar system where each player gets one level to design using resources they collected through out the game, and other players can enjoy it.


The game should just give interesting choices for different players... I personally don't want impossible enemies... I want fun things to do, things to collect... goals... story, epic scale tilesets with things that blow your mind... I would rather stare out into deserts of Phobos, or the winter lands of Venus then fight some Godly enemy to be honest...

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i am sure you will. i will not.


because if this is pve game i want pve content for every level of gameplay. you see actual flaw of this game already mentioned by you.


"I create my own goals" <--- see. this is where problem is. It's like High Level EDs were artificial goal, i remember some topics on this forum that one group of players made it to wave 70... but yet another group made it to 150. This is a failure actually of a game. Because players base inventing at least some challenges for themselfs because game's content fails to deliver.


I too have "my own" goal - it's to level serration and hornet strikes for every weapon i use. And sad truth is, that i almost done with that.


You see i am former pvp player, allas there is no decent mmo or fps worth playing. Also i don't have time to manage raids or make other players ingame life miserable (like you can't login in the game without being killed on spot, you and all your friends). So i play warframe because it's good session game, well it was before the moment when mobs lost their ability to kill my warframe.


I don't care about gimps on low levels with low weapons i do not care at all. I want a content that will provide satisfaction for me on my level of gaming. And after update after update DE are making this game more and more easy. So basically i am playing until i will have 5 maxed serrations and 2 hornet strikes and i almost there. I don't buy a platinum anymore, because i don't see a reason why.


Most of my friends and mates already done with this game because there is nothing to do. And i doubt that they will return here. And this circle:

new player-> mid player-> high level player->quit will continue to roll.


p.s. also these high level players invest a lot of real money in their frames and weapons and even sentinels.

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i am sure you will. i will not.


because if this is pve game i want pve content for every level of gameplay. you see actual flaw of this game already mentioned by you.


"I create my own goals" <--- see. this is where problem is. It's like High Level EDs were artificial goal, i remember some topics on this forum that one group of players made it to wave 70... but yet another group made it to 150. This is a failure actually of a game. Because players base inventing at least some challenges for themselfs because game's content fails to deliver.


I too have "my own" goal - it's to level serration and hornet strikes for every weapon i use. And sad truth is, that i almost done with that.


You see i am former pvp player, allas there is no decent mmo or fps worth playing. Also i don't have time to manage raids or make other players ingame life miserable (like you can't login in the game without being killed on spot, you and all your friends). So i play warframe because it's good session game, well it was before the moment when mobs lost their ability to kill my warframe.


I don't care about gimps on low levels with low weapons i do not care at all. I want a content that will provide satisfaction for me on my level of gaming. And after update after update DE are making this game more and more easy. So basically i am playing until i will have 5 maxed serrations and 2 hornet strikes and i almost there. I don't buy a platinum anymore, because i don't see a reason why.


Most of my friends and mates already done with this game because there is nothing to do. And i doubt that they will return here. And this circle:

new player-> mid player-> high level player->quit will continue to roll.


p.s. also these high level players invent a lot of real money in their frames and weapons and even sentinels.

then there is the problem... I passionately hate PVP MMOs with an intense passion and end my play time with them... I hate WoW, I hate dragon nest, vindictus, LoL, got bored rapidly with Mech Warrior online, Scarlet Blade, and just about every game out there... the only game I never got bored with was Gundam SD Capsule Online which by far I would be playing it now but they didn't update the game to handle being played on a superior computer which is rather sad...


I have played a lot of games and personally I was excited about Warhammer 40k Dark Millennium till it got turned into single player then canceled... Even now I have a feeling Bungie's new Destiny will be the dominant Sci-fi MMO of the future...


I hate having to go to silly dungeons and work around all these stupid stat systems that don't make any logical sense... I hated how most games needed you to go to said dungeon to get this thing in a certain way that was repeated and annoying with no real fun to it. I hated how games expect you to create a special path in order to be successful at all in the game with no real freedom... Even that horrible reach level 20 grind like hell till the next set of quest are available deal that occurs a lot in games(maybe they did that because there is not content that high up who knows, but even then people get that high and PVP)


You see that's what makes this game good for me and not for you... your a PVP expert, and pro... I die in every PVP game, I can't even play them without getting ultra cheap... Heck even in Tron: Evolution I spammed grenades to kill everyone... The only game I was able to play properly in PVP was Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, and Dark Crusade(Apparently Relic was really good at the PVP genre).


