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General Updates and what they can cause


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Hey Guys,

Im pretty new to the Game, though im playin with many veterans also via discord and Ts.

And there are some things i noticed that i would like to adress:

There seem to be an ongoin Problem with the intended changes to make the Game better, and true some of em seem to be reasonable but most of em either are destroyin the Fun or completly the intention or will to keep on playin Warframe in mx opion and what i heared from other players.

For instance to take away the possibilty to hit though walls or Objectiv is for sure a good thing to prevent unattentioned Gameplay and im complety on it, but givin those ability to the enemy is just ridicouls and kinda defeats the purpose of it.

In the next Step the will to remove scaling from meele attacks and counter that with a bit higher base stats would lead to make the zaws, and just any meele wep just useless for Endgame/ High lvl scaling content. It worked before and zaws are pretty new to the Game so i really dont get what that should be archieve as it worked before.

If there are changes it should be to the damage and resistent Damge itself, true this would cause more Work for DE but there are just a few Mods and combos for real high lvl content and not many variations you can play around with. And this would increase the Fun rather then takin it away.

Guess also many are aware that a many players left after takin away the 8ppl Raids, and I see this happin again just with a Higher amount of ppl leavin.

Also nervin Frames that were fine for many years and then be changed just because some "bigger Influencers or wales" are not liking it also took away some playerbase. Cause if DE just listin to those and not the Comminuty as a total Could lead ppl to the conclusion DE just dont care at all. And sure they are a Company, and any company wants to make money and not justify ppl however they should be more carefull on how they approch these cases.

Again that will just decrease the Playerbase which none of us likes or wants, less money for DE and less players for us.

And honestly i really like Wareframe adn was suggestiing it on many forums and yt, and i really hope DE rethinks there approches otherwise ME and many others have to revert that suggestiion.

Last Thing i want to mentioned with the recents things happens in regards to Loot Chest nd all that jazz, it could also effect Warframe as some of those casino procedures  as they call it are also implemented in Wareframe.

Loking Forward to get some reasonable changes, and hopefully keep on playin Wareframe.


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9 minutes ago, Leitwolf000 said:

but givin those ability to the enemy is just ridicouls and kinda defeats the purpose of it.

It was a joke. Everytime DE puts out a update/patch or hotfix if you are in the game they put info to tell you what's going on and make a few jokes and that was one

Edited by (XB1)BigLithuanian
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I'd say first play the game, dont hang out too much with veterans, because you get to that spot where you think you know the game, but you truly only know somebody else's opinion of it. Speaking from experience, it took me a very long time to experience some frames for example just because the general idea in the vet group was that "they are terrible, they shouldnt exist blah blah blah" but I ended up liking them when I gave them a go.

Try your own hand at these new features, you are fairly new, you are looking at it through a fresh, generally unbiased, perspective. Then let us know what you yourself experienced and feel.

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3 minutes ago, VadiseReikaz said:

general idea in the vet group was that "they are terrible, they shouldnt exist blah blah blah" but I ended up liking them when I gave them a go.

Vets don't know everything even if we say we do, so if we say a Warframe is trash it means we hate it, don't listen and give the frame a shot if you want to

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb Leitwolf000:

Hey Guys,

Im pretty new to the Game, though im playin with many veterans also via discord and Ts

You should try to make upyour own mind, form your own opinion.

There are a bunch of selfproclaimed 'vets' who think they know what's best for the game.

However, most of those people are jhust plain stupid. that's a fact.

Just as it is a fact that Warframes playernumbers have been steadily growing since.... well... since the beginning....

And this kinda disprooves thoise nutjobs and doomsayers.

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so. ive played for almost 3 years now. and this is what i have to say about it.

ever since the introduction of maiming strike about 2 years back. melee has not been fine. at all. people have abused the crap out of it. only using spintowin with whips.

they also said they'd increase base melee damage significantly. although i doubt that they will actually go through with removing the combo counter thing since there is a huge amount of backlash.

furthermore. they had a new damage system. but it was scrapped completely after comunity backlash.

and about the raid thing. the percentage of players who even played raids was in the single digits. and the amount of players who played them daily was even lower. why the hell do you think arcanes where so expensive? 

i dont get what you're going on about with the nerfing frames part. the saryn change was on all levels a buff. and DE cares about the player base more than your average development team. as shown by the fact that they litterally took out a plat sink because players where using too much platinum in too short a time period (a randomize button for kubrow appearance)

there will always be people that dislike a decision. especially when your playercount is 31 million registered losers.  even if half a million people leave. they'll gain that amount back pretty damn easily. 



also. fix your writing. for the love of everyone that ever needs to read anything from you.

