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Regarding Mag


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Since the update two changes with mag have seriously began to bug me. Now to be honest I run her prime variant as my Mainframe, and as I fell in love with her I decided to purchase the Ferros Tennogen skin as I really appreciated the look of the helmet, and honestly was the main hook for me. I did proceed to buy said skin and have loved it since, HOWEVER, with the recent update, there has been rework on the FX of the Ferros helmet and I DO NOT like it one bit. It has lost depth, and seems to be more of a "solid energy" versus balance of energy suspended in empty space. Seeing as this skin, which is a cosmetic I purchased STRICTLY for the appearance of it, cost me $7.00, I would greatly appreciate this being looked into, otherwise, and IDK how, but Id want a refund to get a skin that I do enjoy and NOT have it altered after I purchase it.

Now my second concern with Mag is that her second ability is greatly nerfed after editing the projectiles to "behave in a more logical way" as it enters her Magnetize, seeing as most projectiles do not actually stay within the cast bubbles and instead curve but continue through, as well as Enemies are able to pass through said Magnetize bubbles with ease, absolutely rendering the ability Useless, and untrue to its description which is: "Creates a magnetic field around a target, ensnaring nearby enemies and dealing damage over time. The field reacts to bullets and shards created from polarize to increase damage." Despite the fact that many people don't care for Mag, I for one really appreciate her skill set as it was and would love to see her glory restored as she is my Mainframe and I feel like shes out of commission until this is resolved

TLDR; Ferros Skin helmet looks uglier, unhappy with changes taking place after paying for a cosmetic item

Her 2nd ability isnt living up to the description, not functioning as intended


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Yeah, I started to notice the curving problem as well with enemy projectiles. It seems as though magnetize's defensive ability was nerfed with this recent change.

Prior to the fix, you were (for the most part) able to use the magnetize bubble as a defensive ability, similar to Limbo's Cataclysm. Bullets fired into the bubble would immediately be redirected to the center. The immediate redirection of bullets made it quite effective as a shield if you were to move to the opposite side of the bubble, but with the recent patch, it has been weakened significantly. Instead of enemy bullets immediately being redirected to the center, they will arc around the entire bubble; the problem is that you'll inevitably be struck by the arcing bullets if you stand in the bubble. The same problem arises from enemies firing from the center of the magnetize bubble; they are able to hit you even though you're at the edge of the bubble.

I was under the assumption that this would be a simple visual fix, but instead it turns out to be a hidden Mag nerf.

Edited by Evil
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I didn't get a chance to play Mag after the changes yet (was too busy rediscovering Saryn), but if it's true about Magnetize, then it's a huge deal. While Mag is more tanky now with the overshields from Crush, in higher level content you still want to rely on Magnetize to survive. Without it, she's way less versatile, and I'm sure that wasn't the intention. 

It would be great if we got a confirmation whether this was intended. 

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You got part of the description wrong


The field reacts to bullets and shards created from polarize to increase damage."

This part refers to how the bubble itself increases its damage by absorbing damage from bullets and shards. Strangely enough, is also the part that doesn't scale with ability strength to increase damage even further.

There were changes and bugs lately that are really killing the variety of weapons worth using. Drakgoon is one of the weapons that was perfect for magnetize, but the increase in flight speed made it impossible to keep the pellets inside the bubble. Pellets enter the bubble at such high speed that they disperse and escape it. Miter is either bugged or nerfed intentionally, as it hits enemies only once, so having high punch-through is worthless cuz it won't do further damage. 

As for the Ferro Helmet, I've noticed the change as well and don't really like it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have no issue with damage output since the change, but Christ they seem to have nerfed Magnetize's defensive ability. You're basically dead if you step inside your own bubbles with enemies inside shooting. I guess we can adapt, but this was an unnecessary nerf to Mag imo. Maybe unintended? It really nerfs her bubble by a lot 😕

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