Then came Warframe... A game that beats all games functionality wise... its hard to explain but it has something beautiful to it that keeps me here... that keeps me satisfied... that makes me a customer, and a player with DE.


I know some of my ideas, and many others who were put down by the community have managed to get into the game. This is because their goal is not something to be expected for this game. Its unique... unusual... and quite frankly the best I have ever seen in my life... If this game had more features I would put this game next to THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD... Final Fantasy 7, and the second best the Metal Gear Series(as a Whole)


Today games focus on high end graphics, and meaningless gameplay... Warframe is doing something fantastic... So I am just happy with what we have I love all of it... I like changes though too... except for Rhino's new Bird poop iron skin...

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i see contradiction here.


see "meaningless gameplay" and "warframe doing something fantastic". I mean really. think about it.


also your statement that relic do good at pvp... look they didn't managed to balance each and every game they made. wh40k:sm have p2p! and this is tps! it is a failure right there. So your examples about good pvp game... just don't. ok? please. it's like if you say that cod or battlefield are games that inspires competitive gameplay. Or WoW is a good mmo.


anyway back to topic. See here the thing. I don't deal in half measures. If game allows me to create a character and weapon from the best mats possible i will make this weapon and this character, however i expect content that will allow me use that arsenal for 100% and possibly fail if i will make a mistake. As it now Warframe allows me to make such weapons and characters but on the other hand it fails to deliver content that will justify time and resources spent for making those weapons and characters. This includes money and time.


Also yes i am former pvp player and pvp officer, however i came to warframe not for pvp, but for pve. If i want pvp right now i will go to Dark Souls. There is a fight club and invasions and overall combat is just better. And character creation, many good stuff even roleplaying pvp. Warframe will never be a pvp game, which is good, because it will just ruin the game. But:


You see your idea with arena is not a bad one, just because it's optional, as alert you can decide for yourself do you want it or not. At least i hope you think it should be optional like assassination alert, one of many alert types. Because otherwise it's crap.


I want same for me, game allows me to make ultimate frames and ultimate weapons. I want a missions where i can put them to use. I want missions which are inspiring coop gameplay and thoughtful choosing of team roster. I want mission where i can use let say Trinity over Rhino. Or Mag over Nova or Saryn. Because "fantastic four" missions roster is rather sad and boring. I want optional mode for let say past rank 10 players that actually challenging, that will requre thinking, that will require coordination... and even "skill" ffs.


Problem is that i think DE can't pull this out. They can't make a missions that will requie teamplay over rush. You see i rush, a lot. Because i know that mobs can't hurt me. They can't stop me. I also know that killing them all let say on a Capture mission is just a waste of time. Xp wise, mods wise, mats wise it's just a waste. I would rather run Kappa or Kiste for the same time and i will get more xp, mods and mats.


Am i wrong that i want to enjoy this game? I don't think so.

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p.s. also these high level players invent a lot of real money in their frames and weapons and even sentinels.


You have no proof of that. High level players have less incentive to spend money than lower or medium level players because they're better at the game and can put in more hours. Hence, they can (note, I am not saying WILL) grind out more things for free.

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i see contradiction here.


see "meaningless gameplay" and "warframe doing something fantastic". I mean really. think about it.


also your statement that relic do good at pvp... look they didn't managed to balance each and every game they made. wh40k:sm have p2p! and this is tps! it is a failure right there. So your examples about good pvp game... just don't. ok? please. it's like if you say that cod or battlefield are games that inspires competitive gameplay. Or WoW is a good mmo.


anyway back to topic. See here the thing. I don't deal in half measures. If game allows me to create a character and weapon from the best mats possible i will make this weapon and this character, however i expect content that will allow me use that arsenal for 100% and possibly fail if i will make a mistake. As it now Warframe allows me to make such weapons and characters but on the other hand it fails to deliver content that will justify time and resources spent for making those weapons and characters. This includes money and time.