Edited by SupremeDutchGamer
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22 minutes ago, Leitwolf000 said:

Also nervin Frames that were fine for many years and then be changed just because some "bigger Influencers or wales" are not liking it

Are you saying that "whales" (players who spend a lot of money on platinum) are somehow directly communicating with DE and forcing changes against the wishes of the rest of the playerbase? That's one of the weirdest conspiracy theories I've ever heard. This isn't the US political system. People don't buy platinum to have a voice; they buy platinum to have shiny Primes and cosmetics.

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I just realised the ironiy in Letiwolf000's name.

Leitwolf is german for alphawolf and yet he takes the time to write a long essay about problem he only heared of from a small number of players who feels the need to call themself 'veterans' in order to validate their points of view. *rolleyes*

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Am 17.5.2018 um 18:43 schrieb (XB1)BigLithuanian:

They buffed Saryn if that's what your talking about and for Chroma he was the literal definition of broken because his abilities were working in a unintended way

I was specially talkin bout mesa, but same goes for Saryn and her buff.

Disapointing to see theres another Frame that just nukes mostly everything in eos. Genreally speakin there should be a balance, and DE clearly seem to have to intention in doin that.

Just do a few Eos runs and 96% of players are in there is volt and Saryn and maybe a Trin for Mana. There are many other Things and Bugs that could need some work on, instead it was used for lighting effects, hurray!


@Grayarchon, no hat i wanted to mention is that they pay more attention to the Youtubers e.g. than the Community as a whole. It would be pretty easy to implement a vote within the Game to gather some informations whether the particular Frames nor Weapons are fine or should be reworked.

Sure there are dev streams and so on, however if ur game isnt set to the right langue and region you wont even get a notice ingame that theres an Dev Stream, Prime Time or whatever and you wont just get all the players into the Forum to vote.

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Am 18.5.2018 um 23:26 schrieb Leitwolf000:

There are many other Things and Bugs that could need some work on, instead it was used for lighting effects, hurray!

You are an idiot. (Spoileralert: no surprise there....)

Somebody who is aducated in working on lithing effects does not nessecarily have the knowledge to fix mechanical bugs.

Programming comanies employ a lot of differnt jobs, different specialists.

Instead of throwing a tantrum like a little child you should use your time to become knowladgeable about computer science.

Every last letter you wrote here is entirely useless static.

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@Leitwolf000 don't listen to these rude fools. It seems like you actually have a fairly good handle on the way DE handles things. This melee "rework" for example. DE sees a bunch of people who don't understand the melee damage calculations complaining about Maiming Strike, and they use that as an excuse to nerf melee without actually doing anything to Maiming Strike. What people are actually complaining about when they say, "I'm sick of seeing people whip entire rooms to death and then I have nothing to kill" is actually a +Range +Attack Speed +Combo Timer whip riven, not Maiming Strike by itself, though it does factor into the build. They simply don't know why you would want a riven like that or what it does. DE could have easily fixed this by reducing Scoliac riven disposition to one dot, however, those rivens sell for 4-6,000 platinum, so there's no way that was going to happen. Instead, they do what they've been doing, and keep going after our ability to kill efficiently. Contrary to the exaggerated lies people tell, you don't see everyone using a maiming whip, and if they are, they aren't sticking themselves to a wall like in the gif DE used as evidence. That gif is the equivalent of someone saying "Gun's are bad" and then shooting a kitten to prove a point. It's the most deranged and least likely example, and it was being done on purpose when it's not something someone in their right mind would do in the first place.

So my advice? Play with whoever you like, and use whatever you like on whatever mission type you like, just don't get too attached to your gear. If you're having fun, go for it, if not, screw it, there are plenty of other games.

Also, @Walkampf

1 hour ago, Walkampf said:

You are an idiot. (Spoileralert: no surprise there....)

Somebody who is aducated in working on lithing effects does not nessecarily have the knowledge to fix mechanical bugs.

Programming comanies employ a lot of differnt jobs, different specialists.

Instead of throwing a tantrum like a little child you should use your time to become knowladgeable about computer science.

Every last letter you wrote here is entirely useless static.

Perhaps you should learn how to use the spell check function and proper grammar before you go insulting other people's intelligence.

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb Hyohakusha:

Also, @Walkampf

Perhaps you should learn how to use the spell check function and proper grammar before you go insulting other people's intelligence.

Well, not everbodies native tongue is english.... sooooo.... yeh.....

U a nat ohnly a wee bit racist, but if you have to grammar-nazi iabout somebodies points instead of actually addressing and disprooving them, then this only shows how weak your own view on the topic at hand actually is...

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