Also yes i am former pvp player and pvp officer, however i came to warframe not for pvp, but for pve. If i want pvp right now i will go to Dark Souls. There is a fight club and invasions and overall combat is just better. And character creation, many good stuff even roleplaying pvp. Warframe will never be a pvp game, which is good, because it will just ruin the game. But:


You see your idea with arena is not a bad one, just because it's optional, as alert you can decide for yourself do you want it or not. At least i hope you think it should be optional like assassination alert, one of many alert types. Because otherwise it's crap.


I want same for me, game allows me to make ultimate frames and ultimate weapons. I want a missions where i can put them to use. I want missions which are inspiring coop gameplay and thoughtful choosing of team roster. I want mission where i can use let say Trinity over Rhino. Or Mag over Nova or Saryn. Because "fantastic four" missions roster is rather sad and boring. I want optional mode for let say past rank 10 players that actually challenging, that will requre thinkig, that will require coordination... and even "skill" ffs.


Problem is that i think DE can't pull this out. They can't make a missions that will requie teamplay over rush. You see i rush, a lot. Because i know that mobs can't hurt me. They can't stop me. I also know that killing them all let say on a Capture mission is just a waste of time. Xp wise, mods wise, mats wise it's just a waste. I would rather run Kappa or Kiste for the same time and i will get more xp, mods and mats.


Am i wrong that i want to enjoy this game? I don't think so.

o.O what.... Relic has never failed once in PVP... All the factions were balanced for what they should do... cadians overwhelm, Space marines deep strike right in your face, taus have overwhelming fire power, Eldar Teleport, Chaos was brutal... etc etc... The game was set up just right to make sense... and with good strategy and a well chosen level any faction could win. Space Marine was an amazingly balanced PVP... the best one yet when it comes to pure 3rd person PVP shooter.


Also yes it is an optional alert... something that will pop up and people can try their luck with a randomized enemy, with randomized loadouts, and abilities.  Something you wouldn't expect in a one, on one... instead of four people just blowing an enemy up. There are a lot of people who wish there was a few things to do just solo... as it is we craft things alone... no one helps us(I wish people could give resources to help out) So how about a random enemy that challenges the Tenno to a duel one, on one...


Edit: also last two paragraphs... What do you mean you want to use a trinity over a Rhino? just use it she works just fine... Also Mag is OP she can stun enemies for awhile with her ultimate... not sure why you would feel Saryn is even remotely better... Saryn is absolutely terrible as a whole... she isn't even a logical Warframe that makes any real sense to ever use against anything shes improperly balanced for wonky combat... Mag however is a clean, smooth, properly polished warframe, with an insanely powerful Ultimate... its like using Frost avalanche(with season 2 head) against infested (and max focus, max stretch) His power is incredible against the infested and he outright destroys them like a beast(maybe more powerful then mag due to the head) You can be optional I do it all the time.


Infact me and a Nova had a competition( there was a saryn unranked no ultimate, and one other who wasn't much help either) To see which is better Frost using only avalanche, or Nova just going crazy. In the end she was taken down by an ancient and I froze the ancient that killed her while the Saryn revived her. I eventully did kill the ancient before she got up again. Proof anything can be used anywhere...

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i don't want solo. i run this game solo because there is little sense to run it in group. these "new" Phobos bosses... ppppft.


"hardest assassination mission for you tenno" oh Lotus please. I solo them with Loki. Like 20 runs of 30 i made solo. Only missions that requires teamplay is a god damned EDs. And now it's just stay here spamm bastille, snowglobe and shoot them. Because your energy will never end. Wow. And this is so called "endgame" content. Even armor scaling system only affects time for a wave and nothing else. And even this doesn't matter because vauban will lose like 2 energy per cast and frost will not lose energy at all. And i am not taking into consideration constitution mod.


Where is my coop gameplay? Where is challenge? i wanna see my warframe on a ground at least once... incapacitated by mobs, not by ogris shot because i am drunk or some dumbass run infront of me.


See there is a common problem we have. What we want ain't gonna happen. In your case it's rather limited group of people will have same desire, also ai programming is like net code programming. It's hard. In my case DE just can't make it. Because with current Warframe it is almost impossible and remaking entire game mechanics is troublesome but a loss of some % of players base is not a big deal, they will be replaced. And i don't believe that every player is important to DE. I am not in that age to believe in fairytales.


However DE is doing a great job with fairytales, just look at design council forum. Illusion of power in all it's glory.


p.s. about relic. just ask any player from top 50. any player. is relic good at balancing? you will have your answer. And this answer is no, they always screw things up and never finish what they started. DoW, DoW2, HW. And spacemarine... sorry it may be fun, but it's not good when p2p is in action. Hell even CoH2 now have issues. And CoH2 have only two factions.

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i don't want solo. i run this game solo because there is little sense to run it in group. these "new" Phobos bosses... ppppft.


"hardest assassination mission for you tenno" oh Lotus please. I solo them with Loki. Like 20 runs of 30 i made solo. Only missions that requires teamplay is a god damned EDs. And now it's just stay here spamm bastille, snowglobe and shoot them. Because your energy will never end. Wow. And this is so called "endgame" content. Even armor scaling system only affects time for a wave and nothing else. And even this doesn't matter because vauban will lose like 2 energy per cast and frost will not lose energy at all. And i am not taking into consideration constitution mod.


Where is my coop gameplay? Where is challenge? i wanna see my warframe on a ground at least once... incapacitated by mobs, not by ogris shot because i am drunk or some dumbass run infront of me.


See there is a common problem we have. What we want ain't gonna happen. In your case it's rather limited group of people will have same desire, also ai programming is like net code programming. It's hard. In my case DE just can't make it. Because with current Warframe it is almost impossible and remaking entire game mechanics is troublesome but a loss of some % of players base is not a big deal, they will be replaced. And i don't believe that every player is important to DE. I am not in that age to believe in fairytales.


However DE is doing a great job with fairytales, just look at design council forum. Illusion of power in all it's glory.


p.s. about relic. just ask any player from top 50. any player. is relic good at balancing? you will have your answer. And this answer is no, they always screw things up and never finish what they started. DoW, DoW2, HW. And spacemarine... sorry it may be fun, but it's not good when p2p is in action. Hell even CoH2 now have issues. And CoH2 have only two factions.

How hard could it be to Program one fancy randomized enemy to pop up and cause trouble... besides I never said its end game content... its just random fun to deal with... It could happen. Besides its not like your really contributing. I mean if you know how to fix DE's problem why not make the worlds longest post about it... not one that says what they are doing wrong, but one that tells literally in every little detail, in every little flaw, in every level, progaming, AI, actions, functions... everything how DE should fix it all...


If all you can do is put things down, then maybe you need to stop. I am simply throwing out an interesting concept that would be fun to do in the game at random. Not how to fix all their problems.

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how hard can it be... hmm hard. ai programming or programming in general is difficult. they are not making "hello word" or they are not making circles on colorful background. there is actually walls of code even for very simple move.


and amount of "if" and "then" for let say a grineer lancer is big enough. waypoints. spawn system mechanics, los, ai for mission type. DE are doing a lot of work actually.


so let say they would make such an enemy for alert, tell me why waste this potential on alert mission when they can move that enemy on regular missions?

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how hard can it be... hmm hard. ai programming or programming in general is difficult. they are not making "hello word" or they are not making circles on colorful background. there is actually walls of code even for very simple move.


and amount of "if" and "then" for let say a grineer lancer is big enough. waypoints. spawn system mechanics, los, ai for mission type. DE are doing a lot of work actually.


so let say they would make such an enemy for alert, tell me why waste this potential on alert mission when they can move that enemy on regular missions?

Simply... as mentioned in the past the reason the AI is terrible because they have to adapt to every room they walk in, due to the fact its a randomized Tileset. If the levels were the same coding the enemies would be easy. So therefore if you stick the AI in a room that never changes or has them leaving the AI could be perfected to allow them to use the entire room correctly... (Then again Vor, and Kril getting it on at Phobos is a whole new ball game even I can't understand)

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